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Mr. Sensitive (Star Trek; McCoy) 4/4 - Complete!


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WELL it's been a hot minute since I last posted anything, now hasn't it?  This started off as a drabble but well, here we are.  I might have a few more installments but we'll just see how it goes.  Imagined in TOS style but with AOS cast (very self-indugent on my part but they're all just so :drool:)


Jim strode swiftly out of the transporter room, heading towards Medbay, while Scotty and the rest of the landing party stared after him solemnly.  Unfortunately their most recent away mission resulted in Spock being gravely injured by the inhabitants of the planet.  Jim had Spock beamed up immediately while he attempted to dissipate tensions between the landing party and the natives.  Even though he was successful, his mind continued to be plagued by anxiety over his first officer’s condition and as always, he blamed himself for the mishap.  As the doors to sickbay hissed open, the captain was greeted by Christine Chapel, her expression unreadable.

“Captain--” she began.

Jim could see Spock lying on a biobed, unconscious.  He approached the side of the bed, resting his hand on the Vulcan’s.  The wound on his flank didn't seem to be worse since he last saw his first officer.  Glancing up at the panel on the wall above the Vulcan he tried to make sense of the readings, his brow furrowed in worry.  Christine placed a warm hand on his shoulder.

“He's going to be fine.  We're just keeping him overnight to make sure no complications arise.”

Jim’s shoulders relaxed a bit as her words eased his turbulent mind.  He stroked Spock's flushed cheek with his middle and index fingers.  Glancing around the room, he noticed that his chief medical officer was nowhere to be found.

“You don't by any chance know where Dr. McCoy might be do you?”

Christine snorted good-naturedly, her eyes dancing with amusement.  “After we treated Spock he was furiously cursing under his breath about reckless starship captains and their irrational first officers and stormed off into his office.”

Jim smiled, of course Bones was never happy when they ran into trouble, especially if it involved Spock or Jim ending up in medbay. Or well Spock was good about getting treated right away… Jim on the other hand was notorious for causing Bones’s blood pressure to skyrocket because he avoided medbay at all costs.  For one, he couldn't look weak in front of the crew but another reason was that Bones was way too hypo-happy with him.  He seemed to have it out for the man and tended to jab Jim with hypos or maybe that was because he was always ticked off at Jim avoiding him.  It was most definitely the former, Jim was sure of it.  He began to proceed towards Bones’s office but was interrupted by Christine pointedly clearing her throat.

“He also said that he didn't want to be bothered.  Seemed quite firm about it,” she added.

Jim chewed on his lower lip, was Bones mad at him for putting Spock in danger?  Surely he’d realized by now all the occupational hazards associated with their jobs.  That of course didn’t stop the grumpy doctor from giving him and Spock an earful a few nights ago.   He continued towards his CMO’s office, despite Christine’s protests, opening his mouth to confront Bones as the door slid open, only to be met with a pitch black and empty room.  Christine gaped at the empty room, before shrugging her shoulders and returning to check their medical supply storage.  Disappointed he returned to the main room, lingering at the foot of Spock’s biobed, watching the Vulcan’s chest rise and fall with every breath.  Turning to leave, he stopped in his tracks as he heard a peculiar sound emanating from the office.  Curious, he sauntered back towards the office peering into the gloom.  He nearly jumped out of his skin as a loud sneeze bounced off the walls.


The corner of Jim’s mouth twitched, he’d recognize that sneeze anywhere.  As he scanned the room, his eyes now adjusted to the darkness, he spotted Bones crouched in the corner, one hand on his forehead and the other cradling his knees.  Bones returned his captain’s gaze with a glare and a hard sniff before closing his eyes.  Jim commanded the lights on before squatting next to him.  He leaned to press his lips against the doctor’s jawline, noting the heat coming off him in uneasy waves.

“Bless you,” he whispered.

“Didn’t I tell you I want to be left alone,” Leonard grumbled, pressing his knuckle against his nose.  Jim chuckled, wrapping an arm around him protectively.

“And when have I ever listened?  C’mon let’s get you into a nice warm bed.”

Edited by sapphiremint
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Omg, I am ALL about vulnerable!sick!Bones and caring!Jim (and hurt!Spock???). You are pressing a lot of happy buttons for me. :twisted: Ahhhh, I can't wait to see where you take this!

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Thank you so much for writing a Star Trek fic!!! Sick McCoy and Spock are my favorites and this is really promising!

8 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

The corner of Jim’s mouth twitched, he’d recognize that sneeze anywhere.

:D:D:D Of course!!!

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23 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

“After we treated Spock he was furiously cursing under his breath about reckless starship captains and their irrational first officers and stormed off into his office.”

Of course he was! I can hear it!


