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A Film About a Woman Like Us


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So I'm still in the drafting stages at this point, but for years I've been wanting to make a (low-budget, independent) coming-of-age comedy film, with one of the main plot points being that the protagonist has a sneezing fetish. Would anyone be interested in seeing such a film? If so if you have any suggestions on how to make a movie like this work, I would appreciate it ever so much. I already have the very beginning of the movie planned out:Through a series of events, she decides to move to California, but as for the motivation to go specifically there and what she does once she gets there, I have no idea.  And I'm thinking I'd like it to be set during the late 80's to early 90's, aka when the internet was in its infancy


P.S.: When the idea first popped into my head I was thinking about making it a musical, which would probably be hysterical if done by the right person, but I lack that kind of talent I think. ^-^"

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Well, I mean I got to give you creative credit because I don't think I have the balls to ever make a film about a sneeze fetishit or even watch one without getting second hand embarrassment. My personal sensitive self aside, I think thats a really cool idea! 

Edited by Melody
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I'd watch the heck out of it! As for suggestions, let me sleep of it and et back to you. Is there anything else you have planned out besides what you have in the post? DO you know what kind of comedy you want it to be?

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Great idea, although I would definitely need to watch it alone or my face would be so red the whole time someone would need to realize what was going on.


How do you plan to incorporate the fetish? As a quirk, as a plot device to move things along, or as a central motivating the character? Any of the above would be interest IMO. 

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3 hours ago, billythesneezer said:

Great idea, although I would definitely need to watch it alone or my face would be so red the whole time someone would need to realize what was going on.


How do you plan to incorporate the fetish? As a quirk, as a plot device to move things along, or as a central motivating the character? Any of the above would be interest IMO. 

I intend for the fetish to be incorporated as .... well both as a plot device and a central motivation to the protagonist. At the beginning of the film (in the current outline) she is a closeted fetishist and is outted in the most mortifying way possible by a former boyfriend set out to sabotage her first job, (though this is enacted in such a way that is comedic, I realize with that kind of plot line it could easily turn into a drama if I'm not careful.)   in a way which also involves her parents stumbling across her artwork, leading her to yearn for California, and starting over basically. And over the course of the film it is meant to be a plot device (this is an exploitation film, to a degree) and eventually as the story progresses she discovers herself more and by the end is comfortable with her sexuality and with having the fetish.

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9 hours ago, Kiaory said:

I'd watch the heck out of it! As for suggestions, let me sleep of it and et back to you. Is there anything else you have planned out besides what you have in the post? DO you know what kind of comedy you want it to be?

Well, besides what I mentioned in the last reply (and sorry I didn't reply to your comment first, by the way, but I'm not exactly tech-savvy and I accidentally deleted it when I was 3 paragraphs in :laugh:) I wanted the title to be unique and pertaining to some degree to the fetish and/or the community, but I wanted it to be simple and therefore easy to remember without being silly. Therefore, obvious words like "pepper" or "feathers" wouldn't work, so a few years ago I did a Google search asking for the names of common plants that people are allergic to, and for whatever reason, the one that stuck with me is "Ragweed" which is still at this point intended to be the title of the story,. This being a low-budget film, just that word makes it sound, I dunno "artsy" or something and is vague enough to where you really wouldn't know the plot unless you watched the trailer/film. Also I'm wanting to do an opening montage set to "California Girls" by The Beach Boys in which our protagonist is driving through California, checking out the guys, and watching them as they each succumb to a sneeze in a quite humorous sequence that I can't help but think about whenever I listen to the song now.

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10 hours ago, Kiaory said:

I'd watch the heck out of it! As for suggestions, let me sleep of it and et back to you. Is there anything else you have planned out besides what you have in the post? DO you know what kind of comedy you want it to be?

