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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Down With a Drippy Cold


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Over the course of a draining, exhausting week, I've come down with one doozy of a cold.

As is the case with all of my colds, I've hardly been sneezing at all. What I'm left with instead is a nose that does...not...stop...running!

There have been few moments in the last 48 hours in which I have not been blowing my nose. Between work and home, two whole boxes of tissues have been emptied. My nose has taken on the stereotypical shade of pink that allows us to recognize cold sufferers from a mile away.

I might not have to blow so much, but I teach high school during the day. My nose tends to run more when I'm walking and moving around, and I can't very well be snotty and dripping everywhere while standing over my students' computers, right?

The only sneeze on record came earlier tonight, as I was leaving the store. I had just climbed in, set my bag down, then had about two seconds to react when the urge suddenly struck. I reached over for a travel pack of tissues in my front seat, but there just wasn't enough time to pull one out before this sneeze came blasting out of me at mach 3. *sigh*

Shoot, my nose even runs in my sleep. Last night I awoke to find that my left nostril was leaking out all over my pillow. Lovely.

I'm sitting here now, curled up with tissue box #3, and I've already called in sick for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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Great obs! Really hot, actually... (no secret that this forum has a thing for sick teachers!) and thanks for sharing! Hope you feel better soon... but you know, if you don't, we're here to listen. :4::yes:

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