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Observations at airport (M)


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At an airport, I saw a man in his early 50s who looked like Brent Spiner looks these days (like Spiner's current photo on Twitter where he is holding a martini glass).

The man was bent over his iPhone, listening to a podcast I think. Suddenly he starts fumbling around in his right front trousers pocket and pulls out an unfolded white handkerchief with a striped border, and gives his nose a few quick blows, one-handed, then stuffed his handkerchief back in his pocket. After that I discretely kept my eye on him, off and on, but no further observations.

Earlier that day at an airport, I saw another guy in his mid-50s, kind of stout, a New Jersey type. He had eaten some breakfast snacks and was throwing away his trash near me. He took out a white handkerchief from his left front trousers pocket, completely unfolded it, and gave his nose a few hinks. It looked like he was about to,put his hanky away when he realized he hadn't completely cleared it. So with an almost angry look on his face, he gave some more hinks and then crammed the hanky back where it belonged.

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