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Sneeze Fetish Forum

For people who like colds/flu/caretaking


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So I am attracted to sneezes from guys or girls, but I only like sickness/caretaking when it's a cute guy, especially if it's my boyfriend because I think there's a romantic aspect to it for me. For you guys who also like colds/flu/caretaking etc. do you ever worry that this desire or attraction is a little bit sadistic (that might be a harsh word so I apologize) or at least a little selfish? I worry about this because I find myself hoping a guy I'm dating will catch a cold and then I think that's kind of messed up and feel guilty. But then I also want to take care of him so I don't know... Thoughts? (Also, not trying to sound accusatory or say anyone is sadistic- like I said I have the same thing, was just wondering if you guys ever feel slightly guilty/ashamed about it too.)

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Oh yes of course all the time. Especially because I love illness care taking and love when cute guys get sick. Is it sadistic? Not really, it's nothing extremely painful or fatal or anything like that. Severe illness not only grosses me out but is very alarming to me especially when the persons life is actually at risk. I don't think it's selfish either because its a fetish. We can't get rid of it and most of us don't act on this desire. When it happens we enjoy it. Nothing more. I don't think we're bad people and I don't think anyone should feel that way for having this fetish.

Edited by Melody
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  • 9 months later...

I have the same feelings. When I think really deeply about my feelings, I realize that they're about vulnerability. I don't want the person to be seriously hurt or ill. I just enjoy the intimacy that vulnerability produces. People show a different side of themselves when they're sick. My favorite part of when someone I'm attracted to is sick is the chance to spoil them and get close to them.

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7 hours ago, GG Lewis said:

I have the same feelings. When I think really deeply about my feelings, I realize that they're about vulnerability. I don't want the person to be seriously hurt or ill. I just enjoy the intimacy that vulnerability produces. People show a different side of themselves when they're sick. My favorite part of when someone I'm attracted to is sick is the chance to spoil them and get close to them.

I've been thinking about what it is that I like about a sneezing man, trying to pinpoint what it is that makes me enjoy it. I don't want anyone to be seriously ill or terribly miserable, but I also do enjoy the vulnerability. I've always felt a bit weak, and I think somewhere deep I have the image of a man as a stronger being (father issues? He was in the military). But a sneeze, a cold, allergies - they can hit anyone. There's no escaping it. I think in a way it makes me feel like everyone is just the same, we're all just human. Does this make any sense? Or am I just being weird? Fact is I have enjoyed male sneezes since I was about 5 years old. The way I enjoy them has obviously changed, but the reason? It's just who I am...

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Totally.  I definitely think my attention and want to take care of someone zooms upward when my SO is sick with a cold.  It's almost like a subconscious response because I don't even think about it but I notice it later and then think "huh, is that wrong?"  I also think there's a big part of it that comes from being needed, at least for me.  when someone is sick there is a kinda of feeling that you are needed to take care of them and it's a good feeling to feel a part of.  I don't think that makes it wrong because ultimately, isn't that what most people want in a relationship at least partly?

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Absolutely! Feeling needed is a great feeling! I have a great need to be there for my near and dear ones! That's the worst part when I'm not well myself, I fell like I'm letting them down. I just wanna care for the people around me, and someone who is a bit under the weather can be more open to extra care.

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14 hours ago, helyzelle said:

 I've always felt a bit weak, and I think somewhere deep I have the image of a man as a stronger being (father issues? He was in the military). But a sneeze, a cold, allergies - they can hit anyone. There's no escaping it. I think in a way it makes me feel like everyone is just the same, we're all just human. Does this make any sense? Or am I just being weird? Fact is I have enjoyed male sneezes since I was about 5 years old. The way I enjoy them has obviously changed, but the reason? It's just who I am...

This makes total sense to me! If it's weird then I'm weird too! I'm a really intimate and affectionate person, and I've realized that in life we don't often get the chance to be intimate with people. I don't mean just sexually. I love cuddling with people, running my fingers through their hair, holding their hand, putting my arm around their shoulders. I love doing that stuff even just with friends. I feel like I never get to do that anymore, though. I used to cuddle so much with my mom and with my sibling when I was a kid, but I don't live with them now, and I don't have an SO. I only have like 2 close friends. I don't get to just be close to people anymore. Caring for someone when they're sick, though, breaks down that wall.

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If anyone is interested, there's a really great episode of Hart of Dixie where there's a flu outbreak, and there are some great caretaking scenes.

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8 minutes ago, GG Lewis said:

If anyone is interested, there's a really great episode of Hart of Dixie where there's a flu outbreak, and there are some great caretaking scenes.

I love that show but I haven't gotten far in it at all! What episode is that, out of curiosity?

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9 hours ago, GG Lewis said:

If anyone is interested, there's a really great episode of Hart of Dixie where there's a flu outbreak, and there are some great caretaking scenes.

Thanks for the tip :) M or F?

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On 8/5/2017 at 10:28 AM, helyzelle said:

Thanks for the tip :) M or F?

It's season 2 episode 13. There's both M and F. Enjoy! :)


On 8/5/2017 at 0:47 AM, Cutekats said:

I love that show but I haven't gotten far in it at all! What episode is that, out of curiosity?

It's season 2 episode 13. There's both M and F. Enjoy! :)

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  • 3 years later...
On 10/31/2016 at 11:46 PM, Melody said:

Oh yes of course all the time. Especially because I love illness care taking and love when cute guys get sick. Is it sadistic? Not really, it's nothing extremely painful or fatal or anything like that. Severe illness not only grosses me out but is very alarming to me especially when the persons life is actually at risk. I don't think it's selfish either because its a fetish. We can't get rid of it and most of us don't act on this desire. When it happens we enjoy it. Nothing more. I don't think we're bad people and I don't think anyone should feel that way for having this fetish.

Same here,I don't like serious illnesses and I feel sorry for the sick person even if it's just a cold. I can't help it though,I like sneezes and stuff,but it's not about people getting sick,if you get my drift.

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4 minutes ago, Zumil4702 said:

Same here,I don't like serious illnesses and I feel sorry for the sick person even if it's just a cold. I can't help it though,I like sneezes and stuff,but it's not about people getting sick,if you get my drift.

Please stop bumping old topics. As I said in the other thread, necroing is frowned upon.

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