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Good and Bad Fever Experiences


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Alright, this is a thread I've been meaning to start for a while. First of all, you should know that I have been ridiculously intrigued with fevers lately. :lol: To the point where, not for the first time, it's made me wonder whether they are at the core of this entire thing for me rather than sneezing. But that's not the point of this post.

One thing that really fascinates me about fevers is how they can alter your perception of things. And when I thought about the fever experiences in my life a little more, I realized that there are two entirely different categories for me: Good and bad fever experiences. The good kind is the one that either makes you feel all warm and tired and snuggly, and if I'm allowed to stay home or if somebody is taking care of me, I quite enjoy that kind. :blush: Or, if it's not as mild but still in the good category, it's the one that sort of... enhances everything you experience. The thing that makes everything more intense, meaning you get, like, an extra kick out of what you're doing and remember it as this almost magical, surreal event.

The bad kind, for me, are the times when I hallucinate and am genuinely terrified. They are, also, of course the times when I become aware of all the unpleasant fever symptoms, like dizziness and disorientation and feeling cold but sweating at the same time and not being able to get comfortable and all of that.

So, since all of this fascinates me so much, I thought I'd share some of my good and bad fever stories with you, and maybe some of you will be able to add theirs. ^_^


First, the good ones:

The Surfing One: This is something that happened to me when I was in Costa Rica. I was sick for a few days there with, like, a cold, and I had a fever, too. We were a little worried, because this other girl we knew had caught Dengue. But Dengue tends to come with a really persistent, really high fever, and thankfully, mine was only mild to moderate. While I was right on the coast, I took the opportunity to surf as much as I could (though I think I should've gone out more, now that I'm back home. Ah, I miss it.) And I had this one-on-one lesson scheduled with this really fantastic teacher! My friends there were telling me I shouldn't go, that I was still sick, but damn, did I want to go! We had scheduled the lesson for the morning, but I called her and told her I couldn't make it because I wasn't feeling well. She asked if maybe I wanted to go in the afternoon instead, and I said yes. Again, my friends were telling me to just stay in bed, but I didn't have much time left on the coast and wanted to go soo bad! So, I rested for most of the day, then went surfing in the afternoon. And honestly, it was the best session I ever had! Throughout the day, my arms and legs had been so tired! I wasn't sure how I was even supposed to paddle, let alone actually ride a wave, but somehow, I managed to shake all of that off for a few hours! I was only wearing a bikini, too, and even though the water was warm, I got cold eventually. We were out for... something like two hours, I'd guess? And eventually, my teacher said that we better go in, because I was still sick and she didn't want me to get too cold. But seriously, throughout this session, I was just ecstatic! I mean, the waves were perfect, so that certainly helped! ^_^ Plus, it was my first time ever surfing a reef break! I think the fever just made everything that much more intense and gave it this extra, slightly surreal quality. I was really worn out afterwards, needless to say, but it was totally worth it! <3


The Concert One: This happened back home, when I was already at college. I woke up feeling fine, then got worse quickly during the day. Had it been up to me, I would have just gone home and crawled into bed. I wasn't well at all. My throat hurt, my head was pounding, and I was just so tired. But I was going to a concert that night with a friend and I didn't want to let her down! I wasn't better when we got there, either. We had to stand throughout the whole thing and I was so dizzy, at one point, I decided to simply sit down on the ground. But when the concert started, somehow I just got sucked into that incredible vibe! Everything was so loud and so intense, but somehow, I loved every second of it! The fever was making me super emotional, so I cried at, like, every other song! And my friend just thought it was funny! :lol: (I'm generally a very emotional person, so I got away with it.) Again, the entire experience was just so other-worldly, with the lights and the music and everything! I loved it! ^_^ When I got home, though, I took my temperature for the first time that day and my suspicion was confirmed, because it was at, like, 102? But anyway, that was such a great night, still.


