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What is it that you like about handerchiefs?


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I was wondering what it was that you like about handkerchiefs? For me it is to do withe the muffling/suppression of powerful sneezes. What about you?

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My love of handkerchiefs has less to do with sneezing and more to do with things like tears and perspiration.  One of my latest favorite movies is Quiz Show (1994), about a guy in the 1950's who cheated on a televised trivia program (this actually happened in real life).  Ralph Fiennes plays the quiz-show cheater, and there's a scene in the movie where he's basically having an anxiety attack on live TV due to guilt about what he's doing.  During the scene he keeps dabbing perspiration from his face with a neatly folded, white handkerchief.  Now, I find Ralph Fiennes adorable anyway, and the addition of the handkerchief just increases his appeal for me.:thumbsup2:

Another type of situation I like (so long as it's not played in a patronizing manner) is when a (usually female) character will be crying and a (usually male) character will offer her his handkerchief so she can dry her tears.  A very touching example of this occurs in Schindler's List, between Liam Neeson as Schindler and Embeth Davidtz as the Jewish housemaid who has been abused (ironically, by Ralph Fiennes' Amon Goeth).  I posted a video of the scene somewhere on this forum.

I guess the appeal of handkerchiefs for me has a lot to do with the perception of them being more "personal" than tissues:  the idea that someone took the trouble to launder the handkerchief, iron it, and place it in his/her pocket/purse for later use.  Also, the fact that a handkerchief is soft, more or less thick, and can be delicately scented with perfume or cologne; it's soothing, in other words.  I find that very nice.  


Edited by Luisa39
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I enjoy the personal aspect of them. As in seeing what kind of handkerchief a person has (or doesnt have) should tell you a bit about them.

And if someone was to give you their handkerchief thats like giving you one of their private possessions.

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On 30/10/2016 at 11:51 PM, Luisa39 said:

I guess the appeal of handkerchiefs for me has a lot to do with the perception of them being more "personal" than tissues:  the idea that someone took the trouble to launder the handkerchief, iron it, and place it in his/her pocket/purse for later use. 


Yes, it is a lot to do with this for me. Handkerchiefs became more a part of my fetish over time; now they are a big part of it. For me, it's because they are personal posessions associated with sneezing. A handkerchief is 'his handkerchief', a tissue does not belong to someone like that.

A number of years ago I knew a very sneezy man who used handkerchiefs, who would always try and reach for his handkerchief to cover his nose when he felt a sneeze building up. That really crystallised it for me. That was the year I first bought handkerchiefs for myself; at first I bought colourful ones for fetish pleasure at home, now I always carry a plain white handkerchief in my pocket because, hey- they're actually useful!

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1 hour ago, Pointy Teeth-Cliff said:

Yes, it is a lot to do with this for me. Handkerchiefs became more a part of my fetish over time; now they are a big part of it. For me, it's because they are personal posessions associated with sneezing. A handkerchief is 'his handkerchief', a tissue does not belong to someone like that.

A number of years ago I knew a very sneezy man who used handkerchiefs, who would always try and reach for his handkerchief to cover his nose when he felt a sneeze building up. That really crystallised it for me. That was the year I first bought handkerchiefs for myself; at first I bought colourful ones for fetish pleasure at home, now I always carry a plain white handkerchief in my pocket because, hey- they're actually useful!

Very much the same for me too! I love ❤️ pulling out 'my' to catch a sneeze ?

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The personal aspect is what I like best too. Not only the handkerchief itself is personal, but its use too. I am a lover of nose blowing (as anyone around here will know), which is such a private matter, it intrigues me no end. Even when used in public, the handkerchief is one of the most private bits of a guy. It is stored close to the other ones for that reason I guess...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like many things about handkerchiefs, but one deep thing for me is how they "transform" embarassing things. 

Our faces do things that can be thought of as gross or embarrassing, such as snotty noses or crying eyes or even sweating - at least embarrassing if we've been brought up in cultures where being in control and looking in control is really important.

A handkerchief is a piece of cloth that is not only strong but often beautiful - cleanly white or colorful/patterned, folded in various ways, infinite variety - it captures those embarrassing secretions in an effective and beautiful way, transforming the fact that those things happened into something less embarrassing, It puts you back in control. And then the result can all be hidden away, in a pocket or bag, until the handkerchief needs to be called into action again or a fresh one is available.

This psychology also explains why tissues do nothing for me - they often seem flimsy and ineffective and not particularly beautiful. And then people strew them around or throw them into open receptacles rather than hiding things like civilized people. :-) Of course rationally I can understand why they are useful and use them myself often, and opinions vary. But I'm just explaining why cloth handkerchiefs are relatively great. :-)

Edited by allergyboy2001
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1 hour ago, allergyboy2001 said:

I like many things about handkerchiefs, but one deep thing for me is how they "transform" embarassing things. 

