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Does anyone here take an interest in boxing?

I know I look silly, because I am a complete wimp and I loathe macho things. I'm not a huge fan of the concept of manliness. But I'd never been into sport, and I became interested in boxing at university. I read a boxing magazine for a while; my mum saw it and I think she was exasperated!

I don't exactly follow it now but I sometimes like to watch classic fights on YouTube. I've just been rewatching Benn and Eubank:

I'm torn because it's violent, but at the same time I like the idea of fist-fighting as an art. Boxing is about hitting and not being hit.

Edited by Pointy Teeth-Cliff
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I love it, personally.  It's one of the few sports that I do enjoy because it's so spare, so simple.  No offense to you meant in any way but I feel that "manliness" is underrated these days.  I don't mean it terms of genders or sexuality but rather as a pure biological concept.  We are primal creatures after all and the call of the wild should not be ignored.  Pugilism is indeed quite glorious!

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I'm interested in combat sports in general and I watch matches but I'm also torn because of possible brain damage, since the brain cannot be repaired. I know people aren't forced into these matches but sometimes the fighters are very young and they might not think about it at the time but if they get permamnent damage then they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. But yeah, it's like art when you watch a really skilled fighter, my favorites are usually the more technical fighters instead of brawlers.

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2 minutes ago, Anatoli said:

I'm interested in combat sports in general and I watch matches but I'm also torn because of possible brain damage, since the brain cannot be repaired. I know people aren't forced into these matches but sometimes the fighters are very young and they might not think about it at the time but if they get permamnent damage then they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. But yeah, it's like art when you watch a really skilled fighter, my favorites are usually the more technical fighters instead of brawlers.

This is an excellent point.  As a stroke survivor, I know that once you suffered major brain damage, you're never the same again.

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On 02/11/2016 at 2:51 PM, Anatoli said:

 But yeah, it's like art when you watch a really skilled fighter, my favorites are usually the more technical fighters instead of brawlers.

Yes, me too. Maybe because I'm less macho but I definitely prefer more technical fighters instead of brawlers.

And Jesus, Erik, I didn't know you were a stroke survivor. I'm sorry to hear that.

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I've sort of dabbled in watching boxing a few times. I know what you mean about not being into sports - I can barely sit still for a 45 minute TV show, let alone a 2-3 hour sports match - but boxing is one I find bearable and entertaining. Although I would love to see someone wipe the floor with Mayweather, just once. :P

I've also enjoyed a few UFC matches here and there.

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