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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Princess Peach


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Hiya, folks. :)

As a fetish artist looking to expand his horizons, I thought I might like to share some of my efforts with you. I've always fancied having a go at Princess Peach, and this gave me a good chance. I hope you enjoy this. I've never drawn Peach or Bowser before, and I sketched this up in one sitting (with my almost-broken stylus), so please forgive if it's a bit shaky. Either way, I hope you guys get a kick out of this.

There's more where this came from, and there's even an "Ooh La La" version of this pic (the same pic, only where Peach is just in her panties - naughty Bowser), but I can't share these as I can't access the adult board, and this is the only safe-for-all piece I currently have. >_< 

Nevertheless, please enjoy! This is my first full sneeze fetish piece, so I hope you like it.


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(Also, apologies to the mods - not sure how I managed to make two identical threads, but there you go. >_< Needless to say, it was unintentional!)

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Hmmm this is pretty good! Not bad for your first try! (Bowser especially,dude looks spot on!) ? I wonder how Mario would react...

Also I see that pantyshot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Really awesome work! I love all of the expressions and there is so much potential. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the kind words and feedback! :D Sorry it's taken me a while to respond, but I appreciate it a lot. :) I've been (very amateurishly) drawing fetish art fairly regularly for about 3-4 years now, but this was my first foray into the realm of sneezing.


I had a lot of fun drawing it, and I can't wait to be able to show you more (most of my pics are adult-orientated so I think putting them here is against forum rules).


Thanks again for the feedback and encouragement. :) I'd really like to know what you guys look for in pics, and hopefully how I can improve to adapt!



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