Now, the bad ones:

The Camp One: I was at camp one year and pretty much everyone got sick that year. It was the flu or something. We were all miserable. Two girls from my room had already gone home. And a little later, I got sick, too. I was much younger then and it sucked so much to be ill, so far away from home. I wanted to sleep during the day, but everyone was so noisy, it was hard to get any rest. We had bunk beds and I got moved down from the top bunk when I got sick, so I didn't have to use the ladder and maybe fall. One of my friends put this towel in front of my bed like a curtain so that I could get some sleep. And I tried, but suddenly (my fever must have spiked or something) I remember sitting up in bed, awake, with my eyes open, and just seeing these gory images! We are talking blood and guts and stuff, and I was so young! I started crying silent tears, hoping it would go away, and I'm sure I was making some kind of noise, but the others were playing a game or something, so they didn't hear me. Eventually, it stopped and I went back to sleep. But man, that was terrifying! And I remember feeling so horribly isolated, because the only thing that prevented the others from helping me was that stupid towel, but somehow, I was too weak to rip it off and talk to them. I was just sitting there, crying, and they were like three feet away, but didn't realize.

The Class Trip One: In my Junior Year, we went on a class trip for a week (I'm pretty sure I even posted about it back then). A close friend of mine already had the flu when we left for the trip, and she was suffering, and the two of us were so close, it was only a matter of time before I caught it. Then, one night, we were playing games downstairs and some people were outside at a bonfire, and I just remember feeling really strange and disoriented suddenly. Then, I noticed that my face was really warm, too. I felt like crying for no reason and I was cold and I really, really wanted to be with the boy who was then my boyfriend. We'll call him L. I started walking around in a daze, asking the others whether they had seen L. Somebody told me he was at the bonfire, so I went outside to look for him. The bonfire wasn't right by the house and I had to walk through the dark to find him. I remember stumbling a lot and suddenly, I saw this river, right next to me! And I was so dizzy, I was really scared I would fall into it! I followed the light and eventually, I reached the bonfire, but L. wasn't there. I asked the people who were there whether they knew where he was and one of the guys said: "Oh, L.? Yeah, he's cheating on you with [insert name of another girl from my class]." I mean, I knew he was lying, but I was so devastated that L wasn't there and I was just so exhausted from the walk that I broke down crying right then. Finally, he realized that I wasn't well and he apologized and walked me back to the house. Eventually, we found L. and he took care of me, which was lovely. The fever stayed with me throughout the night and for at least another day or two, though. And during that first night, I could barely sleep and I kept thinking that the girl on the bunk bed below me was in labor or something, because I heard these strange noises, but in the morning, she told me that she'd been sleeping quietly all night! Also, when I woke up, I realized that there was no river outside. There were literally only fields. I had been so terrified of falling into the water, but there was literally nothing there, even though I swear that I saw it.


Anyway, these are some of my fever stories. I hope they aren't too boring. Personally, like I said, I'm just fascinated with the way they can influence our bodies and minds. And now I feel slightly embarrassed for writing this lengthy, unsolicited essay about fevers, buuuut anyway... :bag: *Sophie out*


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Man, now I feel really lucky that I've only ever had fevers when I'm at home. Except maybe 2-3 times when I had an exam in college and really had to go, but it was still only a few hours and I could go straight home to sleep it off. Because of this, I've never experienced the "enhanced" feeling you got during the concert and stuff like that, but honestly I think I'd feel way too sorry for myself for being sick and forced to be out and about to really enjoy it :lol:

I totally understand what you mean about the snuggly, warm feeling when you get a mild fever though. I also feel loopy, almost exactly like I'm tipsy/drunk, and I tend to be suuuuper chatty and weirdly upbeat when it's a low-grade fever. But as soon as it hits 38C+, I'm just weepy, quiet and in pain. I always get this annoying, pulling/pressure pain in my lower back and legs when it's high. I hate that the most about fevers.

Anyways, thanks for sharing! I never knew it could enhance your experiences like it does to you. That's pretty interesting!

