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Ok, I totally love this! It totally cracked me up! First McCoy all teasing,

4 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Lord, you’re allergic to this word! It’s quite fun, actually…

Cruel! But hilarious! And then this,


4 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- Oh, do you need to sneeze?


Lord, you’re allergic to this word! Your breath starts to hitch as soon as you hear it. It’s quite fun, actually.


Doctor McCoy was right, but he had strange ideas about fun.

Spock remembering his words in the moment, LOL. And I can totally picture Spock thinking/saying McCoy had strange ideas about fun, not getting that it was a joke/teasing. Cue eyebrow lift!

And I love the end!

4 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- It was Spock sneezing? yelled McCoy. Jim, bringhhhHETCHOO! Bring him back on the ship this instant!


- Usually, I panic when people are sick, and being a doctor, you don’t, remember? Kirk sneered.


- JIM! For God’s sake, he’s… hahh… he’s wounded, remember?… Hhhehhh-Hh'IESHHh! Remember where his wound is? Remember where his diaphragm is?

McCoy freaking out, Kirk teasing him about it, McCoy getting all Damn It I'm A Doctor voice going, I can totally hear it.

And the idea that everybody is having a reaction except Kirk is, of course, priceless. Fantastic!

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LOL! That's great, everyone's allergic, except Jim. I have to say, you really have it in for Spock. 

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Epic!!!! I love this! It keeps getting better! I love Bone's inner monologue.

15 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- Oh Lord, and where is Jim?


A red alarm started to ring in his mind. The equation was simple: Kirk + allergen of any kind = lots of trouble. He knew it, everybody aboard the Enterprise knew it.

I love the implication that everybody knows about Jim being allergic to everything. That makes the whole thing even funnier.

15 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Jim’s tone was genuinely astonished, and the flowers were everywhere, in and out the ship. First good (and unbelievable) news of the day: James Tiberius Kirk, who was allergic to almost everything in the universe, didn’t react to an unknown pollen which triggered histaminic reactions from everyone else.


This man was a living enigma.



15 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

If these two stupid, brainless idiots didn’t do anything even more irresponsible, which was always possible.

So Bones!

More than 3 parts? I'm cool with that!!! Yay!

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What a frickin' nightmare for Bones! I am feeling incredibly sympathetic towards him right now. 

16 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

McCoy froze. He should have known better. He had almost forgotten Spock, because Spock was not allergic to anything. (Well, except, maybe, to the word “sneeze”, which was fascinating, because, for God’s sake, who on earth is allergic to a word?!?)


- Is there any allergen here I am not aware of…?


And Jim was stupid enough to tease him with his own allergic reaction, as if he enjoyed all of this! For the love of God, couldn’t he be serious two minutes? Surely he did see that sneezing was not a good idea for someone who had been impaled not three weeks ago?


- It was Spock sneezing? Jim, bringhhhHETCHOO! Bring him back on the ship this instant!


- Usually, I panic when people are sick, and being a doctor, you don’t, remember? Kirk sneered.


Bones was going to kill him. Really.

And to quote James T. Kirk "double dumbass"  :upset:

Well I have faith in Bones. It will all be okay. :yes:

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LOL! I love Bones inner commentary about being surrounded by idiots, especially Spock and Kirk, troublesome teenagers. 

5 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

One day, he was going to have a normal life. Really. Live on Earth, get married, buy a house, do some gardening, practice as a country doctor. Treat human normal illnesses, not unknown space diseases; cure humans, not hybrids – the normal stuff. Forget about Starfleet, stubborn Vulcans and James Stupidus Kirk. Yes, he was going to do this. One day.

This is so perfectly Bones!!!


5 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- Don’t say that word in front of him, he said to Jim.


- What word? Sneeze?


This was official: he was surrounded by absolute and incurable idiots.

I still love that the word makes Spock sneeze. And Kirk, totally clueless.

This is awesome!

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@Aliena H. When you have a spare 12 hours or so you should watch the TOS movies, especially IV. Oh the bromance! 

This update is so funny. Poor Bones! I really hope he took a moment to dose himself up with triox and antihistamines. 

And let's take a moment here though to feel Nyota's pain. Oh, to be surrounded by hot sneezing men...❤️

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Spock being allergic to the word is still cracking me up! I love it! 

7 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- I’m sorry, Jim. We’re out of both.

Ooooh, you are evil!

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18 hours ago, Aliena H. said:
On November 3, 2016 at 5:50 AM, Sinister Cries + Wails said:

And let's take a moment here though to feel Nyota's pain. Oh, to be surrounded by hot sneezing men...

Your comment just gave me an idea for a kind of epilogue, thank you for this!!!

Oh yay me! ^_^ Always glad to be of service. :lol:

18 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- You mean you’re allergic to a word? You’re not talking seriously, are you?