Oh! And as for the comedy, (I got so carried away with everything else that I forgot to answer this) I'm really not 100% sure. It's meant to be self-referential: One of the rules to comedy is that you should be able to make fun of yourself and even I know that there is comic potential in having a character with this fetish. But as for, like, a specific type. It's not intended to be low-brow or a romantic comedy (as of right now, there's no love interest), as for the specifics I guess you would technically call it at least partially a satire? If it helps any for what I'm trying to do my favorite film of all time is 1993's "Groundhog Day" so maybe I should take a page from its book, lol

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I would personally be way, way too uncomfortable to watch a movie like this, and I'd be mortified if anyone I knew in real life watched a movie on this theme - potential comments/jokes about it, and maybe even being found out on basis that they'd know the signs to look for in a fetishist. Sounds like a brave idea for a project indeed, and to each their own, but it wouldn't be my cup of tea.


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I'm kind of inclined to agree with the above poster. I'd find that incredibly awkward to watch, whether alone or (god forbid) with someone else... And I don't really like the idea of non-fetishists watching and having a laugh at it like we're freaks, which I feel like would probably be the result. But that's just my opinion... not trying to be a downer. :P

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I think there's a 1984 movie called The Lonely Guy about a character that either has a sneeze fetish or is hinted to have one. I've only heard people talk about it though and haven't seen it, myself. But I guess you can watch it if you want some ideas.

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7 hours ago, Tronald Dump said:

I think there's a 1984 movie called The Lonely Guy about a character that either has a sneeze fetish or is hinted to have one. I've only heard people talk about it though and haven't seen it, myself. But I guess you can watch it if you want some ideas.

I just looked up the film and I probably will watch it before too long. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :)

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If you're looking for a reason to go to California, someone looking to get into make-up artistry could work. Always need them near Hollywood, and can provide many opportunities for comedic moments, especially if your protagonists is using powder a little too aggressively.  Just a random thought.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/28/2016 at 9:49 AM, MegOfAllTrades said:


I intend for the fetish to be incorporated as .... well both as a plot device and a central motivation to the protagonist. At the beginning of the film (in the current outline) she is a closeted fetishist and is outted in the most mortifying way possible by a former boyfriend set out to sabotage her first job, (though this is enacted in such a way that is comedic, I realize with that kind of plot line it could easily turn into a drama if I'm not careful.)   in a way which also involves her parents stumbling across her artwork, leading her to yearn for California, and starting over basically. And over the course of the film it is meant to be a plot device (this is an exploitation film, to a degree) and eventually as the story progresses she discovers herself more and by the end is comfortable with her sexuality and with having the fetish.

I would definitely watch this film (although again, I would do so alone and probably never tell anyone about it). I think the sneeze fetish is a "vanilla" enough fetish that some general segment of the population could watch this without feeling grossed out, especially if it is treated as a comic device throughout the film. 

Please let us know if this ever goes into production!

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I don't know a thing about making movies, but I would definitely watch!  My hope would be that it is done in such a way that it would normalize us and pinpoint our reservations as she grows more comfortable with her sexuality.  I can see how it has potential to be funny, too, which is great!

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Afterthought: it would indeed be pretty stressful to watch a movie like this with a person on people who wouldn't know how much the movie was speaking to me and how much I would take their commentary to heart throughout.  It would be very rewarding, I think, to watch it with a person who does know me well enough to anticipate those things, though. 

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I think it's really cool that you have the will to do something like this. :) I'm sure a film like this would help many others out there realize that they're not alone, and this type of exposure always "normalizes" things to an extent (seeing as we base many of our ideas of what constitutes socially normal behaviour on how figures in the media act).

Having said that, when undertaking a project this daring, you should also be ready to take some criticism, weird looks and comments, and even personal scrutiny yourself. Not everyone will respond with an open mind, and whilst the positives often outweigh the negatives, sometimes criticism - particularly regarding such a personal subject - can be difficult for some people. And, naturally, the first question on most people's minds would be "does the writer/director have this fetish?"

Great thread! I love discussions like this. :) And even if you decide not to pursue publication, write the screenplay and see how it feels - it's your project, you can do with it as you please!

