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On contagion...


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To those of you who are fans of colds and contagion... I'm FB friends with one of the members of parliament, and she obviously meets a lot of important people every day. Thing is, she frequently catches colds, which she comments on in her FB statuses, but she never takes sick days; she pops Ibuprofen and goes on about her business as usual.

She is attractive, but I'm kind of creeped out at thinking how rapidly someone like her could spread stuff like the swine flu across the world.

I just thought about it right now as she commented on running a fever but still being on a dinner with some ambassadeurs. Some stuff to fuel your dreams, and my nightmares. :lol:

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Jormungandr could not have said it better. Imagination yes, reality very very very much no.

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^^ Agreed. Reading this, knowing it was something that happened in real life, I'm 0% :naughty: and 100%, "HARUMPH, HOW INCONSIDERATE. :schmoll: "

It's still interesting, though. I wonder what the process for diplomats taking sick days is like.

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Agree with everything in this thread. Makes me think of the movie Contagion, at ths end, when you can see how it started and spread, and just like any other horror movie you're yelling at the people shit that just seems so obvious like "WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS !" Blech to the umpteenth degree.

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Makes me think of the movie Contagion, at ths end, when you can see how it started

Oh gods that movie... It's brilliant because they've taken such a simple, trivial thing (symptom vise and the whole "it's just a cold, who cares" attitude people have) and turned it into something very disasterous.

My opinion seems to be pretty different from the opinions of others who have posted in this thread, lol. If someone who I find attractiv does this my heart will definitely melt and I'll be there like "holy shit how adorably hot aww their sense of duty overcomes their need to take care of themselves awww".


This might also be a cultural thing (in some degree)?

There still seems to be a bit of a carry-your-responsibilities-or-die-trying attitude here.

As a side note there was a study some time (a year? Two years?) ago of who are most and least likely to take a day off due to illness (by profession) and doctors were the least likely group, lol.

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akes me think of the movie Contagion, at ths end, when you can see how it started and spread, and just like any other horror movie you're yelling at the people shit that just seems so obvious like "WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS !"

Hahah. I haven't watched the movie, but I have seen films like

Planet of the Apes, where Patient 0 sneezes blood openly on a guy, releasing the deadly strain of virus on humanity...

I've also watched The Stand. *shudders* And yes, how easily washing your hands properly can

save many. Now if only people called in when they were genuinely sick... but I guess with all all that sick leave

pooled up. Anywho, It's one thing to go to work sick prepared to withhold bodily fluids (face mask) and washing hands regularly, it's another to

step in hacking and sneezing uncovered and being touchy. saflkj. But the most responsible action would be to stay home and

be coddled instead of stressing and adding fuel to the illness, and risking to spread said illness.

It is not a test of character on whether or not a person can successfully work even when sick.

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