23 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

 For one, he couldn't look weak in front of the crew but another reason was that Bones was way too hypo-happy with him.  He seemed to have it out for the man and tended to jab Jim with hypos or maybe that was because he was always ticked off at Jim avoiding him.  It was most definitely the former, Jim was sure of it.

This cracked me up. Hypo-happy! LOL!


23 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

The corner of Jim’s mouth twitched, he’d recognize that sneeze anywhere.

For some reason this just makes me happy. 

This was fantastic! Love it!

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Ahh thank you all for your kind words!!  I have at least one other installment in mind, but who knows :whistle: Anyways I completely forgot to mention that this includes the pairing, Kirk/Spock/McCoy.  It's pretty light but it might be a bit more prevalent in the next part.  Anyways, hope y'all enjoy.


Leonard shrugged off Jim’s attempts to help him to his feet and instead, continued to cradle his knees.  The pounding in his head wouldn't seem to let up, probably exacerbated by Jim Kirk and his constantly sunny attitude hovering over him.  Not to mention the constant tickle in his sinuses that made it difficult to focus on anything else.

“Dammit Jim, stop hovering.  I'm not an invalid.” Bones snapped.  Yikes and Bones complained about him being prickly when he was sick.  The old “doctors make the worst patients” phrase seemed to ring true even in this day and age.

“Boy, someone sure is cranky when they're sick,” Jim teased him, with a playful nudge, earning him an eye roll.

“M’fine—It's nothing.  I need’a check up on Spock.  You should get some rest,” Leonard grumbled whilst struggling to stand upright.  Jim reached out to steady the doctor, firmly grasping his forearm.  He shook his head, of course Bones wouldn't ask for help—always putting others before himself.  As they leaned against the wall Jim noticed Bones’s shallow breathing; his brow furrowed and he bit his lower lip.  He’d never seen Bones this bad off, scratch that, the last time was at the academy.  Jim noticed that Bones seemed run down but he adamantly denied it and then Jim came back from class to find the man struggling to breathe through congested sinuses and running a dangerously high fever.  He was going to take Bones to the on-campus hospital, but Bones practically begged him not to.  It was usually the other way around, what with Jim and his countless allergies and pathetic excuse for an immune system.

“Hey, you need to take it easy…” Jim trailed off as he saw Bones’s eyes glaze over and his nose twitch as if right on cue.  He smirked at the unusual but cute sight before him—Bones seemed so helpless, his chest heaving and pinkened nostrils quivering in anticipation.  Just when Jim thought he was going to lose the battle, Bones sighed and cursed under his breath. “Goddammit.”

Leonard pressed a knuckle to his nose in annoyance at the lost sneeze, which left him frustrated and itchy.  He glanced over at Jim, who wore a hybrid expression of amusement and skepticism.  Narrowing his eyes, he dropped his hand to his side.  “You like watchin’ me struggle or somethin’?”

“What I’d like is for you to admit that you're sick and let me take you back to my quarters and tuck you into bed,” Jim quipped.

Leonard opened his mouth to reply when they heard disembodied Captain? from the adjacent room.  Choosing to ignore Jim’s statement, Leonard strode past him to find Spock sitting up in the biobed.  He began to check Spock's vitals; the Vulcan seemed to be healing well—considerably less pale than when he arrived.  

“You seem to be well your way to making a full recovery Mr. Spock.  How do you feel?” Leonard asked, folding his arms over his chest.

“A most reductive question Dr. McCoy.  I am confident that I am able to resume my normal duties,” Spock replied in a matter of fact tone.  Jim grinned as he approached Bones’s side, knowing full well that he did not like his patients eager to leave sickbay so soon after arriving.  He watched as the doctor’s features contorted as he prepared a retort.  “Why you green-blooded...Huhh’IFFSSHHH!”

Leonard’s breath hitched mid-sentence and he barely had time to turn into his shoulder as the lost tickle came back with a vengeance and seemingly brought a couple of unwanted friends.  As the itch re-ignited in his nose, he reached up to stifle the subsequent sneezes between his thumb and forefinger. “Heh’gxNNT! H’ngCHHT!

Through a watery gaze he could see Spock looking at him with that patented raised eyebrow and an expression of mild curiosity.  Leonard hesitantly lowered his hand, only to have Jim press a handful of tissues in them.  He heartily clapped Bones on the shoulder, the arrogant bastard. “Bless you thrice. Ready to admit it yet Bones?”

