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Writer's Block?

•.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.•

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So, aside from the usual kind of writers block, stemming from stress or distraction or being stared down by the blank page and blinking first, when it comes to writing fetish fiction lately I've been facing an entirely new kind of block. It's a sort of hyper-criticism of myself and my ideas that chokes the words off before they can hit the page. I'll love an idea until it's time to put it to font, at which point suddenly I absolutely hate it and think it's stupid and question why I even thought it was good in the first place. I'm not sure why this is happening to me. Has anyone else here ever dealt with this same thing, or something like it? If so, how were you able to overcome it? Or at least does anyone have any ideas about why this happens?

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I have definitely had this problem.


I'm working on something at the minute (non-fetish which I'm posting to my AO3 account) and I've had the idea for months and love the idea of it but when I started writing, I hated every word I wrote. It's like I can't seem to put it in an order that I like. I never really have any problems with actually writing but I seem to find that everything that I write, I dislike to the point of not ever wanting to post it because I know that I can do better but can't seem to be able to?


I haven't got much to offer in terms of advice but the one thing that can help is getting an honest beta. It's nice when you have someone who will just tell you how wonderful your writing is, but it may be worth getting someone who isn't afraid to offer constructive criticism on how you can improve. The main things I try to remember is that I have read my own writing 50000 times and other people have not, so of course I'm going to find it repetitive and boring but other people don't have that problem. 


Sorry I can't be much help but take it from me that you're not alone in suffering with this problem :zippy:

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Usually if I'm having an issue with something I'm writing, I either skip to a different part or find someone who will read what I've already wrote just to see what they think.


Like Puds said someone who will give criticism or even just say "Hey this is good but maybe if you do ____ it might work". Just a person to bounce ideas off with can help.


But yeah writers block can suck especially when the idea seems so good until you see it on paper.

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Every time I start anything The only way I've found to get over it is to ask if anyone was into it or write it and read it later before posting it. I think that is just part of writing.

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I TOTALLY know what you're going through! It really sucks, especially if you've had the idea in your brain for a while. I don't have any advice for you (sorry, I'm no use!) except for my understandings. Hopefully you've get out of this funk soon. :heart:

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