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Nose Cold From Hell (self-M)


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As we all know - there are colds and then there are NOSE colds. Need I say: I've caught myself a lolapalooza.

Woke up the other morning with the telltale signs. A little scratchy throat...congested. NEVER did I think the waterworks would start a day later. Flying home from vacation...I was already feeling rough. But within 24 hours of a very uncomfortable flight, my nose had taken over my life to levels I can't begin to adequately convey.

An example...I'm now 2 days in and 2 boxes blown. My horn has taken on the most lovely shade of crimson from nostril to bridge. I'm on foghorn detail as the light airy white stuff has now been replaced with the yellowish gunk that one forcefully eradicates. I'm sneezing 5-10x an hour...very rare for even my worst colds. And the blows...ahhh the blows. No matter how often, the mess just keeps a comin.

Last night...trying to quietly brush my teeth. The smell of the mint went north into what was pretty much a useless orifice but irritating enough to push out 5 explosive sneezes in rapid succession that had my face literally covered with said gunk. I wiped and blew into 3 tissues and dabbed on some of my wife's vaseline. Yes, I had that kind of nose thing going. redness, chapping...and shiny nostrils that for a man of my maturity and sensibility is hard to handle. I finally made my way to bed and was told upon waking with a completely stuffed nose, of course that I'd sneezed at least 5x during the night. Unbeknownst to me, that is. I was literally "SLEEP SNEEZING". WTF?

Today, I'm feeling just beaten up. My voice childishly "dazal" - My tan from a vacation only a few days past, faded to a ghostly pale...except for the red horn. That you an see glowing brightly from a room away.


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augh that sounds rough. I was sick a few months ago too. It's like your nose has a constant itch. If you're not sneezing, you feel like you have to.

Chug the orange juice and go to bed early if you can!

Feel better! <3

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Thanks for the kind words. The sneezing has subsided and I'm turning the corner. But by way of a little nose update. TODAY!!!! finally- I was able to get to the full gunk phase where blows are productive. I awoke to a CUBPLETELY stuffed doze. both nostrils blocked, lips chapped, voice horse. But with the feeling that the block of cement was breaking up.

Of course, I sneezed upon first sniff...feeling that weird hot sick feeling in my sinus that led to full movement. And I mean movement. Snot exploded out of both nostrils leaving me hanging and searching for a receptacle of any kind. You know the kind where you reach down 2 feet below your nose to catch what's flown out. Sorry...ewww. But this seems to be the place for such things, no?

Next step....was 5 of the most wonderful blows of my cold. 3 tissues filled thoroughly and an empty feeling in my nose that I haven't noticed since the first 3 sneeze moment 5 days ago. Always the telltale sign of the coming nose cold for me. I'm a single sneezer. When it's 2, i'm coming down with something. When it's 3...I've got it and it's gonna be a whopper.

Needless to say...2 minutes after the big blowfest- I sneezed- refilling my horn enough to start the whole odyssey again.

SDIFF SDIFF HONK SDEEZE ....and on and on.

Oh the ongoing joy of "NOSE COLD FROM HELL"!!! Books in stores soon. ;0(

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*jaw drops to floor*

Omg! That's a nose blowing fetishist's dream! Oh, to be a fly on the wall...

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