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On 10/30/2016 at 1:30 PM, InLivingColor said:

If you're looking for a reason to go to California, someone looking to get into make-up artistry could work. Always need them near Hollywood, and can provide many opportunities for comedic moments, especially if your protagonists is using powder a little too aggressively.  Just a random thought.

That's a really good idea actually, and I can easily see where there could be comedic potential behind it. :) However, at least in the story's current stage right now, I consider the protagonist to be a little more on the tomboyish side, so I don't really see her doing this kind of thing though. But again, thank you for the suggestion, it is still very possible I could incorporate it into the film in some way because I like the idea.

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On 11/23/2016 at 0:37 PM, 3-26 said:

Afterthought: it would indeed be pretty stressful to watch a movie like this with a person on people who wouldn't know how much the movie was speaking to me and how much I would take their commentary to heart throughout.  It would be very rewarding, I think, to watch it with a person who does know me well enough to anticipate those things, though. 

Yeah, I feel you on this. I would NEVER EVER EVER tell my family or people who don't know about the fetish to watch this piece from my filmography if it ever got published lol. But as for the ones who do know and wouldn't mind to watch it, it would be rewarding to me, as it's going to be kind of semi-autobiographical and they'll have a better understanding of this wacky fetish world :P and in general probably me as a person.

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On 11/23/2016 at 3:09 PM, Stegosaurus said:

I think it's really cool that you have the will to do something like this. :) I'm sure a film like this would help many others out there realize that they're not alone, and this type of exposure always "normalizes" things to an extent (seeing as we base many of our ideas of what constitutes socially normal behaviour on how figures in the media act).

Having said that, when undertaking a project this daring, you should also be ready to take some criticism, weird looks and comments, and even personal scrutiny yourself. Not everyone will respond with an open mind, and whilst the positives often outweigh the negatives, sometimes criticism - particularly regarding such a personal subject - can be difficult for some people. And, naturally, the first question on most people's minds would be "does the writer/director have this fetish?"

Great thread! I love discussions like this. :) And even if you decide not to pursue publication, write the screenplay and see how it feels - it's your project, you can do with it as you please!

I agree that this would help give insight and "normalize" the fetish to a degree. (I mean after all "50 Shades" came out right, thought in my opinion it doesn't always accurately represent BDSM, but I digress, though in comparison this should probably seem like child's play.) And trust me, I am a writer and internet reviewer, so while I certainly wouldn't consider myself a professional, this won't be my first hoorah dealing with criticism. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and I'm mature enough to know that there isn't a right or wrong opinion either, so of course I'll love any positive reactions but I'm not going to get angry at someone else's interpretations. And I'm going by a pseudonym so if I ever did (God forbid) get asked that question, say, in an interview or something like that, heck, almost everyone I know knows anyway and the whole point of the film is to not be ashamed of your sexuality so, "Yeah, I do. Not a big deal." :D (at least I'd like to think so anyways) Thank you for your support by the way!

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  • 1 year later...

UPDATE: I know it's been a very long time and I hate to be the one to resurrect an old thread, but the screenplay is almost finished and I'm SUPER ecstatic! Thank you everyone from nearly two years ago for your input.

Sadly I still have not watched "The Lonely Guy", and I adore Steve Martin so I don't know why I haven't.

Oh, wait.

I'm a procrastinator. :P

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Congratulations!! I just read this thread without realizing how old it was, but even better because I'm so happy to hear you've made a ton of progress! I loved all the above ideas, especially the montage of driving through Cali and seeing all the guys sneezing - that's so endearing and hilarious at the same time. 

In middle school I really wanted to be a screen writer and although I am becoming an engineer instead, I'm low key jealous that you are living out my middle school dream hahah but good for you! I'd be happy to read the script once you finish and provide some feedback if that's something you're interested in! :) Good luck! 

I personally think that while sneeze fetishists may differ on how comfortable we all are watching the film, the general public may enjoy it a lot -- it will teach them about something new and different, but at the same time could be easily applicable/relatable to other adolescents/adults discovering their own fetishes, or just sexuality in general. 

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I would be glad to assist you in any way, I am a writer and would love to see this in film.

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