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Describe Yourself as a Creature


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As the title says describe yourself as a creature! Speak of your physical features and attributes, your disposition, diet, and things of that nature. Basically, type up a blurb about the type of critter you feel that you would be (just be sure to base it on yourself!). To provide an example I will do so, as well. It is as follows:

Fervs are rather small creatures that have short, coarse, and thick fur; the most notable thing about their appearance is the crest on their head. Even though their coats are dense, they are often found in warm climates. In spite of that, however, they often seek refuge in cool, and somewhat dark places during the summer months. During the winter they are more active, and will generally be seen frolicking about, enjoying the sunlight, and relishing in the crisp, chilly breeze that brushes passed them. Although Fervs have a tendency to move about quite a bit they are considered to be rather docile as they possess a mellow demeanor. Although they are said to be subdued that does not mean that they do not experience strife. They are alarmingly territorial, and are wary of what they are unfamiliar with. In many cases when it comes to strangers they will react either shyly or aggressively. Fervs have a heightened sense of smell, but their sense of hearing seems to be less so. As they have poor night vision they are far from nocturnal, and operate during the daylight hours. They do not eat very much, and will have little meals throughout the day to sustain themselves. Their diet consists primarily of nuts and fruit, but they appear to harbor a fondness of fish, as well.

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Cute idea! :)

The anonymouse is a small and seemingly timid creature, but it can become quite noisy as it grows more accustomed to new people and environments. It has thick hair that becomes frizzy when wet. Its diet is inconsistent, ranging from healthy fare such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and berries to processed products like cheese and ice cream. It also has an unorthodox method of consuming large quantities of grass, which seems to have a sedating effect on the animal. Anonymice can be found lying around in small, musty buildings, often in the company of other animals such as cats and dogs. They enjoys dark, quiet spaces and can be relatively solitary creatures. Although they mates for life, most anonymice do not seem opposed to having multiple partnerships.

Their natural enemy is the joal, which will pelt the anonymouse with fruit on sight. The anonymice generally interpret this as an attack rather than a show of good will and will not hesitate to reciprocate if it has access to fruit.

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Ammies are medium sized cat like creatures with black, gray or dark blue soft,curly fur with an Amethyst or Diamond on their front paws. They are apart of the excessivus otakos and enjoy eating ramen, pizza, soup, marshmellows and whipped cream as well as fruits like mangoes ,oranges and  apples. They eat one to two meals a day and stay in their caves most likely watching anime,reading manga or watching a marvel movie. They are highly territorial and get extremely aggressive and anxious if the wifi is out. They are often mistaken for being nocturnal. Ammies have good nightvision and have the ability to have their footsteps not be heard.

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Weegies are medium-sized,rounded hamster-like creatures with average size eyes and thick dark fur,which gets curly when wet. They are sometimes rarely seen and if one is sighted they may run off or ignore whoever is watching. They can usually be spotted around local park playscapes. An average Weegie's diet consists of pot-pies,ramen,cheeseburgers,pizza,and namely any candy. They are usually docile and prefer the company of others. Weegies are incredibly skilled at sneaking around during nighttime and can remain unseen in dark areas.

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March Hares in real life are not so much like their fictional, Carrollian counterparts as like wordy sloths. They never move unless they have to, they eat pretty much everything but tend to lean heavily towards the junk food end of the spectrum, and their natural habitat is between the covers of books. March Hares have bad eyesight, but good hearing and an average sense of smell. Despite their inertia, they are social beings and very cuddly.

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In many aspects, soulsongs are very contradictory creatures. Their physique most resembles a jaguar (or leopard, experts argue) with dragonesque wings that are suitable for both flight and swimming. Their fur is lightly tan in color and feels like velvet, and they have rosettes similar to those of a jaguar and both males and females have manes consisting of very soft, long, tight curls that start off dark brown at the roots and turn light brown at the tips, and also have ginger highlights when exposed to sunlight. 

Despite this, the soulsong does not seem to care for sunlight. Depending on the location of their caves, which are found near bodies of water ranging from ponds to oceans in tropical climates, the soulsong may very well stay inside until the sun goes down or the majority of the sky is overcast. The soulsong is nocturnal and is incredibly stealthy. You will not see this creature unless it want you to. Soulsongs might appear docile initially, but if she suspects you of hostile intent, however mild, she will shred you with her claws and will bite if necessary. She is a carnivorous beast but prefers fruits and candy, anything sweet, tangy, or tart really. She also enjoys salty cuisine such as fries. And despite having aquatic tendencies, she doesn't enjoy seafood other than shrimp. They enjoy reading paranormal romances, Transformers, Steven Universe, and Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks Animation, Marvel movies.

