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I'm always craving for some Star Trek, and especially Spock, so thank you for that last drabble! 

On 01/01/2018 at 11:27 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“I believe the correct human phrase is I told you so,” he said, as he removed himself from the cluster of white.

Oh Spock do you know how much I love you????? :blushing:

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Prompt: Shower

Fandom: Star Trek reboot

Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy

Spock and McCoy stood close together as the hot water poured down and thick steam filled the shower stall.  The steam was indeed helping as Spock felt his airways open up, but it also had the unfortunate side effect of leaving his nose quite sensitive.

The scent of McCoy’s shampoo made it undeniably itchy and Spock sniffled and rubbed at it.

“Still bothering you hmm?” McCoy asked.

“Your methods are helping, but I admit I still…hihh need to-heh!

The building sneeze was abruptly halted as McCoy pressed his fingers hard under his nose.


“Shh, don’t want to spoil the moment just yet.”

He rubbed gently as Spock’s nose quivered and then relaxed.

Still McCoy kept his hand in place and Spock leaned back against him.  Even before their argument his duties as acting captain had kept him away and Spock had to admit, if only to himself, that he had missed him.

McCoy smiled at the gesture and pressed soft kisses along his neck.

 “I’ve missed you too.”

A sudden rush of cool air filled the stall as the door slid open.

“Does that mean nobody missed me?”

“Jim, what in the name of Scotty’s un-tuned bagpipes are you doing?!”

“Hello to you too, Bones.”


“And here I’d thought you’d be all excited I made it back early.”

“We’re thrilled, now either get in here or shut the door you’re letting out all the steam!”


Jim chose to join them, but as McCoy moved over to make room for him Spock caught the scent of shampoo again, and combined with the sharp musk lingering on Jim from his mission all proved too much.

Ihh’itchu! ISSHuh! Hheh-IESSHu!

“Bless you, Spock,” Jim responded, a hint of concern in his voice.

Spock managed a small nod in thanks before his nostrils flared wide again.


He sniffled thickly and answered Jim’s unasked question.

“It is a minor respiratory infection.”

“Looks like I came back at a good time then.”

He shifted to the side so Spock was gently cuddled between him and McCoy.

Spock was in no mood to disapprove of their emotional behaviour and stayed there.

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6 hours ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Jim, what in the name of Scotty’s un-tuned bagpipes are you doing?!”


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  • 3 months later...

For a change of pace we head back to the Original Series and where the guys aren't together yet.

Prompt: Embarrassment

Fandom: Star Trek TOS

As a member of the Enterprise crew Spock had had his fair share of diplomatic missions.  Missions that required pressed uniforms, knowing proper customs, and indulging in the local cuisine that, more often than not, never quite agreed with his delicate hybrid physiology.

The current mission it seemed was no exception as the dubious benefits of the local alcohol were making quite clear.  The bright green liquid burned his throat and he had to suppress the urge to cough as he and the others placed their glasses back on the tray.

The burning in his throat was only the start however as the feeling soon crept upwards filling his nose with an Itch that he could not seem to quell.


“Bless you,” Jim responded.

Spock nodded in thanks. “If you would excuse me for a moment,” he said, and walked swiftly to the nearest exit.

The balcony he found was thankfully empty and Spock sat down on the closest bench the tightly stifled sneeze had done nothing to dispel the tickle and he did not wish to have an audience for the spectacle.


Spock’s face flushed green.  Of all the people who could how found him in this state it had to be Doctor McCoy.

“It’s usually my job to run out on the delignates first chance I get not yours, is something wrong?” he asked.

“I-ihh… I believe I am having an allergic r-reaction hih’itchu!

McCoy quickly scanned him and couldn’t help, but chuckle at the results. “Well I can’t say it’s a reaction to alcohol I’ve seen before.”

“Doctor, p-please Isshh! Asshh!

Spock felt the light touch of McCoy’s hand on his shoulder.

