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Rewarded for my MRI (M)


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So yeah, another small obs that I felt would be good to share with you all ^_^

It's small and simple so I hope someone likes it :lol:

So today I had to get some MRIs done at this Imagery place at 6:30 in the damn morning. God forbid everyone from being an afternoon patient. But I'm really glad I went!

I was finishing up my second scan when it happened. I was being realed out from the machine, and just as my head came out, I heard the slightest hitch of breath. I quickly pulle dmyself on my elbows and cought the first one. It sounded sorta like this 'Hh-KSCHH!' It was semi uncovered. His hand was hovering in front of his face and his head bopped. My heart lept. This was too good to be true, right? Right???

So I go to sit up fully and bless him whe he takes in another breath, delivering another 'Nk-KSCHH'eh!' again, not even trying to cover. He shakes his head ever slightly and delivers a thrid! 'KSHH'oo!' My heart melted. A the adarble little sniffles afterwords nearly killed me. He muttered a quiet 'scuse me' before helping me down. I offered a shaky bless you. I could see the blush on his cheeks. He was a bit older than me by looks, but omg that was just perfect. I don't believe he was sick, and he didn't mention allergies. Maybe it was just dumb luck? Don't know, don't care. I just know I got to witness a happy leave :D

So this was my lovely morning. How was yours? :lol:

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Don't know what MRI Is but hope you get better soon.

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Aw, I hope you're feeling alright. And that's such a lovely surprise! How nice that it was three, as well, and happened when you could see them. (Also, very sexy spellings of the sneezes. ^^ )

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