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Diary of an (almost) perfect illness (f, self)


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I've never posted an observation or self-observation yet but my current illness is much too interesting...

So, I had this small cold a week ago. It was only a bit of sniffles, a slight hoarseness, mild fever on two evenings - nothing grave. (For the sneeze-lovers - yes, there were a few sneezes, too. Maybe three or four during the complete cold; one in  front of a class as it came too quickly to stifle it). I was almost over it on Friday. On Saturday there was that project day at out school - we met (all teachers, many students and some parents) to prepare our school grounds and the school garden for the spring. So, we did some gardening like digging, clearing the weeds, raking aso. It was a very cold day - temperature about 2°C (35.6°F).

By the end of the day I had developed an annoying cough. The fits came every few minutes and my chest ached a bit. That cough remained on Sunday. On Sunday evening, I suddenly felt very tired - the way that I couldn't work or think anymore. So, I went to bed quite early. The next morning, I still felt tired and I had a temperature of 38.2°C (100.76°F) at 4 am. I went to my school anyway, but my colleagues sent me home after the first two lessons. They said "You don't stay here and infect us all. Go home. Now!" So, I went home. When I arrived there, my temperature was already at 38.9°C (102.02°F).

I went to bed but I couldn't sleep as I had bad headaches. I watched my body, fascinated by the rising fever. My hands were cold, I had chills, my face was all hot. My cheeks were glowing so much that I had a high fever on my cheeks! (I tried with an ear-thermometer - the temperature on my cheeks was 39.1 (102.38)). I was restless and read a bit in the forums, tried to sleep again with still those bad headaches. They were nearly unbearable but I didn't want to take painkillers (because they reduce the fever, too). So, I just struggled through, rubbed my forehead a bit, fell asleep for some minutes, woke up to a coughing fit again...

At about 3 pm the chills stopped, the inside of my hands became hot, I felt warm now - the fever-rising had stopped. It only got to 39.4 (102.91) and I was a bit disappointed - had hoped for more. Good thing about that fever - it's a dry one (no sweating) - I love it this way; and it is consistent (still had a fever of 38.2 (100.76) at 3 am). Now, I feel very weak, exhausted, tired, still have those headaches and the coughing fits. Will go to a doctor today as I'm not capable to work the way I feel. But I'm happy about this almost perfect illness. Almost because one favorite is missing - the hoarseness. My voice has cleared up since my cold last week and sounds fine now.

(I needed an eternity to write those few lines and will go back to bed now.)

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Thanks a great self-ob. Thanks for taking the time and effort to post it. I know a lot of forum visitors appreciate this sort of thing, even if they're too shy to write about it.

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Aww, this sounded bad. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and will visit the doctor later. Be careful about fevers, okay? Really high fevers  can get you very sick, hospitalized, or killed [the body can't take too much heat for too long, that's why our body temperature stays constant while healthy]. Be careful about working sick, too. That's usually not a good idea.

I hope you feel better soon. Get some rest and listen to the doctor. :) 

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Thank you, James and Cute! :)

The fever is not as high that it would be dangerous. It's rising again since I've been back from the doctor. I feel it as my hands are cold and I've got those little chills again. The doctor prescribed me codeine-pills against the cough and she also gave me an attest to stay at home for a whole week. :( She said that virus is going around, it's contagious and very persistent. I don't know how to protect my family. My husband is very careful though and my daughter hasn't come near to me either for the last few days...

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Became weak and took a painkiller (Ibuprofen 800). I couldn't stand the pains anymore. It's not only the head now but the whole body - arms, legs, back; and I couldn't find a comfortable position in bed. Need some sleep. Sorry (at myself).

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The great Hedge-Flu of 2016 =)

With a week sick in bed you need some books and movies to catch up on. Maybe an audiobook?

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The flu is brutal! I've only truly had it once that I recall and those full-body aches are gruesome. I recommend the pain killers and if you're not too feverish to tolerate them, I found nestling some heating packs around myself helped with the aches and chills. And lots of soft pillows to cradle around your body. I remember it taking ages to get comfy and just wanting someone to come and take the achy-ness away! I hope you start to feel better soon <3 I second the recommendation of audiobooks or podcasts. They're great when you're too sick to focus on movies/tv/books. I find they help take my mind off the discomfort and still allow me to keep my eyes closed and my body resting. 

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5 hours ago, James (ellamalaka) said:

The great Hedge-Flu of 2016 =)

With a week sick in bed you need some books and movies to catch up on. Maybe an audiobook?


3 hours ago, Dusty15 said:

The flu is brutal! I've only truly had it once that I recall and those full-body aches are gruesome. I recommend the pain killers and if you're not too feverish to tolerate them, I found nestling some heating packs around myself helped with the aches and chills. And lots of soft pillows to cradle around your body. I remember it taking ages to get comfy and just wanting someone to come and take the achy-ness away! I hope you start to feel better soon <3 I second the recommendation of audiobooks or podcasts. They're great when you're too sick to focus on movies/tv/books. I find they help take my mind off the discomfort and still allow me to keep my eyes closed and my body resting. 