“I can give you something, but it won’t make you stomach feel very good.”

“I would prefer it to t-this-hihh…ihhh

The hypospray was swift and the results almost immediate, but it wasn’t enough to prevent one final release.



 “Thank you, and for your assistance,” Spock answered as he rubbed his nose and felt his sinuses finally clear. “I trust this will remain between us.”

 “Of course.  I tease, Spock, but I would never want to hurt you in front of others.  We can stay here for a few minutes if you’d like.”

“I would appreciate that.”

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I'm so glad you updated this thread! As usual, sneezing Spock is my favorite, and the complicity moment with McCoy makes the drabble even better!

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On 5/9/2018 at 11:45 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Of course.  I tease, Spock, but I would never want to hurt you in front of others.  We can stay here for a few minutes if you’d like.”

Awwww. Good old Bones!

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I've never seen any of the movies or show, but I'm in love with Spock!!!!  He's so cute.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More Spock and McCoy fluff with the roles reversed. 

Prompt: Headache

Fandom: Star Trek TOS

The labs were quiet as much of the crew had left for their evening meal, leaving only Spock and McCoy to monitor the goings on.

It also left Spock with the opportunity to notice that McCoy wasn’t his usual self.  Oh he had groused about coming in and glared at his subordinates, but there had been none of their usual banter or even simple ‘shop talk’ as Spock had learned it was called.  McCoy merely checked the brightly coloured test tubes and made notes on his PADD in silence, occasionally switching the PADD to his other hand so he could rub at his temple or pinch the bridge of his nose.

It was during one of these moments that Spock had to adjust one of the dials for him and turned back to McCoy to find his eyes seemingly distant and unfocused.

 “Are you all right, Doctor McCoy, you appear-”

huh’ISSHu! ASHHu!


“Ugh, sorry I was-ehh-ESHUuh!  Trying to keep all that in.”

The last sneeze seemed to have thrown him slightly off balance and Spock got him a chair.  Again there was no grumpy retort or yelling that he didn’t need help.  McCoy just accepted the chair and pulled out a tissue to wipe at his nose.

“May I ask why?”

“Because once I start sneezin’ it’s hard to-to heh to stop hehh’ESShh! Ehh’ashh!  Hihh…ehhh…IHERSUUh!

The fit had left the tissue in a dismal state and Spock sought out a fresh supply from the closest drawer.

“Thank you.”

“I can monitor your work as well as my own, Doctor, you are clearly ill and should be off-duty.”

“No, then I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling with nothing to distract me from how rotten I feel.”

He winced and went back to the familiar motion of rubbing his head.

“Course normally my head isn’t pounding like this.”   

“Could you not take something for that from sickbay?”

“No, Nurse Chapel already kicked me out of there so I wouldn’t infect the patients.”

“Then I shall go retrieve it.”

“Wait, Spock, you don’t have to do that!”

“No, but I wish to,” he said, and made his way to the door.

As he left Spock heard McCoy mumble about tucking him into bed and feeding him soup and was grateful that not all of the good doctor’s abrasive nature had been smoothed over by his illness.

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49 minutes ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Because once I start sneezin’ it’s hard to-to heh to stop hehh’ESShh! Ehh’ashh!  Hihh…ehhh…IHERSUUh!



49 minutes ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

As he left Spock heard McCoy mumble about tucking him into bed and feeding him soup and was grateful that not all of the good doctor’s abrasive nature had been smoothed over by his illness.


This was great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh I had not seen that last one!!! 

On 22/05/2018 at 1:40 AM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

Again there was no grumpy retort or yelling that he didn’t need help. 

So we know that something's wrong here... :D

On 22/05/2018 at 1:40 AM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Because once I start sneezin’ it’s hard to-to heh to stop hehh’ESShh! Ehh’ashh!  Hihh…ehhh…IHERSUUh!

The fit had left the tissue in a dismal state and Spock sought out a fresh supply from the closest drawer.

