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What trivial thing has made you feel more grown up?

Joal 555

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-When somebody at my University asks me what year I'm in. This one's mixed because I am usually (always) assumed to be an undergrad, but telling people I'm a second year grad student makes me feel both old and fancy. (There's also novelty to it right now, I've only been a second year for three weeks)

-Packing my lunch for the day the night before

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Getting socks for Christmas! When I was younger it seemed like the most boring present ever now it is absolutely one of the best. I didn't get any last year and I was so disappointed.

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Having my own pets is one for me. Animals were always a sort of "communal" effort when I lived with my family, they didn't belong to any one person and we all took part in feeding, exercise, booking sick visits, etc. Making the conscious decision to go acquire a life and be solely responsible for it when I had my own apartment was sort of a trip! Like, "... wait, am I allowed to do this? Am I forgetting something major? I've got their food all researched and picked out, their creature comforts, their vet appointments made... omg!"

Hell, I've been out of my mom's house for years now, I'm going to pick up another pair of rats today and I'm still doing this to myself :lol:

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^.^ For me it's when I talk to friends who might be a little older (or a younger sibling) and explain what their parents probably meant when there has been an argument or disagreement. Similarly, helping explain how an 'adult' discussion works or automatically taking the parents' side when the teenager is being stroppy.

When I lost the right to call myself a teenager :lol: And when people tell me about high school and I've been out of it for so many years that the teachers have all changed since I was there.

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When I lost the right to call myself a teenager :lol: And when people tell me about high school and I've been out of it for so many years that the teachers have all changed since I was there.

This, definitely.

Also, enrolling in my classes at uni, and actually going to the bank and paying for them with my own money, makes me feel a bit more like an adult, even if it's just 30 dollars per semester, and I work in the family business.

Oversleeping and automatically deciding I must go to work even if it's late, because staying home is losing money, and I must help in the shop!

When I tell my mom to help me decide x or y thing, and she says, "I don't know, that's your decision".

When I tell my dad I'm going to the bar, and he just says, "Okay, at what time do I pick you up?".

Going to said bar and being offered beverages immediately, without receiving any comments like, "Wow, you look fourteen", or, "Show your ID".

Swearing in front of my parents without them saying anything anymore.

In the same manner, openly talking about sex with them, no shame.

I'm currently planning my own international travel, nothing has made me feel more adult than this!

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  • 10 months later...

There was a huge queue at the bank, so I steeled myself and risked using the automatic machine to pay 2 cheques into my account.

(fast forward 30 seconds)

There was still a huge queue at the bank, which I could now look at rather smugly having successfully negotiated my way through what turned out to be a simple process.

Just for a few seconds, I felt like a fully paid up member of the human race. No wait, I will go further, I walked away from the bank feeling like a god!



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1 hour ago, Joal 555 said:

There was a huge queue at the bank, so I steeled myself and risked using the automatic machine to pay 2 cheques into my account.

(fast forward 30 seconds)

There was still a huge queue at the bank, which I could now look at rather smugly having successfully negotiated my way through what turned out to be a simple process.

Just for a few seconds, I felt like a fully paid up member of the human race. No wait, I will go further, I walked away from the bank feeling like a god!



Imagine how much better it feels to do it from the comfort of your car! I can be in pajamas without shoes on and still deposit checks into my account.

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I just remembered - this year I actually did my taxes like a boss. B)


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I went to the store earlier to get just a few things, and the dude standing at the counter didn't really talk to me. He just said "hello" when it was my turn. Once he was done checking me out, I was the one to say "have a nice day," since he hadn't said it, and then he sincerely smiled at me and said "you too." Yay for being polite! 

And then I heard him say "have a nice day" to the person behind me as well. Kindness really does catch on. And now I'm happy :)

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I'm hosting a family party at the house I own. Feeling like a super adult. 

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I got really excited a few weeks ago when I was looking at vacuum cleaners and then it occurred to me I'd once made fun of my day for it when I was a teenager.

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I can (now succsesfully!) use the stove and wash dishes when I'm done with everything. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎2016‎-‎06‎-‎30 at 7:11 PM, batmansgirl said:


I will not deny you that pleasure, because I know a few 30-something's who have never done their laundry themselves. I've been doing household laundry since I was 13 or younger so it's a  bore to me. LOL

My "I'm a grown-up" feeling was myself and my boyfriend buying a washing machine for ourselves for Christmas and me fixing it after the appliance delivery dinks didn't install it properly.

Yesterday, my grown-up self decided to wash the front hall and bathroom mats in said washing machine. Then I spent an hour cleaning all the backing rubber out of the machine because it disintegrated. Argh! :angry:

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6 hours ago, Just Older said:
On 6/30/2016 at 7:11 PM, batmansgirl said:


I will not deny you that pleasure, because I know a few 30-something's who have never done their laundry themselves. I've been doing household laundry since I was 13 or younger so it's a  bore to me. LOL

hehehe - same, and I'm evil and have made my kidlets do their own since they were about 10.  But, yeah... I do know that a lot of people don't do that until a lot later. 


Let's see... oh- I know, my first time imputing grades.  It was like, "Wow!  *I'm* doing this, it's like I'm a real adult with a real job or something (granted it was just a long-term sub thing- but still)"

Oh... when I fixed a step by myself... ok... not *totally* by myself- my kidlets helped, but I bought the wood and I figured things out.  And it hasn't broken - and it's been about a year.  Whoooot!!

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When my co-worker first asked me if she could sometime ask me to look after her kid if she needs a bit of time for herself/for taking care of stuff. Like people actually see me as a Responsible Adult capable of looking after a kid (for a few hours)? OKAY. 

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  • 2 months later...

I thought about just not posting another rwply to this thread but then I thought that I might as well do two thins wrong at a time and pretend double posting in a thread is less bad when you are bringing it back when it's been dead for a couple of months...


Anyway, I just feel so incredibly good and grown up because I bought two tickets to Fancy Adult things to day. Ot four tickets in total. I'll be taking my fiance(e) to see a ballet thing on their birthday in December and buying tickets to that felt like such a grown up thing to do? Lso taking my fiance(e) to ballet as a birthday present feels very adult? Doing this without first asking them (...I did tip them off but that doesn't count) and then informing them to reserve the day feels oddly adult too, lol.

And if that wasn't enough I also bought tickets to an operet for my mother and I as a birthday present for her. This gives some really strong "grown up" feels for several reasons... Like. I bought a birthday present for my mother? It was expensive? I made an independent decision to buy tickets to an operet? I bought these with my own money that I have earned and despite making both of these purchases this month I'm still going to survive the whole month without running out of money..? I feel more adukt that when I got my job or when I had to decide vetween working and going to a school.



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  • 1 year later...


As I was walking home today, a car slowed to a halt and the passenger wound down the window and asked me for directions to a rugby ground.

I gave him the directions.

That's all.

I'm a real adult, me.



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What felt really super adult today was when I got some of those free little plastic figures because I spent x-amoun tof money at the grocery shop. Behind me in the line were to kids, maybe about 10 and 12 years old, who wanted to buy stickers and some complementary figures to those free ones, so I asked them if they'd like mine. They were extremely excited and happy and then one of them said "Really? Thank you so much, Ma'am" :D

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