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Okay, um, this thread didn't really take off the way I hoped it would! :lol: But thanks for the response, @Oolia Your post was super interesting, too! I definitely know what you mean about the chatty, upbeat giddiness that can sometimes come with fevers. And I can't say I've ever experienced the pain in my lower back or legs...? That sounds unpleasant. :/ It's really fascinating to see how they affect different people, in my opinion, so thanks for sharing to you, too. ^_^ 

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Yeah, I think it is slightly less popular than some of the other boards. :lol:

Well, I sort of thought about replying to this when I first saw it, so I guess I'll do it now, even if I am a bit late...

I can't say I've had any experiences that are as bad as any one else has mentioned, in that I've never hallucinated or anything similar. Though that might be because of the fact that I had stuff going on with my health for a long time where one of the symptoms was actually a constant elevated body temperature, so I actually suspect that because I got used to that, I don't feel fevers as much as others might? So even though I know I've had instances where my temperature has been very high, I've never had any of the really intense/bad fever symptoms!

I think whether my experience is good/bad depends a lot on what sort of emotions I'm experiencing. Fevers tend to amplify any emotions I'm experiencing at the time, and that tends to be the main symptom apart from really bad fatigue, shivering/feeling too hot or too cold, having an excess of restless energy, and feeling lightheaded/weak. It tends to go in a cycle for me, so I'll go from super high energy, to exhausted, and back to having loads of energy again.

One experience that wasn't particularly great was the day I was leaving my halls of residence at university, and I assumed that I was just hung over or tired or whatever from being out the previous night. Except, I was cleaning my room, and I started to feel as if my arms just wouldn't work for me anymore, and then it started to get to the point where I was struggling to stand up for long periods of time. I was exhausted, but (and I know I've mentioned this part before! :lol: ) I had packed everything in my room, including all of my bedding, my blankets, etc. All I had was a bare mattress, so I ended up lying on my mattress shivering and crying because most of my flatmates had already moved out, and the fact that the year was over and I knew that next year would be so different just felt like too much! I was so over-emotional that morning. :lol: I also ended up crying when I was packing up my books, and I found a book that I had forgotten I brought with me, which my Literature teacher had given to me at the end of my A levels. She wrote a message inside it and I just started crying as soon as I read it! :laugh: I think the fact that it was sort of a sad day, combined with the fact that it was amplified by a fever, was what made it not a great experience for me. (Plus, I was so tired that I just felt miserable in general!)

One "good" experience I can think of was towards the end of A levels. I think I had tonsillitis and I had been to the doctors, and I was walking back to my sixth form from there, which is a pretty long way. I felt sort of inbetween too hot and too cold, and sort of shivery but not quite, and really floaty, and everything felt like it had been amplified. The air felt cooler to me than I knew it was and the sun felt so hot, way more so than it ever does naturally in England. It didn't feel like it was taking any effort at all to walk, almost like I was floating. Everything felt so weirdly good, and I remember thinking how pretty everything looked and wondering why I hadn't noticed it before. When I got back to my classes, though, all of the classrooms felt so so cold, and I ended up sitting with my coat zipped up as high as possible and with my friend's scarf on and it all felt sort of nice and snuggly, even though I was in class! :laugh:

Ultimately, I think I get off pretty lightly in terms of fever experiences. :lol:

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I've had one really bad fever experience. It makes me cringe when I think about it. It's absolutely awful I can't believe this fucking happened to me. Anyway last February I caught the flu and unfortunately in that same week I had a gig at an elementary school as a guest speaker. So long story short, I get there, and I walk into a few classes to meet and greet some of the kids. Suddenly the room starts spinning and the teachers and the kids start asking me questions and I can barely hear them or focus long enough to answer them. It was one of the weirdest feelings in  my life. I kind of felt like I was floating and I could barely feel my body move. So anyway, I somehow get out of the classroom and go all the way to the auditorium room where more people are waiting for me.