Soulsongs are solitary creatures, and while they are not opposed to having companions, they are extremely fastidious in who they choose to befriend and are very defensive, withdrawn, and reserved. It takes much time, patience, and effort to gain a soulsong's trust and affections, but once she has deemed you worthy and safe, a soulsong is a cuddly, amusing, sometimes lewd-humored creature.

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Holmes are rather large and brash creatures of habit. Their hair is very curly but can range from a mix of wavy/curly to curly/straight but will become frizzy if exposed to high levels of humidity. They tend to be most active at night and will remain sluggish/irritable during the day, only moving to eat or bathe. Their temperament is normally quite docile but when provoked, and it doesn't take much, they will lash out and try to make themselves look bigger. They also have a horrid habit of picking fights when moody but will almost immediately show submission as a form of respect and apology after the fact. Holmes are a tad aloof and enjoy goofing off for long periods of time, but they can and are often trained for physical labor based work and are praised as hard working but slow at their assigned tasks.

Most people who encounter a Holmes relate it to a 'large and fat house cat' in the sense that it is both complacent yet demanding. A Holmes's diet consists of almost anything edible and delicious: Fruits, veggies, lots of milk, meat, junk food, and sweets. Please note that feeding a Holmes will result in a life long bond or affection! Feed at your own risk!

Despite spending most of their time alone, Holmes will actively seek out friends, companions, etc.to fill the void. They take great pride in smaller animals such as dogs, cats, and lizards but are reported to be developing a love for large spiders such as tarantulas. They are quite handy with hamsters as well.

The natural habitat for a Holmes is a small, dark and warm or cool cave. They often nest and will spend most of their lives in this nest, admiring their treasures which are often comic books, drawing pads, shiny objects, game consoles, and their small pet if they are inclined to tame one.


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BMG'S are actually not bats they are kawaii epic mix of wolves and foxes (ring a dingding) they are very excitable and shy away from confrontation even though they can kick butt They are very good friends with the Ammies and weegies they eat all the foods and look at all the FanFiction BMG'S look up to frev,s Holmes and anons and BMG'S want love and hugs and to give them. BMG'S LOVE EVERYONE 


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Brilliant  idea!!

SleepingPhloxes do not actually do as much sleeping as their name might imply, though they do tend to be more lethargic during the winter.  They are usually found in large herds, though strikingly unlike most other members of the animal Kingdom,  their herds are not made up entirely of their own kind, but mainly consist of random collections of various animals-mostly small mammals. Their herds are very important to them and they take a leading role in ensuring their herds happiness and safety.

True omnivores, there is little that a SleepingPhlox won't consume and they tend to graze throughout the day.  They may not always be very bright, as they often consume large quantities of cheese and ice cream, even though this causes them pain.   The one consistent aspect of their diet is caffeine in various forms.

SleepingPhloxes like to hoard various objects.  They particularly enjoy toys, shiny things, and technology.  They spend a considerable amount of time and effort into acquiring new treasures and arranging the existing ones into ways that they find pleasing.  Curious to a fault, they are often known to pick up found objects while wandering, which can range from feathers to abandoned small home furnishings.

They like to be doing things, as long periods of inactivity can lead to extreme melancholy. As a result, a SleepingPhlox may need to be tempted into periods of rest.  This is usually accomplished by offerings of food, new treasures, or putting something it finds pleasant onto the television.  The quickest way to subdue a SleepingPhlox is to stroke the crest of fur on its head.

These creatures are not very easy to tame, but taming one can indeed be very rewarding as they make loyal, cheerful, and extremely helpful companions.

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The Red Ring of Death, or RRoD for short, is a rather slender creature with long, spidery limbs and sharp eyes though their hearing isn't as refined. The sparse patches of fur that can be found on their bodies vary anywhere from black and grey to browns and even more subtle shades of green as they tend to blend in with their surroundings and don't really "stand out". They don't put a lot of pride into their appearance and can be a little scruffy. They hate getting wet but thrive in cold, dark, damp places with lots of rain. They're begrudging omnivores though they have a keen interest in meat, particularly steak and beef jerky and seem to survive off of carbonated drinks. They're adept at climbing and treading lightly with a good concept of spatial awareness; every move is meticulous where they choose to go and aren't known to "wander" unless it's a place that provides too many options at once.

