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I've done it and failed miserably in the past, but has anyone ever faked a sneeze just to be blessed? I'm sure most of us (or a good chunk of us) has done this.

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:laugh: I've always wanted to do this, but I feel like I'm cheating it out of them I guess. I remember a time in 5th grade I think and I coughed and my friend blessed me, and I felt so awkward telling her that it was just a cough. Which is why to this day, I always cough twice so people don't mistake it. I also unfortunately don't sneeze much on the regular unless its super sunny outside, and I never seem to get the fun, sneezy colds. I love when men sneeze, and its so satisfying to bless them after you know they've been struggling to get it out or just really sniffy. But that's just my opinion haha.

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Fake sneezing is too awkward for me to consider trying even in private, so there's 0 chance of me doing it in public to try getting blessed, though I like it when people bless me. 


4 hours ago, MysteryGirl said:

Which is why to this day, I always cough twice so people don't mistake it. 

The same thing happened to me a few days ago and I died inside knowing that the person who blessed me would probably never hear my real sneeze and instead think I have a cough-sneeze (like they totally care…).

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No, I can't say that I have and I'm not sure about anyone else, there's mixed feelings on being blessed but I'm not an overly huge fan of it.


Edited by 2spooky4u
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Not to be blessed, but I've faked a sneeze on occasion when I actually did have to sneeze but it suddenly went away at the last moment. I'd have done the whole inhaling and face-covering wahoo and it'd feel more stupid to suddenly not sneeze than to just fake one. :lol: (To my knowledge, no one ever noticed, either!)

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nope, never, but if say a female coughs, or is about to yawn I will say bless you knowing they would probably reply "that wasn't a sneeze" so as to get a conversation started about sneezing

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No, never. I don't want people paying any special attention to me, I don't sneeze in public anyway, it's not ll that common for people to bless each other here... There are plenty of reason I guess.

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On 29.10.2016 at 0:47 AM, sneezelove123 said:

I've done it and failed miserably in the past, but has anyone ever faked a sneeze just to be blessed? I'm sure most of us (or a good chunk of us) has done this.

No, why would I? :huh: I find sneezing in public totally embarrassing. 

1 hour ago, Sitruuna said:

No, never. I don't want people paying any special attention to me, I don't sneeze in public anyway

Oh, I wish I could prevent sneezing in public. Sadly, that's not always possible. At least not for me... How do you manage to *never* sneeze in public?

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7 hours ago, hedgehog said:

No, why would I? :huh: I find sneezing in public totally embarrassing. 

Oh, I wish I could prevent sneezing in public. Sadly, that's not always possible. At least not for me... How do you manage to *never* sneeze in public?

I guess that I just have a lot of practice..? lol

I have various things I can do to make any sneeze that threatens to come go away.

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I haven't faked sneezes to be blessed, but I've done it to buy some time to think of something to say, and I've also (on one occasion) done it to startle someone (who was snooping around and thought I was asleep).

It's surprisingly difficult to fake, though - you really have to commit to the yell. xD

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Heh... I have actually done this about a dozen times or so. :blush: Largely because I had about a 14 year period where I couldn't actually mange to sneeze in public out of fear, so if I was with a guy I liked and the impulse came and went I'd get really frustrated and just fake it instead because I wanted to see if he'd bless me.  It always took a bit to gather the courage lol, but I'd feel justified because I'd legitimately had to sneeze and just missed the chance. (Actually have some really nice memories of times I faked it and got blessed by boys I liked. :) Meant that my block didn't mean I missed out on the part I like the most.) ...But it did backfire a time or two... Still cringe at those ones. Bit mortifying. :boom:

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13 hours ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

Heh... I have actually done this about a dozen times or so. :blush: Largely because I had about a 14 year period where I couldn't actually mange to sneeze in public out of fear, so if I was with a guy I liked and the impulse came and went I'd get really frustrated and just fake it instead because I wanted to see if he'd bless me.  It always took a bit to gather the courage lol, but I'd feel justified because I'd legitimately had to sneeze and just missed the chance. (Actually have some really nice memories of times I faked it and got blessed by boys I liked. :) Meant that my block didn't mean I missed out on the part I like the most.) ...But it did backfire a time or two... Still cringe at those ones. Bit mortifying. :boom:

hahaha great username though. 

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4 hours ago, greatestever said:

hahaha great username though. 

Oh man... Here's where I have to admit that I have a feeling that's totally by accident.  I just googled Lost Girl and found a Canadian TVF show that I have never even heard about. So if that's what you were thinking that was totally by accident! lol

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1 hour ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

Oh man... Here's where I have to admit that I have a feeling that's totally by accident.  I just googled Lost Girl and found a Canadian TVF show that I have never even heard about. So if that's what you were thinking that was totally by accident! lol

I was hoping it was a reference to the show Lost. 

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23 minutes ago, greatestever said:

I was hoping it was a reference to the show Lost. 

Now THAT one I have seen. :)  Watched everything but the last season. Can I retroactively take that on?  (The actual reason behind the name is a lot less cool. lol)  

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I feel terrible admitting this, but I fake sneeze sometimes. They sound very similar to my actual sneezes. I like to do it to in front of someone new to see if they are a blesser. Or, if I know they are, I do it to be blessed. I am a bless you whore. I feel awful if I fake sneeze and no one acknowledges it though!

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19 hours ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

Now THAT one I have seen. :)  Watched everything but the last season. Can I retroactively take that on?  (The actual reason behind the name is a lot less cool. lol)  

I won't tell a soul 

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16 hours ago, sneezebabe said:

I feel terrible admitting this, but I fake sneeze sometimes. They sound very similar to my actual sneezes. I like to do it to in front of someone new to see if they are a blesser. Or, if I know they are, I do it to be blessed. I am a bless you whore. I feel awful if I fake sneeze and no one acknowledges it though!

interesting. I've never had the strong urge to want to be blessed when I sneeze. I'm pretty indifferent on it to be honest. But I usually bless others as a habit. 

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This isn't something that I would do, both from a lack of a need to (I've enough real ones to keep me going, for reals) and because...this is just a personal opinion that I hope dies not offend anyone but I would feel extremely uncomfortable with the idea that I would intentionally be trying to force others into a situation that would mean something to me that they were not aware of from the start.  I've been in situations where it was really obvious that someone was continuing to try to drive a conversation toward something they obviously got their jollies from under the guise of it being "innocent", so I've always been really hyper conscious of not doing that to other people and I get really upset if I feel like I might have done it to someone even by accident!  I would feel too guilty to trick someone into talking about sneezing if they were not aware of the significance for me beforehand.  JUST my personal feelings, your mileage may vary.

Edited by SleepingPhlox
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