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Me at the Library (F)


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Hey guys!
So I was doing some volunteer work at my local library earlier this afternoon, and one of the available activities was organizing and shelving in the paperback section. Out of the many times I've volunteered, I'd never worked with the paperback section before, so I decided to try it out, excited for something new.
However, either my nose is extra-sensitive today, or the paperback section is full of dust, because my nose started to run really badly within the first fifteen minutes. I was still a bit self-conscious when it comes to blowing in a super-quiet area like a library, so I tried to hold it in and continued working. But the sniffling became so annoying that at one point, I instinctively pulled out a tissue from my pocket and blew a sharp, loud honk before I realized what I had done. Blushing, I abruptly stopped mid-blow and looked around to see if anyone heard me. Fortunately, no one seemed to be nearby, so I continued to blow as quietly as possible (which took a while because I was letting out tiny, soft puffs with each nostril; it probably looked ridiculous, haha) before dabbing at my nose with the used tissue and going back to work.
Over the rest of the shift (which was about an hour), I had to blow my nose the same way about four or five more times. Apparently all that blowing made my voice sound stuffy and congested, because I was talking to another volunteer right before I left and he asked me if I had a cold. (I insisted I didn't.)
And that's why I now check to see if there's anything other than working with the paperback section every time I volunteer at my library, haha. Anyway, hope you guys liked that obs!
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