And that brings us to the predilection of all things binary: A Red Ring of Death will often dwell in a concept of duality; this way or that way, with little room in the middle - they tend to be extremists in everything they do, which doesn't work out in their favour most of the time and irritates creatures around them. As such, they can be very indecisive and sometimes rely on an outside "sign" to point them in a direction, ANY direction as they don't have very functional internal clocks or compasses. Once they pick a direction, however, they can be very hard to dissuade and they don't understand how a mindset could be compromised or altered. They maintain interest for the same subjects for years, long after others would since move on to other things; a RRoD will never 'get bored' of a commitment they've made because they have no concept of 'just not feeling it anymore'. They finish what they start and have little tolerance for things that sit around uncompleted.

The RRoD is usually solitary though it's hard to tell because of why at this stage of their evolutionary form(though it's believed to be because of their shocking lack of libido). They form strong bonds with family but have a lot of trouble bringing themselves to notice or care how other animals think or feel - it doesn't often cross their minds. Their self-sufficiency places them on a level apart from other species; don't mess with a RRoD and it won't mess with you. That being said, they will pursue pseudo-social relationships occasionally but have been known to spontaneously cut ties out of a paranoid thought that other species aren't actually friends with them. Once they reach a level of mutual understanding, however, they're loyal to a fault and can be hard to get rid of. As far as physical interaction goes, they prefer to be the one initiating rather than receiving; they don't like being touched but will nuzzle their head against your back or shoulder fondly... they're difficult, what can this encyclopedia entry say.

RR'soD are sharp and intellectual, but more particularly on certain levels - they can go on for hours about what interests them such as video games, voice actors, etc. They're good at performing repetitive tasks that require dexterous hands as long as there's a clear goal that they have to reach; they have trouble with vague achievement and don't often do something unless they're explicitly told to. They'll perform tasks for you if you give them reminders (they aren't the most mentally healthy of creatures and have a tendency to forget a favour if it's not written out for them); it's not on purpose, it's just out of sight, out of mind. They also have a propensity for finishing jokes they start regardless of how funny it ends up being.

SO, short entry long, Red Rings of Death aren't ideal companions for everyone as others find it hard to tolerate its insistent enthusiasm for repetitive things, old interests and a stilted explain-to-listen ratio but once you muscle past all the unpleasantries, you'll find that underneath it all is a cynical, misanthropic creature that, at the end of the day, just wants some meat, a controller in their spidery claws and a good RP partner.


[[ Did I do this right? Hahhhh I feel like I just explained a Zodiac sign, not a creature ]]

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13 hours ago, AnonyMeows said:

Their natural enemy is the joal, which will pelt the anonymouse with fruit on sight. The anonymice generally interpret this as an attack rather than a show of good will and will not hesitate to reciprocate if it has access to fruit.



(a fuller description may follow, but for now, in response to the above)

Joals are strange hybrid creatures that are often born at an already advanced age. Their main leisure activity is tossing fruit in an affectionate manner at the anonymice and then dodging the reciprocal "attacks", before collecting the returned fruit in readiness for the next round of japery.


(^ visual representation of the head of such a creature)


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The MaiMai is a small, cat-like creature that tends to prefer solitude. They are often sociable, but ultimately prefer to live independently, and become exhausted and unhappy when they spend excessive time with others. They have a tendency to come across as standoffish and territorial at first, but in fact they are not: they are shy, but warm up to others quickly. Once they do so, they are quietly affectionate.

Their fur is somewhat unruly, mostly comprised of cowlicks, and relatively thick owing to their love of cold climates. MaiMais dislike hot weather intensely, and harbour a strong love of snow. In consequence, they are most active during the winter months. Although it is not known for certain whether as a creature MaiMais are capable of appreciating the concept of Christmas, they have been observed to be extremely contented and generally cheerful during the Christmas season.

On the whole, MaiMais possess a docile nature, although they are easily excitable and become bored extremely quickly in the absence of distractions. That being said, calming a MaiMai down is very simple: possibly linked to their apparent appreciation of the Christmas season, Christmas music has a soothing effect upon MaiMais.

The optimum diet of a MaiMai consists primarily of fruits and vegetables, as well as falafel. That being said, they also have an appreciation for pasta. They are most commonly found in well-stocked libraries, typically within either the magical realism, gothic, or dystopian sections.

This is such a cool thread, I had way too much fun writing that. :laugh:

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On 6/26/2016 at 11:10 AM, Joal 555 said:



(a fuller description may follow, but for now, in response to the above)

Joals are strange hybrid creatures that are often born at an already advanced age. Their main leisure activity is tossing fruit in an affectionate manner at the anonymice and then dodging the reciprocal "attacks", before collecting the returned fruit in readiness for the next round of japery.


