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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Small Embarrassing Sneeze Conversation..


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ok so two of my friends were at my house just chilling out. I decided I needed to go do the laundry so I left them alone for around 10 minutes to go do that. when I came back my friends were still just talking so I sat down. but INSTANTLY when I sat down both of my friends blurted out the word "sneeze."

My face probably went white. They just kept repeating it and I just nervously stared at them. I finally mumbled a soft "what?" and they just laughed. 

"Sneeze _____, we have literally never heard or seen you sneeze before." One of them lightly said. I felt better after that was said. I was thinking maybe they went on my laptop and saw some weird fics or some shit.

But after that I was still feeling REALLY awkward so I was just like "I don't know *cue nervous laughter*" 

So that was a almost horrific conversation earlier today hahah :)

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OMG Dude, that sounds horrifying! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. XD It's one of those things that's hilarious in hindsight but when it's happening feels like the end of the world.

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2 hours ago, Corn on the Macabre said:

OMG Dude, that sounds horrifying! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. XD It's one of those things that's hilarious in hindsight but when it's happening feels like the end of the world.

hahaha yeah I almost freaked. but thankfully they weren't onto me!! (btw I LAUGHED SO FUCKING HARD AT YOUR USERNAME AND PROFILE PIC OMG)

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That sounds like a near-nightmare! They would've had no idea but you must have been scared half to death when confronted with that word so randomly! Why do you think they brought it up - why would they have been talking about it in the first place? And do you have a mental block against sneezing in front of people? Many people 'round here do.

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7 hours ago, venuskiddo said:

Sneeze _____, we have literally never heard or seen you sneeze before


In addition to the horror of the initial chanting, I have always feared someone saying the above to me. What the heck would I say in response?

"oh, bad luck"?

"I don't sneeze in public because I have a mental block"? :glare:

"I have a nasal disorder, which means I'm physically incapable of sneezing"?

(but seriously, now I think about it, the best response might be) "yeah, I guess there are some people I've never seen sneeze either" 

(however, most likely, it would be) *mumbles/fidgets/gets flustered*.......oh, um, really? um, oh, right, ok, yeah.........*mumbles/fidgets/gets flustered some more*



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Sometimes I think we get so paranoid about giving ourselves away that we make it 100x more likely that we will  give ourselves away, if you know what I mean? This does sound like a near-nightmare though, so remember the golden rules :D 1. Clear your history 2. Hide your sneezefics in a boring sounding folder (mine was always 'System Resource Files :lol: ) 3. Password protect your laptop and shut that lid every time its out of your sight. 4. Always assume that even your closest friend won't be able to resist poking around in your stuff. Yep, I'm paranoid, but its managed to keep me in the clear so far :) 

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7 hours ago, zneeze said:

That sounds like a near-nightmare! They would've had no idea but you must have been scared half to death when confronted with that word so randomly! Why do you think they brought it up - why would they have been talking about it in the first place? And do you have a mental block against sneezing in front of people? Many people 'round here do.

yeah I have noooo idea how they got into that topic but yeah I do have a mental block against sneezing in front of others. one of them I've known my whole life but I doubt she's ever heard or seen me sneeze, since I've had the block since I was like 8 hahah :P

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Oh, wow, I would have been mortified. Great job keeping calm! I have no idea what I would have done, to be honest. :lol:

I, too, have a mental block and wonder whether my friends will ever realize they've never seen me sneeze... Sometimes I think I should just bring myself to do it in front of them once. But then I also worry that THAT would make them realize it's literally the first time... Oh, the struggle.

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Aaahhhh! That is mortifying! Well done for surviving. And I second NoV's tips. :)

I had a similar situation happening when I was in my teens. There was this friend, we've been friends since we were five, who suddenly blurted out, after having a really long and violent fit (this was before she admitted to being allergic in the first place and never took medicine) : "You know what, I've never seen you sneeze." She sounded almost accusing. :lol: I didn't even have time to panic, I just snapped back "Not surprising, not everyone sneezes like a million times every day, you know." She just laughed and said something like "good point" and that was it.

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Yikes! I can only imagine how panicked you must have been. If that had happened to me, I'm sure my heart would have been racing quite a bit. Sometimes I worry if it will ever happen to me because I do sort of have a mental block and avoid sneezing in front of others as much as possible. Though, my family who spends the most time with me would probably never bring it up. I mean I have sneezed in front of them before, but it hasn't happened in years. Also, I don't mind sneezing if family members are home but are just in a different room from me. So I'm sure they still hear me sneezing from time to time. I guess I'm mostly just concerned with not wanting them to bless me which has a much higher chance of happening if I'm in the same room with them when I sneeze. There have been times when my mother has blessed me even though I specifically asked her not to because it made me uncomfortable, so yeah I just avoid it as much as possible.

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Oh my god reading that made me so anxious lol! That would be terrifying. I almost went white just reading it. The other day I had something similar happen that wasn't as bad as yours but still made me nervous - while I was at working at the desk I looked over and five of my coworkers were at the door tapping their noses at me, then they started laughing. At first I was like so mortified and confused, and I was like "what's going on?". Then they explained to me that they saw that I kept tapping my nose and they couldn't figure out why - I must've been doing it absentmindedly since I was studying for midterm at work. Lol. So awkward though. But my first thought was that they somehow knew.

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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