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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Hi there! I'm Alex and I have to say that I found this forum a while ago but I just never really came by it and took the time to register. I guess I was exploring other fetishes of mine since I'm still in college and this is supposed to be that interesting part of your life and I happened to come across this really interesting girl who had this type of fetish, she even told me about this site (she's been here for years) and I figured that I should actually take the time to get involved in the community here since it allows me to flirt with her a bit better. 


I was actually using the topic on how to induce sneezing before I sat down to register, sadly they're not really working but I saw this post about "chhinkni" and actually ordered like 5 vials off of ebay (for about $10 too, hope it's the real deal). Whoever replies to this topic (if anyone does) let me know if that powder actually works since I feel like I'm running out of ideas!


Other than that, it's really fun to be here! :tabletalk:

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7 hours ago, Alex6230 said:

Whoever replies to this topic (if anyone does) let me know if that powder actually works since I feel like I'm running out of ideas!

It's not something I have tried, but I'm sure others will let you know if it worked for them.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, Alex! It's great having new members, and I'm sure you will enjoy being part of our community!

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If you have any questions that are not covered in the links, feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature at the top of the page.

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you around, and enjoy the forum!



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Chhinkni really does work; at least most of the time; but since you have already ordered it you will find out yourself.  I can only say that is the only powdery substance as opposed to a solid inducing iron that has ever worked for me, as I have a strong mental block and insensitive nose; in fact nothing else has ever given me an almost allergic=feeling fit.  In fact I must buy some more..... Joal, I am ashamed of you; call yourself a sneeze fan and never called me mother; oops, I mean tasted the delights of Chhinkni?  I would advise anyone here to get hold of some immediately.

And welcome to the forum. 

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24 minutes ago, count gracula said:

Joal, I am ashamed of you; call yourself a sneeze fan and never called me mother; oops, I mean tasted the delights of Chhinkni?


I'm a fan of OTHER people sneezing :glare:

Anyway, I don't want to threadjack, so back to your regularly scheduled welcomes..........

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Hi and welcome to the forum! I'm glad you are enjoying the forum so far.

I haven't tried chhinkni yet and was just thinking about buying some. It seems to work well for a lot of people here, so it's worth checking out.

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