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What are the different ranks you can get on the forum and what are the features (benefits) of each rank?

Watercolor Daydreams

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I feel like there was already a post listing each rank (i.e. "Newbie", "Centurion") along with each rank's features, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Would anybody mind either posting the link to the list or relisting each rank/its features? Thank you so much! :)

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It's kind of confusing actually, because the titles that go under your username (like "Newbie," "Centurion," etc.) don't mean anything insofar as privileges/benefits go - they're basically cosmetic and just indicate how many posts you've made until/unless you reach the point at which you can have a custom user title.

The thing you wanna pay attention to is the little blue box under your avatar - those are what indicate the privileges currently available to you on the forum. Those are all listed in this thread, except for Patron, which you can get by donating. I'm not 100% sure what the benefits of it are, though. Actually, VIP and Honoured aren't listed there either, but they're mostly for former Staff members/people who have contributed to the forum in some significant way (I arranged the forum's Secret Santa this past year, for example).

I hope that helps!

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Those are all listed in this thread,

YES THANK YOU, that was the post I was looking for, haha :)

Thank you!

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I never noticed the differences or purposes of the blue boxes until now. 0_0

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