I start talking and delivering my presentation... there was so many people fuck man. I was so overwhelmed by the number of people and felt so sick I nearly fainted. I was profusely sweating by this point, could barely answer a question, and everyone was all up in my face. I felt so weak, I could barely stand up. So finally, I sit down and there was literally a line up of children that went out the door, who were waiting to meet me and who wanted me to sign these autograph things. The room starting spinning again and my insides felt like they were going to burn me alive from the inside out. Somehow, I managed to sit there for an hour and greet these kids somewhat coherently but I could barely sign my own signature because my entire body was shaking so much from the fever and the chills. So I tried signing my name best as I could but it came out a jumbled shaky mess and people started to notice how bad my signing was. It was truly a nightmare. Then this lady walks in and starts bringing me around to meet all the teachers and staff and I can barely walk or speak intelligently. I'm surprised I remembered my full name and what I was there for.

I will also mention I have a really bad mental block and detest when people know I'm sick so I'm just sitting there trying to survive the day as best as possible. I think I delivered my content pretty good all things considering, and I met many wonderful kids and staff that day. It was a great experience overall but I just wished I wasn't that sick or else it would've been 100 times more enjoyable. But I remember walking home in the cold which did not help matters, than collapsed in my bed. And then I took my temperature and it was something crazy high and I was just like: you deserve a fucking award for today Melody :lol: 

As for good fever experiences... can't say I've had any. They've all been unpleasant in one way or another but nothing as crazy as the one above. 


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On 9/5/2016 at 1:45 PM, Sophie<3 said:


Alright, this is a thread I've been meaning to start for a while. First of all, you should know that I have been ridiculously intrigued with fevers lately. :lol: To the point where, not for the first time, it's made me wonder whether they are at the core of this entire thing for me rather than sneezing. But that's not the point of this post.

One thing that really fascinates me about fevers is how they can alter your perception of things. And when I thought about the fever experiences in my life a little more, I realized that there are two entirely different categories for me: Good and bad fever experiences. The good kind is the one that either makes you feel all warm and tired and snuggly, and if I'm allowed to stay home or if somebody is taking care of me, I quite enjoy that kind. :blush: Or, if it's not as mild but still in the good category, it's the one that sort of... enhances everything you experience. The thing that makes everything more intense, meaning you get, like, an extra kick out of what you're doing and remember it as this almost magical, surreal event.

The bad kind, for me, are the times when I hallucinate and am genuinely terrified. They are, also, of course the times when I become aware of all the unpleasant fever symptoms, like dizziness and disorientation and feeling cold but sweating at the same time and not being able to get comfortable and all of that.

So, since all of this fascinates me so much, I thought I'd share some of my good and bad fever stories with you, and maybe some of you will be able to add theirs. ^_^


First, the good ones:

The Surfing One: This is something that happened to me when I was in Costa Rica. I was sick for a few days there with, like, a cold, and I had a fever, too. We were a little worried, because this other girl we knew had caught Dengue. But Dengue tends to come with a really persistent, really high fever, and thankfully, mine was only mild to moderate. While I was right on the coast, I took the opportunity to surf as much as I could (though I think I should've gone out more, now that I'm back home. Ah, I miss it.) And I had this one-on-one lesson scheduled with this really fantastic teacher! My friends there were telling me I shouldn't go, that I was still sick, but damn, did I want to go! We had scheduled the lesson for the morning, but I called her and told her I couldn't make it because I wasn't feeling well. She asked if maybe I wanted to go in the afternoon instead, and I said yes. Again, my friends were telling me to just stay in bed, but I didn't have much time left on the coast and wanted to go soo bad! So, I rested for most of the day, then went surfing in the afternoon. And honestly, it was the best session I ever had! Throughout the day, my arms and legs had been so tired! I wasn't sure how I was even supposed to paddle, let alone actually ride a wave, but somehow, I managed to shake all of that off for a few hours! I was only wearing a bikini, too, and even though the water was warm, I got cold eventually. We were out for... something like two hours, I'd guess? And eventually, my teacher said that we better go in, because I was still sick and she didn't want me to get too cold. But seriously, throughout this session, I was just ecstatic! I mean, the waves were perfect, so that certainly helped! ^_^ Plus, it was my first time ever surfing a reef break! I think the fever just made everything that much more intense and gave it this extra, slightly surreal quality. I was really worn out afterwards, needless to say, but it was totally worth it! <3