(^ visual representation of the head of such a creature)


may Bmg join in the fruit throwing Bmg's LOVE throwing stuff :awesum: 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On June 25, 2016 at 5:52 PM, Weegie said:

Weegies are medium-sized,rounded hamster-like creatures with average size eyes and thick dark fur,which gets curly when wet. They are sometimes rarely seen and if one is sighted they may run off or ignore whoever is watching. They can usually be spotted around local park playscapes. An average Weegie's diet consists of pot-pies,ramen,cheeseburgers,pizza,and namely any candy. They are usually docile and prefer the company of others. Weegies are incredibly skilled at sneaking around during nighttime and can remain unseen in dark areas.

(some more info,because I just now remembered this)

-While quiet and docile,a Weegie will become affectionate,almost clingy once you gain its trust.

-Playing SING&SMILE in a large enough vicinity is enough to attract hordes of Weegies.

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the Artemis is a very small light creature who has a tendancy to hide from anything new. Artemiss tend to have multicolored fur, ranging in color from pinks to blacks. They do not like to be touched or enclosed. They will flee if forced to choose or in a social situation. Artemiss is ery easily mistaken for other creatures as they rarely have very discernable figures other then the fur. They eat eightish meals a day and are very active. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

ralees are lonely and sad snails that just need some love and leave a trail of snot wherever they slither 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Yuurei's name is from the word for creatures of japanese folklore analogous to western ghosts. They are small, nimble, and solitary creatures capable of hiding in plain sight; making their presence unknown to most around them. Yuureis can be characterized by their dark circles around their eyes, sullen faces, and silky ringlets of hair. While their appearance is unfriendly, Yuureis are incredibly docile and have been known to be affectionate to those who have gained its trust.

Yuureis can sometimes be seen sleeping up to 15 hours a day and are most active at night. While omnivorous, they have displayed preferences towards red meat and liquor. What losers.

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  • 2 months later...

The Erik is a rather odd two-headed creature that wanders the back roads and forests of the world ceaselessly. Occasionally seen in the company of others, some of whom attempt to engage the Erik in conservation, apparently not knowing that the beast is unaware of their presence. Instead it's always talking to itself, the twin heads endlessly arguing with one another.  One head, with dulled features and weak, timid eyes, moans and howls, used to the ample abuse heaped upon it by it's stronger twin. The other head, with a stern, almost regal bearing and impossibly dark, cruel eyes, barks orders and issues strangely elaborate insults to its brethren, seemingly taking great joy in the weaker head's despair.  This endless journey will continue unabated, with the arrogant, monstrous half of the Erik, when not abusing his fellow, speaking, with eyes gleaming, of power and glory, fame and fortune that will never be his. All of the while, the miserable, pathetic half of the Erik whimpers and weeps, praying for only the solace and silence that the eternal night can bring him.

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  • 2 years later...

Ceruleans are medium-sized dog-like creatures. Despite their name, they have nothing blue about them; they were simply named by an X-Files fan. Their fur varies from dark brown to rare patches of light brown. The Cerulean is a very social animal and will interact with kind animals, especially dogs and cats. It becomes very happy when interacting with its friends. However, Ceruleans tend to spend most days at home in their cave, watching YouTube.

The Cerulean is an amazing procrastinator. It will delay almost all work it must do to the latest possible time. It will even procrastinate eating if absorbed in a game or YouTube. Ceruleans, due to their slight resemblance to canines, often idolize wolves, essentially like celebrity crushes for humans. However, lately most Ceruleans have taken a strong liking to a breed of wolves found almost exclusively in South Korea known as Kpop Idols. Ceruleans will occupy large quantities of their time listening to those wolves’ songs and watching them play games.

Ceruleans live in a mild, somewhat cold climate. They will play in the sunlight during the earlier and later parts of summer, however in the middle of the summer the heat is too much for their dense fur and they will retreat to their cave once more. The Cerulean’s diet consists of few vegetables, instead focusing on meat, carbs, fruit, and fish. Ceruleans will sleep at around 1 to 4 AM if possible, thus waking later than most other animals in the area. They are quiet in their own clan and quieter still when faced with unfamiliar creatures, though rather loud with friends.

Note: There seems to be a strange trend in Ceruleans of alertness to sneezes. They will often look to find the source of the sound out of curiosity. Stranger yet, with any breed of wolf’s sneezes, the Cerulean almost always seems to blush and act similar to being attracted to them.

WARNING: The Cerulean is very protective of its closest friends and will become agitated and defensive over other animals upsetting them.

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