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Help with validating?


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I've been part of this website for nearing a year and I'm still waiting to be validated...can someone explain to me why? I've tried emailing the people (about a month ago) who run the group and I've yet to hear something, I've tried sending a message over here, but it won't send because I'm not validated.

I've not done anything rude or said anything nasty, I've commented on the stories that I really like giving good feedback.

I mean I think I've been farely patient. I'm sorry it's fine to this but I am just a tad frustrated.


Here's the staff's thread on how to get validated. Hope that helps.


Short answer- Staff don't validate below 50 posts, because they want to get a real feel for the person who is joining.

Membership allows access to personal blogs, profiles, and IM and chat - so Staff wants to be as **sure** as they can that a person given those privileges won't abuse them. The thread on validation gives some overall idea for what Staff looks at and what things will help (ex: patience and getting involved in a variety of areas on the forum) and what things won't ("resurrecting" 927429 threads to say "nice" is one example).

Also, just to let you know- the "Contact Us" will work to send a mass pm to the Staff. It works for *everyone* - including non-validated people.

All the best! :)


I've tried emailing the people (about a month ago) who run the group and I've yet to hear something

Hi Turtles

We received your message in the staff email account on 29 June and replied to you within a day, but perhaps you never received it for some reason or didn't see it. Anyway, I will copy and paste the message (which includes the link helpfully provided above by Junia, together with some other information) and send it to you by PM.



Yeah I'm trying to get validated too but I'm not going to message or email the staff because that's a tad bit impatient lolz it'll eventually happen I suppose, even though other people have made less posts than me and are getting membership but all things in time.


I will check my email again. Sorry. It might have gone to my junk folder.

Yeah I was a tad impatient, I just want to use the site to its full extent and it's a bit frustrating that's all.


I tried all the links sent and I got sent to a page that had '404 page not found' on it.

But I get that I need to comment 50 times or something on stories or posts?


If you take the /forums bit out of the urls you received you'll be able to access the threads. The forum was upgraded yesterday and the URL was changed without warning, so that's why they're 404ing.


Yeah I'm trying to get validated too but I'm not going to message or email the staff because that's a tad bit impatient lolz it'll eventually happen I suppose, even though other people have made less posts than me and are getting membership but all things in time.

We assess people based on the quality of posts and their contribution to the forum, rather than the quantity (although a minimum of 50 posts is required before that assessment will take place). However, we also want to assess members over a period of time (a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks) so as you joined on 8 July 2015, you haven't yet been with us long enough for your first assessment to take place.

I hope that clarifies things for you.

I tried all the links sent and I got sent to a page that had '404 page not found' on it.

But I get that I need to comment 50 times or something on stories or posts?

That's correct - you need to make a minimum of 50 posts before your account will even be reviewed for validation. However, as mentioned above, we are looking for a positive contribution, so 50 posts that just thank people or say "nice story" won't be enough in itself to get you validated (although it's not against the rules to make such posts).

The links I sent you by PM were just before the forum upgrade and unfortunately, don't currently work, due to an unforeseen change in the forum's url (for technical reasons), but we are working on fixing this.

However, you can get round this in the way that Junia describes above. In addition, the link to "How do I get validated?" that I provide below, should work (fingers crossed).



*cringes* I was trying to be empathetic and express the need to be patient now it looks like you're mad at me lolz I already know I haven't been here very long I'm just enjoying the hell out of it while I'm here even though I'm walking on eggshells half the time cause I'm scared to death of getting warning points (I'm paranoid, forgive me) by the way the 404 thing kept happening all night last night and most of this morning I finally found a "back door" into the site through Bondi's Wav Page haha the same way I originally found the site actually and it worked just fine. have now changed the bookmark and finally saw the announcement that there was an update going to take place...yay me.


*cringes* I was trying to be empathetic and express the need to be patient now it looks like you're mad at me

We're not mad at you :P

I just wanted to take the opportunity to clarify the system, in view of your comment about others being validated despite having fewer posts than you. It was also a good chance to remind all newer and/or unvalidated members of how the system works.

Glad you are enjoying the forum!


Haha I kinda figured y'all weren't actually mad but I'm used to bold meaning the same as ALL CAPS...which is usually mad lolz I can't wait till I've been here long enough for y'all to start considering me for validation though seriously, this site is probably one of the best things to happen in my life I don't feel like such a freak anymore

Posted (edited)

Haha I kinda figured y'all weren't actually mad but I'm used to bold meaning the same as ALL CAPS...which is usually mad lolz I can't wait till I've been here long enough for y'all to start considering me for validation though seriously, this site is probably one of the best things to happen in my life I don't feel like such a freak anymore

Redi, some Staff members (including myself, clearly), and possibly some members (I'm not sure), have taken to temporarily responding to quoted text in bold type, because the "quote" function isn't quite back to working after the recent Forum upgrade, and so it can be hard to tell where a quoted earlier post ends and the new poster's reply begins. I promise it's just a temporary style choice made out of necessity, and nothing to do you with you personally. :)

Edited by myownprivatesfc

Ummm... *tentatively raises hand* . about the Quote Function not working. Here is a suggestion to avoid the bolding- if it might end up misconstrued as far as tone. What if you italicized the quoted section? Just a thought.

Posted (edited)

Ummm... *tentatively raises hand* . about the Quote Function not working. Here is a suggestion to avoid the bolding- if it might end up misconstrued as far as tone. What if you italicized the quoted section? Just a thought.

Makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion, tma! :hug:

Edited by myownprivatesfc

Validation isn't everything. The less you feel you NEED!!!! it, the more balanced and nuanced and well-punctuated and correctly spelled and fun to read your posts will become, and this will all help you get validated sooner. Beware of posting desperation, because that will always have the opposite of the desired effect. As Joal pointed out: it's quality, not quantity that counts.


Makes sense. Thanks for the suggestion, tma!

Glad that it made sense. :) I like feeling helpful. *helpful otter dance*

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