The Concert One: This happened back home, when I was already at college. I woke up feeling fine, then got worse quickly during the day. Had it been up to me, I would have just gone home and crawled into bed. I wasn't well at all. My throat hurt, my head was pounding, and I was just so tired. But I was going to a concert that night with a friend and I didn't want to let her down! I wasn't better when we got there, either. We had to stand throughout the whole thing and I was so dizzy, at one point, I decided to simply sit down on the ground. But when the concert started, somehow I just got sucked into that incredible vibe! Everything was so loud and so intense, but somehow, I loved every second of it! The fever was making me super emotional, so I cried at, like, every other song! And my friend just thought it was funny! :lol: (I'm generally a very emotional person, so I got away with it.) Again, the entire experience was just so other-worldly, with the lights and the music and everything! I loved it! ^_^ When I got home, though, I took my temperature for the first time that day and my suspicion was confirmed, because it was at, like, 102? But anyway, that was such a great night, still.


Now, the bad ones:

The Camp One: I was at camp one year and pretty much everyone got sick that year. It was the flu or something. We were all miserable. Two girls from my room had already gone home. And a little later, I got sick, too. I was much younger then and it sucked so much to be ill, so far away from home. I wanted to sleep during the day, but everyone was so noisy, it was hard to get any rest. We had bunk beds and I got moved down from the top bunk when I got sick, so I didn't have to use the ladder and maybe fall. One of my friends put this towel in front of my bed like a curtain so that I could get some sleep. And I tried, but suddenly (my fever must have spiked or something) I remember sitting up in bed, awake, with my eyes open, and just seeing these gory images! We are talking blood and guts and stuff, and I was so young! I started crying silent tears, hoping it would go away, and I'm sure I was making some kind of noise, but the others were playing a game or something, so they didn't hear me. Eventually, it stopped and I went back to sleep. But man, that was terrifying! And I remember feeling so horribly isolated, because the only thing that prevented the others from helping me was that stupid towel, but somehow, I was too weak to rip it off and talk to them. I was just sitting there, crying, and they were like three feet away, but didn't realize.

The Class Trip One: In my Junior Year, we went on a class trip for a week (I'm pretty sure I even posted about it back then). A close friend of mine already had the flu when we left for the trip, and she was suffering, and the two of us were so close, it was only a matter of time before I caught it. Then, one night, we were playing games downstairs and some people were outside at a bonfire, and I just remember feeling really strange and disoriented suddenly. Then, I noticed that my face was really warm, too. I felt like crying for no reason and I was cold and I really, really wanted to be with the boy who was then my boyfriend. We'll call him L. I started walking around in a daze, asking the others whether they had seen L. Somebody told me he was at the bonfire, so I went outside to look for him. The bonfire wasn't right by the house and I had to walk through the dark to find him. I remember stumbling a lot and suddenly, I saw this river, right next to me! And I was so dizzy, I was really scared I would fall into it! I followed the light and eventually, I reached the bonfire, but L. wasn't there. I asked the people who were there whether they knew where he was and one of the guys said: "Oh, L.? Yeah, he's cheating on you with [insert name of another girl from my class]." I mean, I knew he was lying, but I was so devastated that L wasn't there and I was just so exhausted from the walk that I broke down crying right then. Finally, he realized that I wasn't well and he apologized and walked me back to the house. Eventually, we found L. and he took care of me, which was lovely. The fever stayed with me throughout the night and for at least another day or two, though. And during that first night, I could barely sleep and I kept thinking that the girl on the bunk bed below me was in labor or something, because I heard these strange noises, but in the morning, she told me that she'd been sleeping quietly all night! Also, when I woke up, I realized that there was no river outside. There were literally only fields. I had been so terrified of falling into the water, but there was literally nothing there, even though I swear that I saw it.



