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Sneeze Fetish Forum

norcal tinkfan

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After trying to fight this off the last couple days...I have a cold.

Started with a sore throat that is still red & sore. That was my only symptom then my nose started dripping causing me to sniff and blow to get rid of it. That day I think I only sneezed three or four times.

Yesterday I didn't sneeze at all...more sniffling and blowing and drippy nose and thought maybe I was beating this thing.

Today I have found myself with all that & getting congested. I am propped up on three pillows to try and keep my nasal passages clear (ish) so I can breath. It's becoming a losing battle. My right nostril has become completely stuffed up in the last hour and I am starting to blow yellow gunk from my nose along with the clear liquid.

If I'm gonna be sick in 100 degree weather I hope I get more sneezes out of this thing. I have handkerchiefs waiting and plenty of tissues!

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Sneezing started this morning. While I don't feel great, I think I sound worse than I am.

My sinuses are completely congested with what has become some fairly thick mucus filling my tissues as I blow into them. The cold meds I am taking give me at least some relief and allow me to speak like a normal human being at work.

I had to leave my desk a few times today so I could blow my nose and clear it.

After work was over for the day, I got in the elevator and I think the change from the AC to the hot air hit my nose just "right" and it started itching. Quickly said goodbye to our Greeter and headed to my car. Got to near the curb and had to grab a couple tissues and sneezed a double into them followed by three blows to clear my sinuses.

I am not entirely sure where I picked this cold up, but there is something going around our office. I think I am like one of 4 in some stage of a head cold.

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