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Guys, I'm sure for 99% that I've caught a cold... :D Mentally I'm feeling well, physically not much. I'm feeling a little poorly, I feel I don't have strength to do anything, I have chills, but I'm coarsely dressed and I'm feeling warm, My nose is tweaking me and "water" is dripping sometimes from back of the nose. Probably the cold is kicking in.

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 23:00, Sore throat and headache came to me. Some parts of my body are hurting a little and my nose is going to be plugged. I'm sure that tomorrow I'll be oficially sick ;)

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14 hours ago, heyyythere said:

Please keep us updated! :proud:

Don't worry :D

Just like I thought, I woke up with runny nose. Now it is plugged only in one hole, second hole is very warm, but this is normal for me while being sick. I don't know if this is normal, but I'm feeling pleasure now. My throat is not hurting now but it is very dry. I think that my coughing is now on level hard, because I can't stop :D Little strange thing for me is that I have chills, but I'm feeling warm. I hope that I will sneezing today :P

Edited by Joal 555
as requested by poster
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Yeah, guys, this is one and only thing, that I don't like while being sick - tickles. Sure, I sneezed couple of times today, but now I have tickles and this is annoying me. I love to sneeze, I love to have completely plugged nose, sore throat etc., but I don't like these tickles in my nose. I'll try to sniff pepper and maybe this will help.

I'm sitting psychically weak normally dressed, because I have warm radiator in my room. This is very nice feeling, when I'm thinking about these people who were sick and imagine those germs in them and feeling those germs now in me. Feeling that I've joined to this group people with a cold is perfect for me, too. I'm not feeling very very bad. I can say this is intermediate illness. Unfortunately I don't have thermometer in my house, but I don't feeling like I have fever.

Yeah... Just now I've sneezed when I wrote this :D Of course this was "APSHOO!" sound :D I'm happy, tickles went away for now.

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My body wants to lie down and rest. I woke up an hour ago with plugged left hole of the nose and with these annoying tickles. Im seriously feeling very bad now, guys. I'm writing this post powerless. My throat isn't hurting, but it is tweaking, it is dry and little swollen. I don't have strength for nothing. This isn't normal but I really like those symptoms.

Sorry for short post, but just like you know - I'm powerless.

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