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Sneeze Fetish Forum

First True Cold of 2016? (Self obs, F)

norcal tinkfan

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Between Christmas & the New Year I really thought I had a cold. So either it was relatively mild or something else all together. All I know is that today I have come down with what is unmistakably a cold. Colds abound at work so not a huge shock I guess.

I woke up this morning with the the telltale sore throat. As soon as I swallowed a couple times and felt that sting I knew. As today went on I was getting slightly achy, I found myself sniffling and wiping my nose with tissues and needing to blow. Not too long after the sneezing started.

By early evening I found myself on the couch with my handkerchief and runny/itchy nose. My sneezing is full of HIASCHOOOOO...HESCHOOOOO germy goodness every few minutes followed by wet blows.

I have had one mini fit of six sneezes. I fell asleep for maybe a 1/2 hour. When I woke up I started sniffling. The sniffling caused a tickle in my right nostril. I stupidly sniffed again thinking I could rid of it. My nose started that burn and then HASCHOOOOO...HASCHOOOOOO... HEH...HESCHOOOOO..HASCHOOOOO...HIH...HUH...HUSCHOOOOO...ASCHOOOOO! I then blew into three tissues to clear my nose.

So now I am in bed keeping warm and drinking tea to soothe my throat.

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Cold is worse today. Or I should say it's pretty full blown...pardon the pun! LOL!

Sneezes are taking me by surprise from time to time. Mostly I get the burn in my nose and am ready to catch them in my handkerchief sneezing wet HACHOOOOOs into them. But there have been a few times when a sneeze (or two) come out of "no place."

I was walking down the hall and before I knew it and nowhere near a tissue or handkerchief I sneezed ASCHOOOOO...HAH...HASCHOOOOO sending wet spray into my hands.

I had to leave the house for some cold medicine (not that it seems to be working well...but does it ever) but managed to catch everything in a tissue. Yay, me!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Those sneezes sound gorgeous! I hope their relief gave you something to counteract the more horrible symptoms. Please keep us fully advised of any more that you enjoy...

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