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Sneeze Fetish Forum


The Kneezle

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So I've been playing this writing game with myself for a while, and I thought maybe some people here might be interested in it too. I have lists of prompts broken down into several categories, and what I do when I need ideas is open up a random number generator and let it pick a good combination of prompts to set up a story.

Here's my list of sneezefic prompts with recommended directions, but obviously y'all can pick and choose whatever you like. Kind of reminiscent of the old holiday sneezefic challenges that used to generate so much good stuff.

If you do write a story based on these prompts, maybe post a link with a short description here?

Anyway, hope this inspires someone!

Situation (pick 1)

  1. Tension with Care-taker
  2. Needing something but not knowing how to ask for help
  3. Thinking/insisting it’s nothing until it gets worse
  4. Missing out on something they’ve really been looking forward to because of symptoms
  5. Hiding symptoms so as not to be annoying or a burden
  6. Trying to prove a point
  7. Embarrassed by sneezing
  8. Trying to seem tough
  9. No handkerchief/tissues

Cause (pick 1)

  1. Getting caught in bad weather
  2. Mysterious (or not so mysterious) Allergy
  3. Magical causes
  4. Cold/flu season
  5. Emotionally strung-out

Phrase I (One sneeze-related phrase to use word-for-word in dialogue)

  1. Battling a cold
  2. Been sneezing his/her head off
  3. All stuffed up
  4. Coming down with something
  5. Sniffly, sneezey mess
  6. It’s just a sneeze
  7. I’m going to sneeze
  8. A nasty head cold
  9. Can’t stop sneezing
  10. Under the weather

Phrase II (one not-necessarily-sneeze-related phrase to use not in dialogue)

  1. The writing on the wall
  2. How can anyone hate tea? Especially when it’s done right.
  3. It was the first snowfall of the year
  4. White as a sheet
  5. Stormy world
  6. Drowned in rain
  7. Up all night
  8. Like a kitten
  9. A shaft of light
  10. Sooth the soul

Words (pick 3)

  1. Nightmares
  2. Violently
  3. Wind
  4. Ache
  5. Mitten
  6. Blanket
  7. Hinge
  8. Clock
  9. Melody
  10. Voices
  11. Wish
  12. Shiver
  13. Why?
  14. Stiffen
  15. Uncomfortable
  16. Ringing
  17. Jeopardy
  18. Relentless
  19. Distant
  20. Blossoming

*Bonus* Fetish Buttons (As many as you want, but maybe recommended 2-5)

  1. Trying not to sneeze
  2. Sneezing and talking
  3. Stifles
  4. Long build-ups
  5. Sneezing into someone else’s (caretaker) hands
  6. Sneezing in doubles always
  7. Sneezing in triples always
  8. Stuck sneeze
  9. Messy sneeze
  10. Muffled sneeze
  11. Announcing impending sneeze
  12. Sneezing into someone else’s chest or shoulder
  13. Loud/big sneezes
  14. Presneeze expression

If anyone has recommendations for prompts to add to this list, let me know! I've been using the same ones for ages ;)

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Hi! I hope you don't mind, but I'm adding on a prompt list I found about a week ago on @wordmage's tumblr account. It is a brilliantly worded list, and all of the credit is due to @wordmage! The list is comprised with situations, not nessecarily exact details. So basically, it's for out-of-the-box-minded souls. Enjoy!


99.9% Immunity - (character) never gets sick, right? Wrong.

Elephant in the Room - (character) is sick, but for some reason - rank, personality, etc - no one is talking about it

Heroes Dont Take Sick Days - theres no time to rest when you have to save the world, so (character) has to push themselves even when miserable

Insult to Injury - as if being injured wasnt enough, (character) is getting sick too

Ill Timed - its the worst possible time for (character) to be sick, but their body didnt get the memo

Irreplaceable - (character) is the leader/boss and isnt able to take personal time off, even when theyre under the weather

Its Nothing - (character) insists theyre fine, right up until they collapse

Medic Down - every group seems to have a primary caretaker. How do they handle it when (character) is the one sick?

Milking It - if (character) has to be sick, theyre at least going to get as much pampering out of others as they can

Not a Word - (character) said they dont get sick, and isnt in the mood for anyone to remind them while they recover

No Rest for the Wicked - the big bad (character) has more to worry about than the good guys

Open Secret - everyone knows (character) is sick, but theyre trying so hard no one has said anything

Persuasive Partners - (character) is sick, and refusing to stay put; their partner(s) give them a good reason to stay in bed

Stepping Up - boss/leader (character) is clearly miserable, so the others go out of their way to take as much of their workload as possible

Suffer in Silence - for whatever reason, (character) doesnt want anyone to know theyre sick, and does everything they can to hide it

Take One Down - (character) gets sick, and spreads it to the rest of the group

Team Mom/Dad - (character) is the one to always take care of others on the team

The Wolf Cries True - (character) has been known to exaggerate or even pretend theyre sick, only this time theyre telling the truth

This is Your Fault - (character A) was clingy while they were sick, and now (character B) has it

Why Didnt You Say? - (character) hasnt been feeling well, making for some uncharacteristic behavior, and their partner(s)/team/friends are much more understanding once they realize why

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