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Library Obs


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I went to the library, to pickup the new John Grisham book, when I saw a lovely Asian woman in her early 30s start to build up. She was waiting in line waiting to check out when she took a couple breaths in and sneezed into her black leather gloved right hand. Nobody blessed her, and when I left, she gave me an odd look, like she was thinking, "Why didn't you bless me?"

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At this moment our library checkout is in the basement, which doesn't have as strict of silence as if she sneezed where all the books are kept. I don't think she was embarrassed, and a detail I left out was that there was a family with two girls behind her, who smiled after she sneezed, and she said to one of the girls, "why didn't you bless me?" I had thought about saying "bless you" right then, but it would've felt really weird, blessing her after she asked someone else for a blessing.

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OP:  You're so lucky that your library normally has a rules about quiet!  My local library seems to have forgotten all about the rules in their effort to cater to everybody who comes in.:huh:

Do you think the lady who sneezed knew the girl she was talking to?  I mean, I have pretty strong feelings in favor of blessing, yet I don't think I'd ever go so far as to confront a stranger who didn't bless me.  I wouldn't have the nerve.

That said, I think I would have blessed the lady even after she mentioned blessing.  But that's just me.




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1 hour ago, Luisa39 said:

Do you think the lady who sneezed knew the girl she was talking to?  I mean, I have pretty strong feelings in favor of blessing, yet I don't think I'd ever go so far as to confront a stranger who didn't bless me.  I wouldn't have the nerve.

It's possible. They were right next to each other in line when I walked in, and still together when I left. I would guess so.

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