- Jim, please shut up! McCoy yelled. I need to… to… HaaahSHHOO! To concenhhhtrate.


- You can’t be allergic to a word, Kirk insisted.


The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous. You can be allergic to a flower, a tree, an animal, a fabric, but to a word?


- I can’t, you can’t, but he can, okay? And maybe… hhhh… maybe we could talk about that later EhHHKSSHOO! For instance when both of us will be out of this shit?

Again hysterical to be allergic to a word. Of course, Jim has to poke at the concept or he wouldn't be Jim, would he?:rolleyes:

18 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- You mean he didn’t dose himself before he took care of Spock?


- You know him. Always professional. His patients first. So? Tri-ox, antihistamines?


He saw Nyota wince and knew, a second before she spoke, what she was about to say.


- I’m sorry, Jim. We’re out of both.


Uh-oh. Not good.

You are a cruel, cruel woman @Aliena H.. I like you. :yes:

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5 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Jim grinned and took a step towards the bed where McCoy was lying.


- This will be my revenge for every time you stung me with a hypo without my consent.

Muahahaha! Oh payback time! I can't wait. ;)

5 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

an epilogue with Nyota having some fun (she deserves it, don't you think so?)

Yes, yes I do. :D We all deserve it. 

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On 11/13/2016 at 4:35 PM, Aliena H. said:

Was he ever going to stop sneezing?

Oh, poor dear!


On 11/13/2016 at 4:35 PM, Aliena H. said:

Jim grinned and took a step towards the bed where McCoy was lying.


- This will be my revenge for every time you stung me with a hypo without my consent.

Uh oh!

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On 13.11.2016 at 11:35 PM, Aliena H. said:

- This will be my revenge for every time you stung me with a hypo without my consent.

YES! That sounds great, I can't wait for it! Love this fic sooo much :heart:

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As the song goes, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Nice work Jim.

11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Jim perfectly knew the agonising sensation of the tissue wiggling on the nostril, rasping the nasal fossa, teasing the lacrimal canal on its way to the sinus and arousing the urge to sneeze.

I've really enjoyed your story and now I am very excited to see the epilogue because of this...


11 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

The strange mischievous look in Nyota’s eyes when she turned towards the first officer was lost for all of them, but Jim did see it. He didn’t understand, but he saw it.

Oh you go, girl! :D 

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This is brilliant! I love it! I'm sad it's ending! 

14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

But to coax out a sneeze from someone else was weird.



14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

When the fit was over, McCoy sniffed liquidly, blew his nose during almost a minute and glanced at his friend, who was biting his lips not to laugh. Now he knew what being allergic meant - maybe he was going to act in a more empathic way next time.

Remains to be seen.


14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- Yeah, let me… let me… Hhh’hih-HEEAARRSSHhh! die in peace.

Poor Bones!


14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- If you hadn’t noticed, something is wrong already, McCoy answered sharply, but he looked at Jim with gratitude.

So Bones.


14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- He doesn’t want to poison you, Leonard.



14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Jim smiled. Maybe they were not as hopeless as he thought.

Oh, it's all for show. Deep down they adore each other!


14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

- I can’t believe I have to thank the hobgoblin for this, he answered with a less congested voice. But Spock, thank you. I’m not sure I could have stand one more sneeze.


Spock’s chest heaved and he hastily raised a hand to his face.



14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Jim laughed. “He is not my boyfriend anymore”, my ass.



14 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

And it was not only strange, it was also creepy.

Ummm, kinda, lol

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OH MY!  :stretcher: This was just the epilogue I was hoping for. Wicked and wonderful. 

On 11/18/2016 at 6:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

Never play with a Vulcan. Never. They always win.

That is so true but in this case I don't think losing could be any more fun. :D 

On 11/18/2016 at 6:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

- I will show you what word I can use against you, Mister Spock, she whispered.

- Any time.

He kissed her and she forget everything else.

And... :boom:   I rest my case. 

So, if you are ever interested, I think you should take this right on over to the adult section. :naughty:

Edited by Sinister Cries + Wails
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On 11/18/2016 at 5:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

Stick to the plan, stick to the plan, you idiot!



On 11/18/2016 at 5:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

She really should have stuck to the plan.



On 11/18/2016 at 5:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

Dr McCoy believes that the repeated use of the word when I first… performed the action, as you say, somehow linked the former with the latter, and that since that day my body is now responding to this specific stimulus, just as someone would react to a specific allergen.

Love the theory!


On 11/18/2016 at 5:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

Ouch. Vulcan sass. Very effective.



On 11/18/2016 at 5:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

He remained a scientist and a Vulcan – every action he performed had a specific aim.



On 11/18/2016 at 5:50 PM, Aliena H. said:

Never play with a Vulcan. Never. They always win.


This was awesome! Love it! Sad it's over though!

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