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Markiplier's sick voice


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Hey, everyone! Wasn't sure where to put this, but Markiplier was very sick in his latest video. His voice is TOTALLY destroyed, and he talks for like 10 min. He's adorable and trying to keep up his enthusiasm even though he sounds like fried crap. Just listening to him talk actually made my throat hurt in sympathy xDD. So anyone who's into gravelly, sick, hoarse voices, here's one for you~! <3

He does sniffle around 7:18 (right after a precious little voice crack, poor thing xDD).

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Awww... I feel bad for him, but also, great find! Since he said alluded to being even worse off than the last time he'd posted, I figured I should probably watch the previous day's video... and sure enough, it was great for the same reasons. In that one, he starts out kinda sorta okay but fades pretty dramatically over the course of filming and freely admits that he feels awful. I'm always kind of sad that I don't enjoy his gaming video style, because he seems like a total sweetheart. (And that voice! The non-sick version, I mean.) So instead, I just watch his non-gaming videos, which seem to frequently involve lots and lots of crying (milestone videos) or being very sick but filming anyway... I don't object to either of those options one bit. :-)  

Here's the video in question... If you don't want to watch the cringy stuff he's reacting to, the beginning and then 7:22 on are safe bets. (I particularly enjoyed his math/science/space joke that started at 8:30 and went on for... much longer than you'd expect, haha.)

Okay, off to watch the one BlackScatter posted and probably melt from the adorable vulnerability... ness....

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