Oh... Oh. :blushing:

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  • 1 month later...

Prompt: Itch


Fandom: Star Trek TOS (movie era)


Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy


The halls of the academy were sparsely populated as the last block of classes hadn’t let out for the day. Or at least most of them hadn’t.   Jim supposed he should feel guilty for letting his class go early, but it was Friday and besides it gave him a chance to drop in on another class.

Jim slipped into the lecture hall via the teacher’s entrance so no one would see him and watched as Spock stood instructing his class.   His hands clasped behind his back and his hair perfectly shaped as always.  There was one thing though that appeared out of place.  The way the bridge of his nose crinkled slightly as he spoke.  The way he would press one finger along the side of his nose as he turned with each pass of the hall Jim could tell it was bothering him.

All too soon the class was finished and as the students prepared to leave Jim watched as Spock took the moment of noise and shifting bodies to allow the briefest lapse of control.  With his back to the students his knuckles pressed firmly under his nose and remained there.  His nostrils twitched in defiance, but he managed to the hold off the inevitably for a while longer.

Having successfully quelled the itch once more Spock lowered his hand and lifted his eyes fully to the back of the room.

“Are you quite finished lurking by the door, Jim?”

“How did you know it was me?”

“It is Friday and you are predictable.”

“Is it my fault you look so good when you teach?”

He approached Spock then pressing their fingers together hoping it would be enough to distract him as he saw those nostrils twitch once more.

It was.


Jim stepped back and allowed him more room.  Spock quickly took advantage and buried his nose in the crock of his arm.

“Heh’ASHu! ISSHH!  Ihh-ihh’IESHu!

“Bless you.”

“Thank you and I’m sure my need for sternutation has no bearing on this.”

“I think of it as extra credit.”

“Which you will have to give your students if they don’t pass their exams.”

“Perhaps we could make it a combined assignment then.  You know we don’t spend enough time together now that we’re grounded.”

“Your ulterior motivation is obvious and ihhh…” his breath hitched sharply as the itch returned with a vengeance.  “Would you excuse m-me heh’ISHhh! ISHHu!

Spock grabbed a tissue from the supply on his desk and blew gently as Jim bit his lip in worry.

“I should get you home.”

Spock sighed. “I am hardly an invalid over this, Jim.”

Jim chuckled. “I know, but you know that Bones will want to check you.”

“Our good doctor worries too much.”

“It’s his way.”

With that Jim turned to leave with that stern ‘I’m the captain no further questions’ stride he had come to recognize so well over the years.  So Spock shook his head in exasperation and followed him out of the hall.

Edited by Fuzzy&Warm
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6 hours ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

im slipped into the lecture hall via the teacher’s entrance so no one would see him and watched as Spock stood instructing his class.   His hands clasped behind his back and his hair perfectly shaped as always. 

I can totally picture this.


6 hours ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“How did you know it was me?”

“It is Friday and you are predictable.”

“Is it my fault you look so good when you teach?”



6 hours ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Our good doctor worries too much.”


Might there be more to follow? This is lovely!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/8/2018 at 7:51 PM, AngelEyes said:

Might there be more to follow? This is lovely! 

There is indeed more!

Prompt: Warmth

Fandom: Star Trek TOS (movie era)

Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy

Just because Jim and Spock had planned to head home does not mean they made good time in doing so.  Several students came up to Spock with questions.  Jim was stopped by the admiralty and then they were both stopped for an impromptu photo-op by a passing orientation group.  The sun was down by the time they finally arrived and Spock was grateful to enter the warmth of their home.

Unfortunately it also worked to loosen his growing congestion.

Ihhh’IESuh! ASSHuh!

“I knew it!”

McCoy was around the corner from the kitchen in an instant and glaring at him.

“I knew you were getting sick and you insisted on going in anyway and working on turning this into pneumonia!”

“Greetings to you as well, Leonard.”