Wow that sounds so horrible and scary!! I didn't even know a fever could do that to someone. I agree with you, it's very fascinating to observe what they can potentially do to our bodies and mind. 

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Aww, you guys, thanks so much for the replies! ^_^ Me saying that this thread hadn't really taken off was just a factual statement, not a hidden imperative! :lol: But thanks so much!

@MaiMai Ohhh no, I remember that time you were so ill when you left your dorms and only had the bare mattress to lie on because everything was already packed...! I felt so bad for you then and again now, because the thought of that is just so sad...! :consoling: But the "good" fever story, though it doesn't necessarily qualify as good maybe, was super interesting with the amplified perception and the fact that everything seemed so pretty to you and the hot/cold paradox! Thanks for sharing! Also, I can't believe your temperature was constantly elevated for so long before you got your diagnosis and treatment? That can't have been comfortable. I'm sorry. :hug: 

@Melody Oh, wow, that sounds horrendous! You do deserve an award for making it through that! Pretty sure I would have just broke down crying after five minutes! :lol: So yeah, that sounds incredibly unpleasant and you are so brave for making it through that and not letting it show! As for the hallucinations... yeah, they are pretty scary, I guess. :/ They are pretty much a given for me with higher fevers, though, I'd say. In fact, one time, on top of visual hallucinations, I also experienced paranoid delusions! I was suddenly convinced that there was this big conspiracy going on and that everyone wanted to kill me! And it all seemed to make so much sense, because I thought that I wasn't actually ill but that they had just poisened me! And at first, I called out for help, but it was really quiet because my voice was so weak, and when nobody came, I took that as confirmation that they were just waiting for me to drop dead! :lmfao: And honestly, I thought fever hallucinations were a lot more commonplace...? But maybe they're actually not.

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I'm really interested in fevers too so I'm glad this is a topic. 

I kind of rarely get fevers when I'm sick so the only ones I really remember were from the past two years at college. So I guess I'll start with the bad one. 

Last year, literally the night before I was supposed to start my spring semester job, I got into bed tired (which is completely normal in college) and freezing cold even though I had literally just taken a hot (or as hot as my dorm allowed) shower. I took my temperature just out of curiosity and it was normal, but I was so cold I couldn't sleep so I put a hoodie over my tshirt and I changed into my flannel pajama pants and fuzzy socks and put an extra blanket on my bed. I was still shivery but I finally fell asleep. I woke a few hours later, still shivering, took my temp again and it was only like 98.9 fahrenheit so I went back to sleep. A couple hours after that I woke up and I knew I was sick. Nothing hurt, but I felt so weak and just generally achy. Not to mention I was SO HOT. I took my temperature and at that point it was 102.6 and I was like crap crap crap. I was too weak to walk to my closet so I drank some water on the table beside me, text my mom at like 3am because I was near tears about having to miss my first day of work, and thankfully there was a remote beside me so I turned on my dvd player and watched Annie (2014 version) until I felt well enough to crawl out of bed and shakily walk to my closet where the rest of my medications were. Then I had to text my best friend that I couldn't go to office hours that day which was fine because she had also been sick all week, but since we were both sick and she was in an apartment we didn't see each other and nobody else really came to visit my bedroom except for one friend brought  me a bowl of plain white rice and sprite from Panda express because that's all I wanted. So it was just lonely and uncomfortable. 