“Doctor it is illogical for you to continue to deny that you have contracted an illness.  It is apparent that you are suffering from increased sternutation, elevated core temperature--” Spock began listing all of Bones’s symptoms while the doctor rubbed a hand across his face and Jim tried to keep from bursting out in laughter.  From behind his back, Jim pulled out a hypo and wiggled it, out of Bones’s line of sight of course.  Before he realized what was happening, Bones felt the familiar sensation of being struck with a hypospray.  “What the--”

Bones’s eyelids fluttered closed and he swayed on his feet, falling right into Jim’s outstretched arms.  Catching Spock’s eye, he shrugged with a mischievous glint in his sapphire eyes. “What?  It's for his own good!”

Jim couldn't help but grinning, feeling a little giddy from the stint he just pulled.  He'd always wanted to do that—served Bones right for constantly jabbing him with hypos.

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12 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

“Dammit Jim, stop hovering.  I'm not an invalid.” Bones snapped.

I can totally hear this!


12 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

“Doctor it is illogical for you to continue to deny that you have contracted an illness.  It is apparent that you are suffering from increased sternutation, elevated core temperature--” Spock began listing all of Bones’s symptoms while the doctor rubbed a hand across his face and Jim tried to keep from bursting out in laughter.

I can totally picture all 3 of them exactly like this!!!


12 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

He'd always wanted to do that—served Bones right for constantly jabbing him with hypos.

Too funny! Poor Bones. Boy is he going to be Pissed when he wakes up!

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How could I miss that georgeous story before? I havn't seen it an right now I read both chapters in a row. I love everything! Sick Bones in denial together with a sassy Jim and Spock :jump:

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  • 5 months later...

o shit waddup, the prodigal son returns!!!  First off, thank you all for the wonderful comments :wubsmiley: like seriously. So this ended up taking longer (much much longer) than expected.  It's a bit shorter than the previous parts and none of the Good Stuff™ buuuut there is going to be another part, which (hopefully?) be up sooner than later...


“Okay but be honest Spock, how are you feeling?”  Jim asked his first officer, after tucking the unconscious doctor into bed.  Which proved to be a slightly more difficult task than he initially anticipated, given Spock’s injury he insisted on bearing the responsibility alone.

They could have stayed in Sickbay but Jim prefered a more intimate setting for the doctor to rest.  He basically to bridal carried Bones to his quarters, something he was sure would have the doctor ripping off his head if he ever found out, which he wouldn’t.  He’d hoped that Nurse Chapel would have the common sense to keep the whole ordeal to herself and despite her attempts to hide her amusement, he could tell that she was having a field day.

Spock turned to face his captain, with a raised eyebrow, “Captain, I believe that Doctor McCoy’s condition requires more attention than mine.  As I told the doctor, I am perfectly capable⎯”

Spock cut the crap,” Jim interrupted, his expression stern.

“I don’t see how excrement of any kind⎯” Spock began before emitting a small sigh as Jim flashed him a warning look. “A little sore at the site of injury, but that is to be expected.  There was no need for you to worry, Doctor McCoy is an excellent physician.”

Jim chuckled, pulling Spock into a gentle embrace but careful to avoid his contusion.  The tender moment was brief as they directed their concern back towards their ailing companion, the effects of the sedative wearing off.  Leonard’s eyelids opened slowly, adjusting to the lowly-lit room.  Blinking a couple of times, he took in his surroundings.  Realizing what had happened, he shot up.   Unfortunately for him, the action winded his fragile lungs,  immediately causing him to double over into a hacking cough.

Instantly at his side, Jim rubbed circles in the doctor’s back while Spock left the room to fetch water.  As the fit subsided, Leonard swung his head towards Jim, his lips parted to release a barrage of swearing and yelling.

“Ah-ah, you’re just going to make it worse,” Jim cut him off, pressing a finger to his lips.  Shoving Jim’s arm away, Leonard glared daggers at him and crossed his arms over his chest, but didn’t dare to speak.  He hated when Jim was right.  When Spock returned with the glass of water, the doctor was still fuming silently and Jim was trying to suppress the smirk playing on his lips.  Handing Leonard the glass, he stood with his hands clasped behind his back.

He took a few mouthfuls of the refreshing liquid, letting it coat his parched throat.  Taking care not to down it too quickly as to cause a relapse.  When he’d had enough to regain what little voice remained, Leonard placed the glass on the nightstand before turning his attention back to the captain.

“You’re a dead man James T. Kirk,” he rasped.

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I'm so glad you come back to write this fic! I've loved the beginning (sick McCoy is always a pleasure, and it's even better if Spock is hurt! :naughty:) and I missed the last part you wrote in november. I love the way Jim takes his revenge on Bones with the hypo.

And in your last part, the way they take care of each other is... :wub:

7 hours ago, sapphiremint said:

“Captain, I believe that Doctor McCoy’s condition requires more attention than mine.  As I told the doctor, I am perfectly capable⎯”

Always eluding, Spock. Always. Dont you know that it's useless with Jim Kirk?

