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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Preferred Number of Sneezes


Preferred Number of Sneezes  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. How many sneezes do you like to have when you sneeze?

    • Single
    • Double
    • Triple
    • Quadruple
    • A Fit of 5 or more (please specify in reply)
  2. 2. How many sneezes do you like to see others have when they sneeze?

    • Single
    • Double
    • Triple
    • Quadruple
    • A Fit of 5 or more (please specify in reply)

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I usually just sneeze once at a time, which is fine with me.  Occasionally, I do sneeze twice in a row, but it's pretty rare.  I don't believe I've sneezed a triple in my life, let alone anything more than that.

As far as others are concerned, I prefer it when they sneeze just once or twice in a row, because this makes blessing them less awkward on my part.:)  Just yesterday, a female student of mine who had allergies sneezed three times in quick succession, and though I did bless each sneeze I have to admit that after the second one I felt just a little bit silly.  (After the third sneeze, I said something like, "My goodness!  Bless you.")


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Since I am a single sneezer, I wish I could at least do doubles once in awhile. As for other people, I enjoy when they sneeze in triples, a little spaced out. 3 is my magic number.

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For me, other people sneezing has to have an element of 'loss of control' to it - so it needs to be at least 2 or 3, otherwise it doesn't do much for me. The more, the merrier!

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the bigger the better lol, I wanna see some insane and embarrassing sh*t. it's when they're at their most vulnerable and I just wanna comfort them :)

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I don't like to sneeze myself, so I voted singles for me. But I love to see others sneeze, so fits all the way! :lol: I'm a very simple person, what can I say? :P

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Anywhere between 2 and 100.

ETA: For others. For myself: 0.

Edited by AnonyMouse
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For myself, i would love to sneeze more than 7+ times, seeing as i rarely sneeze, and when i sneeze it's just a single one :(

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I've sneezed a triple maybe once in my entire life. I usually sneeze in singles or doubles, and between those I suppose I prefer doubles. I'm a sucker for fits from others, though.

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I like to sneeze in doubles (I don't sneeze much and a single sneeze is often frustrating, but more than two draw too much attention...) And for others, I like fits (5 or more) but not too quick, I like when the sneezes take their time (5 sneezes in 1 minute is great, 5 sneezes in 10 seconds is... too quick to enjoy).

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Doubles is usually good for me but the girl I'm seeing tends to like it when I have a sneezing fit (as if I had an allergic reaction to something) so I like going for that cause it's a bit more fun ^^

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I almost always sneeze three times when I do (which is rarely) so anything different than this makes me feel that something might be not right :D 

On 11/15/2016 at 9:23 PM, Aliena H. said:

And for others, I like fits (5 or more) but not too quick, I like when the sneezes take their time (5 sneezes in 1 minute is great, 5 sneezes in 10 seconds is... too quick to enjoy).

^^This is exactly how I feel about others sneezing.... couldn't have put it better myself :) 

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Okay, my preferred number of sneezes is 3....but not in the way you're thinking. I like it when it's a single, followed by a rapid, unexpected double.

Sort of like this scene:

" I always thought you could use the coefficients to..." His eyes fell half shut and scrubbed at the tip of his nose with his knuckle " Hih...hang on.." He turned away and brought his elbow to his mouth " Huh-ESHOo!...."  a strong, masculine sneeze " Hih..Huh-ESHO!TSHOO!"  The last one seemed to get him by surprise, he lowered his arm and shaked his head in a confused sort of way"

Lie, he's prepared for the second one but a third slips out, and they think they're done in between and...just....mmmff :3

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