Jim just laughed as McCoy got Spock on their couch and dropped a heavy blanket in his lap, grumbling about hobgoblins and their inane logic.

Spock made no protest against the doctor’s over-protective nature, instead allowing the firelight and soft blanket to ease away the remaining chill. 

hih-snf! Ihh…

He sniffled thickly as the need to sneeze began building again. Though now in an intimate setting Spock felt no need to suppress the urge even if it teased him slightly.

ihh’itchu! Hah’AShh! Ihhh-hihh’ISSHHhu!

“Bless you,” Jim said, joining him on the couch and placing a box of tissues within easy reach on the table.

“Thank you.”

Jim glanced up to the last point of their triangle.

“Care to join us, Bones?”

“No, someone has to check on the soup and get more tissues and-”

Before McCoy could leave to do any of that Spock grabbed his arm and gently pulled him down next to them.

“As I mentioned to Jim before you worry too much, Leonard, and I wouldn’t wish that to affect your own health.”

McCoy tensed for a moment before relaxing and leaning into him with a smile.

“Well only because you insist.”

Jim moved in tightly as well, both he and McCoy working to make sure the blanket covered Spock adequately and Spock for his part was content.  If he must be ill there were certainly worse ways to spend it.


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On 7/28/2018 at 4:54 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Greetings to you as well, Leonard.”

LOL Spock!


On 7/28/2018 at 4:54 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

Jim moved in tightly as well, both he and McCoy working to make sure the blanket covered Spock adequately and Spock for his part was content.  If he must be ill there were certainly worse ways to spend it.


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  • 2 months later...

Prompt: Control

Fandom: Star Trek reboot

Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy

While New Vulcan was normally known for its heat and dry air now that the sun was down a quiet chill had settled over the house of Sarek.  Spock was grateful for that as it gave him one less thing to focus on as he smoothed down non-existent wrinkles from his robes and, passing a reflective vase, checked to make sure his hair was still styled just as he preferred.

His relationship with his father was still strained and the addition of his new wife was not helping.  He knew it was necessary and the garden that had been built out near the back of the house was a constant reminder that his mother was not being erased or forgotten with this new union and yet…

He still felt like an intruder here. The rebel who had returned as a black spot on the good name of Vulcan society and so Spock worked to be the model son his father wished for and not the one he had.

It didn’t take long before that mask began to slip though.  It was a soft flowery scent that did it.  It moved through the room in waves, likely from one of the other guests.  The scent curled in his nostrils making his nose twitch and flare.   He rubbed at it in a vain hope to quell the growing tickle.  It worked for a time, but it did nothing for the liquid that was building up too, causing him to blink rapidly and sniffle hard. 

That caused some heads to turn in his direction and Spock decked his head under their stares of judgement.  While allergies were known in Vulcans the fact that he could not contain himself properly now was just one more sign that he was not good enough to be among them.

Spock fled to the garden to escape, finding a bench where he was unlike to seen and most importantly heard as the last of his control slipped away from him.

hih…ihhh'itchu! ISSHu! ASSHh! Heh’IESShh!

 “Are you all right, Spock?”

“I am f-huh-ISSHuhh! ISSUhu! functional.”

Spock Prime raised an eyebrow. “Indeed.”

Taking out his handkerchief Spock wiped at his eyes.

“I see you have remained quite composed,” he said.

“I have been around our father’s home more frequently these least weeks.  I find it beneficial to remain by the south side of the room where there is more air c-circulation hih’ISShu! EISSHhh!

Spock shifted over on the bench and his elder self joined him.

Spock Prime sighed as he watched the younger man glare holes in the sand at their feet.  He knew that look of self-condemnation all too well.

“We both share a human line.  It is not fatal, Spock.”

“No, though it seems at times that it is…unacceptable.”

“True there are many who do not hold to IDIC as you or I might wish.”

He pulled out his own handkerchief then and blew his nose gently.