Thank you for the update!!!

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Yay! You came back to it!!!

On 4/20/2017 at 9:30 AM, sapphiremint said:

He basically to bridal carried Bones to his quarters, something he was sure would have the doctor ripping off his head if he ever found out, which he wouldn’t.  He’d hoped that Nurse Chapel would have the common sense to keep the whole ordeal to herself and despite her attempts to hide her amusement, he could tell that she was having a field day.

LOL! I'm sure she got a kick out of it, but I think she's smart enough to keep it to herself. Bones would be seriously put out about it!


On 4/20/2017 at 9:30 AM, sapphiremint said:

Leonard’s eyelids opened slowly, adjusting to the lowly-lit room.  Blinking a couple of times, he took in his surroundings.  Realizing what had happened, he shot up.

I can totally see this. What? Where? Oh you bastards! LOL


On 4/20/2017 at 9:30 AM, sapphiremint said:

“You’re a dead man James T. Kirk,” he rasped.

Uh oh!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Y'all are honestly too kind.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate your feedback!!  As promised I have indeed written this last part, more quickly than the previous part.  I hope you enjoy! :razz:


“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Jim shrugged.  Bones’ eyes widened at the nonchalant response, the surprise in his eyes was quickly replaced with rage.  

“Don’t you ever say that again.” he spoke slowly, his tone menacing.   His eyes flashed with an anger that Jim had never seen before.  It had taken Bones a long time to get over Jim’s decision to sacrifice himself during their confrontation with Khan, or in his words was “stubbornly idiotic.”  Clearly it was still a sore spot for him.

“I misspoke, Bones, won’t happen again.” Jim apologized softly.  He placed a hand on the ailing doctor’s shoulder.   Leonard scowled, turning his back to the captain and curled up slightly while grumbling under his breath.  A violent shiver taking hold of his body, showcasing the severity of whatever was wreaking havoc on his immune system.

Jim felt his CMO’s frame tense up suddenly, immediately followed by an intense spasm.   A prickle of dread ran down his spine.  He wasn’t well versed in medicine but it seemed to him that Bones had just experienced a seizure.


The stony silence that followed his outburst increasing his fears.  He cast a worried glance at his first officer, who sat by his side looking at Leonard with concern.  Bones’s body began to contract once more, this time accompanied by a sharp inhale.


Jim breathed a sigh of relief, he hadn’t even realize he was holding his breath.  He rolled Bones over to face them, pressing his lips together to stifle a grin at the faraway expression written on the doctor’s face.  Leonard rubbed his irritated nose brutally, trying to quell the fierce, unrelenting tickle.

Hh⎯hihh… hh⎯

Goddammit.  His breath hitched desperately, as he fought to suppress the release his body ached for.  And despite his best efforts, he barely had time to smash his face into the crook of his arm as the irritation won out.


He groaned softly, sniffling wetly before flopping back on the bed.  Jim laid a hand across Bones’ brow, which radiated an uncomfortable but not dangerous warmth.

Jesus Bones you scared the hell out of me.  Don’t hold it in like that, I thought you were having a seizure. The last time I saw you this bad off was back at the academy.  You’re not down for the count often but man when you are it is baaad.”

Leonard grimaced. “Don’t remind me.”

“Hey I was a good roommate; I even made you the best noodle soup in the galaxy!” Jim said, puffing out his chest.  Leonard snorted at the absurdity, which unfortunately turned into a barking cough that left him wheezing.

“Gentlemen, please. I don’t believe now is the time for argument, taking into account Doctor McCoy’s current condition.”

Jim chuckled, how would they function without Spock to keep them in line?  He crawled underneath the covers, only inches away from Bones’s face.  Bones had only closed his eyes for a couple moments, opening them to see bright blue eyes staring back at him.  He jerked back, startled, before his usual frown returned.

“What in Sam Hill are you doing?  I will NOT have you catching this.”

“Your affable demeanor precedes you doctor,” Jim replied and without missing a beat turned to Spock, posing a question with deliberate innocence, “Spock would you care to join us?”

“Indeed Captain, Doctor McCoy would benefit most greatly from our combined assistance.” Spock said matter-of-factly, laying on the other side of the doctor.  Leonard sputtered incoherently, only to be aggressively shushed by Jim.

“We’re trying to sleep Bones, you should try it, might make you feel better.”

Edited by sapphiremint
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On 5/13/2017 at 11:57 PM, sapphiremint said:

He rolled Bones over to face them, pressing his lips together to stifle a grin at the faraway expression written on the doctor’s face.

Poor Bones!


On 5/13/2017 at 11:57 PM, sapphiremint said:

Jim chuckled, how would they function without Spock to keep them in line?


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