I second these ideas! Books, audiobooks, and movies sound like great ways to distract yourself when you cannot sleep. Some small handheld video games [3DS/2DS. DS, PSP/Vita, etc...] or computer games might provide enjoyment too if you're up to it. It's important to stay comfy and feeling okay, so make sure to take your medicine! Heating packs and pillows sound heavenly as well. 

I'm glad you went to the doctor Hedgey. But I'm so sorry you came down with a bad cold/bad flu. :( I hope you feel better. Make sure to heed the doctor and stay at home/stay in bed. 

With the virus being contagious, you need to be really careful around your husband and daughter. I hope they'll be okay, and at the same time, maybe they'll provide you with some comfort/support. It might be a good idea to call into work if you haven't already to say you'll be out for a while and to see if maybe your co-workers didn't get sick from you. Maybe they'll be able to put up a cold/flu/virus warning at the school? 

Make sure to get some sleep and rest. :) 

Please feel better soon. 

I find that stuffed animals keep you less lonely and provide comfort during illness. 


((LOL, look! It's a flu virus!))


((Stuffed Hedgehog!))

Feel better! :) :hug:

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Thank you, Dusty 15 and thanks again James and Cute.
It can't be the flu as it started too slowly - the doctor thought my slight cold from last week already belonged to the virus; so that's probably kind of a recrudescence for not taking care.

The ibuprofen yesterday helped against the pains and reduced the fever - I was sweating all over when it broke and needed a shower. I felt much better then and started to do some laundry. But after an hour, the magic was over and I started to feel tired and achy again. I spent the afternoon and evening in bed, half sleeping and not able to concentrate on anything. The fever was rising again, I was freezing like crazy. Good thing, the codeine pills helped against the cough - it didn't disturb my sleep that often anymore.

My husband went to bed at midnight. He felt my forehead and waked me to take my temperature saying I would feel very hot. It was 40.2°C (104.36°F). He panicked a bit and asked if he should take me to the hospital but I only wanted to sleep. I took another ibuprofen to calm him down. I also remember that I wanted to go to the forum to write about the 'sensation' - as strange and tired as I felt, I was still fascinated by the high number. But I couldn't find this thread. I only looked puzzled at the mainboard and finally sent a pm to someone. :lol: 

The ibuprofen had the same effect as the last time - an hour ago I woke up sweating like crazy and got up to take a shower. I felt very dizzy and my stomach hurt; and when I wondered about it, I remembered that I haven't eaten for two days. I'm quite hungry but have no idea what to eat - no appetite at all. Anyway - I used this 'clear moment' to continue my self-obs here (this time I could find the thread :D) and I also wanted to read some stories. So I hope, the effect will hold on for a little longer.

(That stuffed hedgehog is very sweet. :))

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This is interesting. I really appreciate you taking the time to give us window into your feverish thoughts

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Yesterday, after the last post, the fever went up again to 39.6 (103.28); and I was so exhausted and tired that I wasn't able to do anything. I spent most of the day in bed again. At about 3 pm, my husband came home from work early. He said he had a headache and was afraid, he'd caught my virus. :( No fever, but I'm glad he's cautious. He lay down and slept for a while.

The afternoon was also the time when I was really FED UP with the aches everywhere and not knowing, how to get comfortable. Not so "perfect illness" anymore...

Later the evening, my fever went down to 38.6 (101.48) and I felt much clearer in my head. In the morning (an hour ago) I woke up covered in sweat. I was sad because that probably meant that I've lost my sweet fever. Indeed, it was only 37.7 (99.86). :( Still feel very exhausted though. The headaches are better now, the stomach aches are worse and I feel dizzy. I guess I should eat something but still have no appetite. (Cough is still there by the way although the codeine-pills suppress a part of it)

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Probably the last entry here because this starts to get boring... Temperature went up again but only to 38.2 (100.76). Headaches are better. Instead, I'm totally congested now - my head feels swollen and as if it was filled with cement. Can't smell anything. That doesn't help my still missing appetite... So what - it's just some boring sniffles in the end? Bah. :-/ 

Looking out of the window, I see that I've obviously missed the start of the spring here around. The weather looks great - sun and blue sky. I would really like to go for a walk but I'm so dizzy and weak that I can hardly stand. Maybe I can persuade my husband to accompany me when he comes home from work. :) 

6 hours ago, James (ellamalaka) said:

At least drink water if you don't eat. Water makes everything better.

I drink water. Not because I like it (even get a bit nauseous from it) but I know it's important.

On 15.3.2016 at 8:47 PM, Cutelittlenose said:

It might be a good idea to call into work if you haven't already to say you'll be out for a while and to see if maybe your co-workers didn't get sick from you.

I can't just call in and stay at home in my country - I need a medical certificate. That's why I went to the doctor on Tuesday (and she gave me a certificate for a complete week).

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