Halfway through freshman year of college however, I had a pretty good fever experience. My roommates freshman year and I all got along really well and that's how I met my best friend. So me, my best friend, another roommate, and then my best friend's friend from home who lived in the dorm across from us (confusing I know, he's a guy though) were watching a movie in the living room and it was one of those rare moments where I was laying on the sofa and my pillow was pretty much on my best friend's lap and I was bundled under my blanket watching comfortable, albeit a tad cold (I get cold when I have fevers most of the time). I say this was a rare moment because my friend doesn't like to be touched normally so it was rare I was laying across her lap. Well her hands were really cold so she was going to be mean and put them on my head to make me colder and the minute she laid her hand on my forehead like I kind of leaned into the touch because my head kind of hurt and it felt good but she removed her hand so fast and was like "JESUS! Are you sick? You're burning up!" and at that time the other roommate was getting up to get food and she felt it and she was like "You are pretty warm" and I just love forehead feeling I think it's sweet, plus it was funny because when she said that the boy hopped up and was like "NO! NO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE SICK! We have lab tomorrow morning and you can't leave me!" and I was like I'm fine, I'm fine it'll go away (which it did I think or if not it wasn't too bad so I still went to class) but I remember laying on the couch across her lap and the rest of the night she just kept her hands on my forehead/cheeks/neck because I said it felt good and she thought she could lower my fever some. It was really comforting

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So far in my life, my experiences with high grade fevers have been bad because family was involved and others knew about it.

Here are two of my experiences with high grade fevers:

In 4th grade, I went to school one day with a bad face rash and blotchy, red skin. A teacher saw my face and skin and wrote me a pass to go to the nurse's office. In the office, the nurse checked my temperature and I had a fever of 100.9 degrees Fahrenheit. She called my parents and I was taken to the doctor's office where I found out that I also had strep throat. I had to stay home from school for 2 to 3 days and I just wanted to be better. While I was at home, my parents gave me these Homeopathic medicines that didn't really work and all I wanted to do was be alone in bed. When I got back to school, I was really embarrassed and I felt kind of guilty for not being at school.

During winter break of my 9th grade year, my mom, dad, and my sister were sick with some sort of cold/flu. When they got sick, they didn't cover their mouths when they would cough or sneeze. Apparently, my dad caught this bug from one of his colleagues at work from his business trip and then my mom and sister got sick. While they were in day 4 or 5 of getting sick, I got a high grade fever, possibly because of the germs that were around. I basically felt too fatigued one night and asked my mom if I could go sleep at 7 PM. I woke up the next afternoon and I had that disgusting feverish feeling. My throat, neck, and head were on fire and my voice was starting to reflect my fatigue. I thought that if I could just wake up and do work as normal, no one would notice that I had a fever. However, my mom came to my room and she started asking me why I was still in bed at noon. I didn't say anything and she checked my forehead and neck and found out that I had a fever. She then gave me a whole lecture on how my "lack of hygiene" was the reason for my fever.(Mom, maybe I got that fever because you and everyone else didn't give enough of a fuck to cover your mouths. I keep good hygiene so that was not the reason for my fever.) That just ruined everything for me and I kind of felt guilty for being sick in the first place. It took me 3 or 4 days for me to get better. 

To be honest, I don't mind fevers as long as I can get rest and no one notices that I am sick, especially family. Whenever I get sick with fevers, my family tends to blame me for it, so I have become better at hiding milder fevers even though they make me kind of tired. If I were living alone, I wouldn't hate getting a fever because there is no one to be on my case about it.

I seem to be in the minority here, but no matter how bad my fevers have been, I never seem to hallucinate or get weird thoughts. I just mentally shut down. I don't get more or less emotional either.

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18 hours ago, bingochamp7 said:

She then gave me a whole lecture on how my "lack of hygiene" was the reason for my fever.(Mom, maybe I got that fever because you and everyone else didn't give enough of a fuck to cover your mouths. I keep good hygiene so that was not the reason for my fever.) That just ruined everything for me and I kind of felt guilty for being sick in the first place. It took me 3 or 4 days for me to get better. 

Thats horrible! You should never feel guilty for being sick! Wow being sick in front of parents is bad enough if mine said this to me I think I would want to disappear forever lol. 

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  • 10 months later...

I'm also obsessed with fevers. I rarely get them, but when other people have them, I just really want to take care of them.

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