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Yuri On Ice, Cheer boys request


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Hey guys I was just wondering if someone would write a fic about either of these

- Viktor from Yuri on Ice. I mean who doesn't love Viktor?! :wub: I've been watching since the day it come out (online) and I seriously love Yuri on Ice. It's such an amazing series.  It's now one of my favorite sports anime. :) 

-the other request is Shō Tokugawa from Cheer Boys aka Cheer Danshi. I watched the full series dub and it was actually really good. I really liked it. Anyone else seen the series? What did you think? 

If no one waNts to write either of these it's cool. ;) 

Edited by Zane
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I'm writing a fic about Victor for a little exchange with Akahana.  I expect it will be done by next week sometime. :)  I love Yuri on Ice!

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Am currently working on a Viktor fict as well for LYK, hopefully it'll be done soon!

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