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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Multiple Nose-blows At A Time


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Hey guys!


So because I've noticed that some people sneeze in multiples and other people tend to sneeze in singles, I thought of this question: How many times do you typically blow (or how many tissues do you use) whenever you have the urge to blow your nose (like after sneezing)? For me, I usually blow twice but only need one tissue (I'll fold it so I can use it again), unless I'm sick.


Anyway, looking forward to hearing from you guys :) 

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I typically blow my nose at least 3 times, using one tissue.  I will fold the tissue in half, blow my nose, one nostril at a time, then fold it again, repeat process, then fold it again, repeat process, then throw the tissue away.  The only exception to that rule is either on the first blow of the morning or when I have a cold because both of those situations produce the soggiest, snottiest nose blows!  The tissue is usually SO wet, that when I go to open up the tissue to look after I blow my nose (which I usually do after every time I blow my nose), it's usually very sticky and too wet to put to my nose to use it again. 


I usually blow my nose at least 5 times per day (without a cold), and obviously more if I have a cold.


Hope that answers your questions.....  :D

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  • 1 month later...

I'll usually give 2-3 good blows at a time, and I use 2 tissues or a hanky. If I have a cold, I can blow my nose for a pretty long time. 

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This is an interesting question.

When I have to, it's generally only 1-2 times and I use only one tissue....unless I'm sick. At that point I might as well glue a tissue box to myself because then it's nonstop.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For me it usually differs depending on how long I am outside (because of all the trees), tree pollen count, how dusty of an environment I am in, or wether if a dog left a lot of dander in where I am. If its like a small minute outside, it might be one.  Longer times may involve more nose blows. 

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Generally, two blows into one tissue. When I'm sick, I'm blowing my nose constantly, so I don't even know that there are consistent numbers! It's just as much as it takes. 

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im not a blower per se. But i get hit VERY hard in the nose with colds maybe once every year. Then it's a stream of blows , sneezes and blows. Day 3 of every cold turns into a mucus fest with loud honks waking the dead. Then of course, the dazel voice ad sore chappig doze we all love so buch 

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