“However, we both know those who are far more accepting.”  He lowered his head, his voice taking on a softer wistful tone. “I had hoped to see them tonight.”

Spock did not have to ask who they were.  As Spock Prime tucked his handkerchief away Spock could see the embroidery on it.  The letters were faded now, but still present.

“I did not want them here it would make things…difficult.”

Spock Prime put a hand gently on his shoulder.

“You should not turn away their support.  They wish to be here for you.”

Yes, but they too would receive judgement for doing so.  They would be considered out-worlders especially now when so much of Vulcan was consumed with preserving Vulcan culture. He did not want them to suffer here as well.  He would talk to them later.

For now his counter-part’s support was enough.

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  • 1 month later...

Prompt: Apologize

Fandom: Star Trek reboot

Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy

Spock felt the tension between his shoulder ease and he travelled the familiar and comforting halls of the Enterprise and returned to his shared quarters.  No longer bound by obligation he could now be with those who cared for him just as he was.

Upon entering however Spock found himself receiving harsh glares from his mates.

“How was it?” Jim asked, his voice tight and formal.

“It was…adequate,” Spock supplied, as the lingering itch in his nose reminded him that it had certainly not been uneventful.

“Good,” McCoy said, keeping his back to Spock.

“Gentlemen, I sense I have done something wrong.”

Jim sighed in annoyance. “Oh, it’s nothing, Spock, you just went to your dad’s wedding alone!”

“Yeah, maybe it’s not a big deal on Vulcan, but us humans take pride in bringing people we care about together for those events, but I guess we’re not important enough to be a part of that.” McCoy finished.

Spock was speechless for a moment.  He had gone without them to protect them not because he was embarrassed by them.  Surely that wasn’t what they thought.

From their stiff stances Spock could clearly see that it was.

“Jim, Leonard, I believe you misunderstand.  My father’s marriage is event of duty not a chance for family bonding.“

Jim looked at him in confusion. “Then why did you go?”

“It is expected that I be there, but that did not mean there would not be judgement from others including my father.  It is taxing enough for me and I did not wish either of you two suffer as well.  I am…sorry if I let you think you were not important enough to me to-hih-to attend.”

His last words came out in a few gaspy breathes as the itch increased to a full blown tickle and his sudden hitch in breathing awoke the doctor instinct in McCoy.

“What’s wrong?”

“I believe I am allergic to a perfume one of the attendees was wearing.  I had thought returning to the ship would help, but I seem to have enough on my person to still be a-affected ihh-heh…

Spock sniffled and sighed in frustration as the tickle abruptly left.

Jim looked at him with sympathy. “It teases hmm?  Happens to me all the time, here let me help.”

He gently pulled Spock over to the bed and sat down.  And both Jim and McCoy were reminded of how much Spock did care by how he was willing to be so vulnerable with them.

“Relax,” Jim said, raising his hand to Spock’s nose and tracing gently over each nostril, letting himself linger at points where said nostrils flared hardest.

Spock’s nose crinkled at his touch and his eyes fluttered closed as the sneeze began building again.

“Jim, I-I heh-cover.”

McCoy was at the ready as Jim pulled his hand back he pressed a handkerchief to Spock’s nose to sneeze into.


“Bless you, better?”

“Somewhat, but, Hihhh… L-Leonard, please don’t move I-ihhhh-ISSHUu! EISHH! ESSHUu!  Ihh…hahh…hihh...

McCoy took the lead then, rubbing his thumb over one side of Spock’s nose to coax out the last sneeze.


When McCoy had helped him wipe away the tears of irritation Spock opened his eyes to see Jim’s eyes wide with shock. “Wow it really does set you off.  Maybe I should pick some up.”

“Don’t even think about it!  With our luck it’ll set your sensitive nose off too.”

“Oh come on, Bones, I’m fine ehh’eissh! Eshhu!

McCoy rolled his eyes. “Idiots the both of you.”

