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Yuri!!! on Ice fic request or trade


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Heyyyy anime fans.  What's the hot new thing sweeping the nation world?  Yuri on Ice, that's what.  Somehow we're only two episodes into this mess and I'm already getting obsessed.  To that end, what's a better anime to subject to kink than one where all the action takes place in winter?  On an ice rink??  In view of the whole world??? If anyone is willing to write me something, I would be eternally grateful.  Victor is my absolute favorite (what a dork) but I would honestly be happy with a story featuring any (or all) of the main three characters, provided Yuri Plisetsky is aged up to at least 18 and is no longer a minor.

Things I like:

  • Victor/Katsuki Yuuri slash (with Yuri Plisetsky grumping around in the background)
  • Mess
  • Embarrassment associated with sneezing (not wanting to sneeze in front of SO, camera, etc.)
  • Colds/contagion, though allergies are also very nice

Can I just say how very awesome and exciting I find the idea of one of them having to deal with a bad cold while the media are all up in their faces?  (Considering the amount of times I've seen "normal" people reblogging that clip of Victor sneezing I expect there would be a pretty big 'IRL' interest in their health in canon.)  If any of this strikes your fancy, potential writers, I would be so very happy.  

AND I AM WILLING AND ABLE TO TRADE!!  Not just YoI either, but mainly anime stuff, so if you have a return request, let me know!

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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*slowly raises hand*

I love the idea of Viktor being sick but needing to do interviews so I might run with that. Plus Viktor :heart:

If you don't mind subtle slash  (kinda like my Rakugo fict) I can do Viktor/Yuuri cuz it's basically canon :rofl:

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Kaze, you're my hero! (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡   I will love anything you write, pretty much guaranteed.  The Rakugo fic was just AWESOME.  Would you like something in return? :D

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I was thinking of doing one the other way, like Yuuri getting catching a cold and being embarrassed about it in front of Victor.  Like it starts out with just some sneezing but he chalks it up to not keeping warm enough in the rink (hue hue) and keeps practicing but it then develops into a full-blown head cold.  And of course Victor flirts and frets and teaches <3

It probably wouldn't be a long fic, but how does that sound?

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That also sounds amazing!!  Poor Yuuri, and Victor being his flirtatious and genuine self... I'd love to read it!

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kk first part is up :D  It will probably be 3 parts long, maybe more but no promises.

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On 10/19/2016 at 6:39 PM, LeapYearKisses said:

Kaze, you're my hero! (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡   I will love anything you write, pretty much guaranteed.  The Rakugo fic was just AWESOME.  Would you like something in return? :D

Hehe cool. Might take a bit as real life has kicked me lately but I will do it. Let me think what Id like in the trade too Im horribly picky when it comes to fanficts :rofl:

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2 minutes ago, Kaze BOO Hiku said:

Hehe cool. Might take a bit as real life has kicked me lately but I will do it. Let me think what Id like in the trade too Im horribly picky when it comes to fanficts :rofl:

No problem.  Take all the time you need, for writing or thinking or whatever. :3

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