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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Vera from Caramell (F)


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Anyone here familiar with Caramelldansen (or at least the band,Caramell)? Then you probably remember Vera. The red one.

One night at 3 in the morning, I got the bright idea to make a low-quality Vera thing. I had finished fixing her up (getting rid of unwanted "physics" :naughty:,cleaning up a few vertices,stuff like that) and decided to test her out. (She works perfectly by the way.) Then I thought,"Hey,I haven't posted to the forum in a while."

So have a lil' sniffly Vera acting like a tsundere. (Funny enough the TDA Teto base already has a bit of a reddened nose/cheeks so I didn't need to use the blush slider.)


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