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2 hours ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Don’t even think about it!  With our luck it’ll set your sensitive nose off too.”


“Oh come on, Bones, I’m fine ehh’eissh! Eshhu!


McCoy rolled his eyes. “Idiots the both of you.”

LOL! Love it!

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Oh SPOCK!!! Yes thank you so much for this!!!

On 10/7/2018 at 8:12 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“We both share a human line.  It is not fatal, Spock.”

“No, though it seems at times that it is…unacceptable.”

Oh my poor Spock. Listen to your elder, young man, he knows better than you do.

On 11/25/2018 at 10:06 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“Gentlemen, I sense I have done something wrong.”

:D An astute deduction, Spock, really...

I'd love to read anything illness-related (preferably with Spock and / or McCoy being sick), just in case you have some time to write it...:whistling1:

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  • 3 weeks later...

At Aliena's request we have an illness related work up next, but I made Jim the sufferer first, because I realized I have less of him in this thread than the others. 

Prompt: Immune

Fandom: Star Trek reboot

Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy

Spock sat by his computer his PADD beside it, checking both frequently as he worked out increasingly smaller duty rosters, reports, and a multitude of other tasks that seemed to spring up constantly.  While filling in as acting captain was a role he had done before in his time on the Enterprise Spock had to admit he had never done it while being so short staffed.  However, since it allowed Jim the time needed to recover it was a burden he would gladly shoulder.

Spock’s eyes flickered away from the screens as Jim shifted under the covers.

He got up as Jim moved the covers down revealing his flushed face and bed-mussed hair.

“Do you need anything, Jim?”

Jim shook his head, one hand reaching for the closest tissue box to blow his nose.

Spock sat down on the bed as Jim finished and let him rest his head against his shoulder.

“You were working last time I got up too.”

“You needn’t worry, Jim, while efficiency ratings are down 7.45% we’re still maintaining course to Starbase 5 to re-supply and transfer the data of our recent planet survey.”

“But you shouldn’t be doing this alone.  I should be helping, Spock.  I should-heh-I g-gotta ehh-EISHu! ESShuh! ASHh!

“Bless you.”

“N-Not done ehhh-EISHHUu! EESHH! Hehh…hih-hih’IERShuh!

Jim sagged against him and Spock grabbed him another tissue.  His behaviour was not surprising.  The illness that was currently plaguing the ship was similar to the common cold and was why it had travelled so quickly through the crew as no one had considered it serious at first.  However, it also led to flu-like symptoms in later stages, leaving the infected lethargic, sore, and in Jim’s case still running a high fever.

“I’m so sorry, Spock.”

“Do not be.  It was clearly a necessary release.”

Jim managed a small smile. “Never seems to be so necessary when you have to sneeze though is it?”

“That is a professional setting.  This is not.”

“No kidding I’m-”

Jim was cut off from his next self-deprecating rant by a coughing fit and Spock pulled over a glass of water.

“You shouldn’t be around me so much, Spock,” Jim said, after the glass was drained dry.

“Jim, we have already confirmed I can’t catch this and that is all the more reason for me to continue to work in your stead.”

“Yeah, so I can be lazy.”

“You are not lazy.  You are ill and still in need of rest and you know Leonard would agree with me if he were here.  So, instead of having him yell at both of us when he returns I would rather you go back to sleep.”

Jim was already letting his body sink back against his pillow.

“Too good to me,” he mumbled, as Spock pulled the covers back over him.

“It is no less than you deserve.”

When the sound of congested snoring assured Spock that Jim was resting again he went back to his desk, checking the time as he did and making a note to head to sickbay when the next set of reports was completed.  

McCoy was late.

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On 12/23/2018 at 6:13 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“N-Not done ehhh-EISHHUu! EESHH! Hehh…hih-hih’IERShuh!

Love this!

