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Administrators, could you please help me with this?


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Hi! So, i'm sure you'll probably have the ability to delete accounts right? Think you could delete mine? I swear this isn't like a hack, or troll or anything. I've just been thinking about it, and i know that I've only been on here a short while, but i just would rather not stay on for private reasons. It has nothing to do with the site, and it's quality, or any of the awesome people I've met, it's just my choice but i can't seem to find a way to delete my account on my own. If there is a way in the option "My Profile" so i don't have to bother you, i'm not validated so i couldn't access it. Also just to clarify, the validation process isn't why i'm leaving either. Y'all have been awesome, this is just something I've decided to do. Thanks!

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I know I'm not a administrator but they don't delete accounts for various reasons what they could do is lock your account in case you come back or if you never sign in again eventually it be purged it self for inactivety.

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Hello, Skymist~!

I am also not an admin, but I would say your best bet to get this issue to the staff quickly is to use the "Contact Us!" feature :). pikachu78 is right, we cannot delete your account, but there is a chance we can lock it for you if this is truly what you need.

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Hi Skymist--- this got a bit hidden in the Off Topic forum, so I apologize that no one from Staff has replied! Yes, the others are correct in that we generally just suspend unwanted accounts. I will PM you with more information and you can reply with what you'd like to do.

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