Our faces do things that can be thought of as gross or embarrassing, such as snotty noses or crying eyes or even sweating - at least embarrassing if we've been brought up in cultures where being in control and looking in control is really important.

A handkerchief is a piece of cloth that is not only strong but often beautiful - cleanly white or colorful/patterned, folded in various ways, infinite variety - it captures those embarrassing secretions in an effective and beautiful way, transforming the fact that those things happened into something less embarrassing, It puts you back in control. And then the result can all be hidden away, in a pocket or bag, until the handkerchief needs to be called into action again or a fresh one is available.

This psychology also explains why tissues do nothing for me - they often seem flimsy and ineffective and not particularly beautiful. And then people strew them around or throw them into open receptacles rather than hiding things like civilized people. :-) Of course rationally I can understand why they are useful and use them myself often, and opinions vary. But I'm just explaining why cloth handkerchiefs are relatively great. :-)

I agree so much with this! 

Actually, I think much the same about "blessing" sneezes.  For me saying "bless you" (or "Gesundheit," etc.) to someone after they sneeze "transforms" a mundane and possibly gross event into something more refined.  A sneeze becomes an opportunity for a bystander to wish a person well, to say something kind to her/him.  This is the way I see it, anyway. 

Edited by Luisa39
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Probably how they muffle the sneezing (that sound!) and are classier/less wasteful than tissues.

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10 hours ago, allergyboy2001 said:

I like many things about handkerchiefs, but one deep thing for me is how they "transform" embarassing things. 

Our faces do things that can be thought of as gross or embarrassing, such as snotty noses or crying eyes or even sweating - at least embarrassing if we've been brought up in cultures where being in control and looking in control is really important.

A handkerchief is a piece of cloth that is not only strong but often beautiful - cleanly white or colorful/patterned, folded in various ways, infinite variety - it captures those embarrassing secretions in an effective and beautiful way, transforming the fact that those things happened into something less embarrassing, It puts you back in control. And then the result can all be hidden away, in a pocket or bag, until the handkerchief needs to be called into action again or a fresh one is available.

This psychology also explains why tissues do nothing for me - they often seem flimsy and ineffective and not particularly beautiful. And then people strew them around or throw them into open receptacles rather than hiding things like civilized people. :-) Of course rationally I can understand why they are useful and use them myself often, and opinions vary. But I'm just explaining why cloth handkerchiefs are relatively great. :-)

Yessss! I totally agree. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/25/2016 at 2:25 PM, Anonymouse said:

Probably how they muffle the sneezing (that sound!) and are classier/less wasteful than tissues.

Absolutely true.Womens' handkerchieves are especially nice--little or large works of art that are a pleasure to use and collect,as well as mens'.They're so superior to tissues in every way l can think of.So womanly when females use them. **melt**

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  • 2 weeks later...

There have always been so many things I like about handkerchiefs but sometimes it's hard to explain, so I really enjoy everyone's insight on this post! Keep them coming!

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  • 3 months later...

I don’t feel that a handkerchief muffles anything (not that I wanna muffle anything).  I like that they’re softer and more absorbent (I can be a very snotty sneezer/nose blower), are good for covering nose & mouth if I have a nasty cold and have a sneezing or coughing fit (i’ve even wheezed into a handkerchief when my asthma is bad).  

I don’t like when I lose my handkerchief though.  

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On ‎25‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 2:58 PM, NYCgirl said:

I don’t feel that a handkerchief muffles anything (not that I wanna muffle anything).  I like that they’re softer and more absorbent (I can be a very snotty sneezer/nose blower), are good for covering nose & mouth if I have a nasty cold and have a sneezing or coughing fit (i’ve even wheezed into a handkerchief when my asthma is bad).  

I don’t like when I lose my handkerchief though.  

Do you lose your handkerchiefs often, and if so, how do you manage to? I treasure mine and if I saw you leaving one, I would chase after you after picking it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/25/2018 at 9:58 AM, NYCgirl said:

I don’t feel that a handkerchief muffles anything (not that I wanna muffle anything).  I like that they’re softer and more absorbent (I can be a very snotty sneezer/nose blower), are good for covering nose & mouth if I have a nasty cold and have a sneezing or coughing fit (i’ve even wheezed into a handkerchief when my asthma is bad).  

I don’t like when I lose my handkerchief though.  

Hi NYCgirl! So nice to see another female handkerchief user on the forum! :-)

I agree that handkerchiefs are softer and more absorbent.

I hope you don't lose your handkerchiefs often!!


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