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Prompt: Caught in the Act

Fandom: Star Trek reboot

Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy

McCoy leaned forward on his desk with a groan and rubbed at his eyes.  It was times like this he hated being a doctor.  There wasn’t a whole lot he could do for his patients outside of watching for spikes in fevers and pushing fluids.  Now that the illness had been confirmed to be annoying, but not dangerous there was no adrenaline rush in finding a cure or vaccine.  Not there were a lot of people left that sort of thing anyway.  Lord knew Spock had enough on his plate that he hadn’t even stepped into a lab in a week.  Charlene Masters had currently taken over engineering while Scotty was under the watchful eye of Uhura and he didn’t even know who was flying their tin can of a ship at the moment. 

At least there were no new cases being reported, but that really didn’t matter at this point did it?  Everyone was sick and those lucky few who weren’t were exhausted.


McCoy now had the honour of being both.

He just hadn’t reported himself as such yet so technically he wasn’t a new case.

Burying his face into his sleeve he coughed as the stifled sneeze irritated his throat, still trying to keep quiet so no one would hear.  He pulled back and began searching the desk drawers for tissues.


McCoy jumped and turned to see Spock in his office, when had the door even opened?

“I should make you wear tap shoes so I can hear you coming.  Is something wrong with Jim?”

“No, he is resting. I merely came to inquire why you are late returning to our quarters.”

McCoy snorted and then immediately regretted it as it started a fresh tickle in the back of his nose.

“In case you haven’t noticed we’re all busy plugging personal leaks trying to get this ship to port.”

He ducked his head and rubbed at his nose trying to halt the upcoming sneeze, and where were the tissues?!

Spock meanwhile moved behind the desk and easily lifted McCoy up and pulled him into his arms.

“There is no need to hide that you are ill, Leonard, I heard you coughing from the hall.”

“Darn Vulcan e-hehh-ears.”

McCoy let himself fall into the embrace pressing his quivering nose to Spock’s shoulder.

“Spock, you shouldn’t I really do need to-heh-need to s-sneeze.”

Spock merely tightened his embrace and McCoy released the desperate fit against him. “heh’ERSUu! IERSUu! Huhh-ASSHhh!

“You should be resting.”

“Spock, you know as well as I do how much backlogged work there is to do.”

“Work you can do from a PADD as you have already informed me there is no cure at this time and you do not need to monitor the patients directly.”

“Yeah, so I can feel even more useless than I ihhh…oh not a-again huhh’ISUhh! Ehh-ESHHU! Huh-hehh…Spock, I-I can’t huh-ehhh…”

Spock shifted slightly, pressing a kiss to the side of McCoy’s nose.

huhh-ahh’ASShu! ERSHUuh!

“Bless you, Leonard.”

McCoy sniffled thickly not even bothering to move from his position against Spock.  His fever must be higher than he thought. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be I only wish you to be well.”

Spock reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief.  McCoy noticed that it was new with all of their initials embroidered on it.  He smiled at the gesture.

“You have a good bedside manner, Spock, you know that?”

“I do try."

Edited by Fuzzy&Warm
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4 hours ago, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“I should make you wear tap shoes so I can hear you coming.


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Thank you so much!!!

On 12/27/2018 at 9:17 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

Everyone was sick and those lucky few who weren’t were exhausted.


McCoy now had the honour of being both.

That was great. I'm sorry for McCoy but on the other hand I always like when a doctor character gets sick...

On 12/27/2018 at 9:17 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“There is no need to hide that you are ill, Leonard, I heard you coughing from the hall.”

“Darn Vulcan e-hehh-ears.”


On 12/27/2018 at 9:17 PM, Fuzzy&Warm said:

“You have a good bedside manner, Spock, you know that?”

“I do try."

Awww I love ANY references to "bedside manner" in Star Trek because that scene in The empath was just too good to be true.

Once again, thanks a lot! I know that Spock believes he's immune to that virus, whatever it is, but... don't you think he could be mistaken? :whistle2:

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