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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Does anyone else want a fellow fetishist irl?


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I really don't know how great the odds are, because most people are silent about their fetish, but all I want is someone in my high school who will understand, or even feels remotely the way I do. I'd like to tell my friends and rant about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ABOUT SNEEZES AND FANDOM RELATED TO IT but that's not an option<_< I'd like to find someone who shares the same interest, but the odds won't get with the program arghhhh

If you'd like to rant about anything like this, or a time when you were just like 'dang that sneeze was hawt but I can't share the fun with anyone' :I

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I completely understand your frustration. I used to be the same way, wishing that I could flail about random obs or fandoms that I saw with someone IRL. Luckily, I have met quite a lot of people from this forum and also told my SO about the fetish, so while he doesn't share it, I can be totally open with him about stuff I see or read or whatever. It's totally freeing honestly. I would recommend telling someone you confide in and absolutely trust about the fetish because it's very rewarding, but only do so if you are comfortable to.

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Oh lord you and me both! There's moments when I'll see something so great and it almost physically hurts to keep it to myself lmao so no, you're far from the only one! :) 

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39 minutes ago, PuddinPop said:

I completely understand your frustration. I used to be the same way, wishing that I could flail about random obs or fandoms that I saw with someone IRL. Luckily, I have met quite a lot of people from this forum and also told my SO about the fetish, so while he doesn't share it, I can be totally open with him about stuff I see or read or whatever. It's totally freeing honestly. I would recommend telling someone you confide in and absolutely trust about the fetish because it's very rewarding, but only do so if you are comfortable to.

That's great advice, thank you:thumbs_up:

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45 minutes ago, hilsbilly said:


I only just saw this :lol: borderline threadjacking but I'll let it slide just to add UTO.

(For those who don't understand, it is football/soccer related regarding a team from the city me and hilsbilly are from xD)

But, back on track, I really hope that you manage to find someone who you can share this with. The danger is finding someone who won't understand/be accepting/become freaked out. But if you confide in the right person, it's very rewarding. My SO doesn't understand it and has never pretended to but he's very accepting, to the point where he jibes me whenever we see something in public. He even said if we bought a dog, he wanted to call it Sneezy, purely because I wouldn't be able to shout its name :rofl: so it can be rewarding, but also a pain in the ass :yay: 

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3 minutes ago, PuddinPop said:

But, back on track, I really hope that you manage to find someone who you can share this with. The danger is finding someone who won't understand/be accepting/become freaked out. But if you confide in the right person, it's very rewarding. My SO doesn't understand it and has never pretended to but he's very accepting, to the point where he jibes me whenever we see something in public. He even said if we bought a dog, he wanted to call it Sneezy, purely because I wouldn't be able to shout its name :rofl: so it can be rewarding, but also a pain in the ass :yay: 

He seems like a great guy:) I hope I will too haha

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I'm not sure if I would want a fetishist in RL as I think I'd find it awkward to talk about such a personal thing with someone I'd actually see regularly. My SO knows about my fetish and doesn't really understand it but he does accept it. I don't really have to hide it, which is good, however we don't chat about it. 

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I'm kinda with Puds on this that even though my SO doesn't know I've met enough people here on the forum that I now talk to off of it, I don't have any issues flailing if I happen to see something.


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I do wish I had a friend who shared this interest. I've never told anyone... well I told my ex while we were intoxicated then denied it vehemently the next day when he brought it up. He seemed accepting! I just couldn't live with anyone else knowing. Maybe I have trust issues.

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One of my life's ambitions is to meet and get to know a fellow fetishist by chance (i.e. not through the internet). I've had a few 'maybes' but they were never proven and I've been looking and hoping longer than most of you have been alive.

Edited by haymaker
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For me, it has been a most pleasant experience having fellow fetishists as true friends.

BUT, it's not because of being fellow fetishists that we became friends. I think that is an extremely important point: it is never enough for a true friendship to just share one aspect of life, no matter how important a part it plays in your life.

The only reason these people and I became actual friends (first online, then IRL) was that we had more to talk about and to enjoy together than the fetish.

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I agree completely with March on this! It's great to have friends who also have the fetish, but it's very much secondary to the friendship itself for me. Admittedly, there's only one forum friend I've met irl so far, but there are others that I'm so close with that I might as well have. The fetish is a cool thing to have in common, but there needs to be a genuine connection on the friendship level, too. With a lot of my friends, we talk about everything and anything up to and including the fetish. :P

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I would love to meet someone really sneezily sympathetic; I have had girlfriends who "knew", and dear friends on here who I've even spent time with irl, so perhaps I am being ludicrously picky, but none of my gfs have demonstrated a real dedication to sneezing; they didn't for example practise sneezing while apart from me.  Onlly one forum mate has done this, and probably through my own grievous fault we don't manage to get into really fetish things like mutual inducing [yum].

I am reminded of an almost incredible story; some years ago my gf and I were going to a party when an ex-gf of mine boarded the same bus.  The weather being utterly bizarre, the ex soon had a huge sneezing fit which lasted into the East End; At the hghest point o the rainstorm we all had to leave the bus and run through the flood to the party, the ex sneezing all the time.  Her  later sneezes were greeted by her sister, so my current gf could not really comment.  But within half an hour when she got me alone she said words to the effect of "You must  really have enjoyed that sneezing fit!"  

But she didn't add "I'll give you an even better one when we get home". 

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On 11/14/2016 at 3:07 PM, March Hare said:

For me, it has been a most pleasant experience having fellow fetishists as true friends.

BUT, it's not because of being fellow fetishists that we became friends. I think that is an extremely important point: it is never enough for a true friendship to just share one aspect of life, no matter how important a part it plays in your life.

The only reason these people and I became actual friends (first online, then IRL) was that we had more to talk about and to enjoy together than the fetish.

:yes: To all of this

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The girl I'm seeing is actually more into sneezing than I am. She actually approached me because of the way that I sneeze and one thing led to another with the whole flirting thing and I eventually figured out she had a thing for sneezing too! Told her that I had the same fetish but it wasn't that big, I can only assume that she must've felt like she won the lottery when she found out I had a similar mindset.

Now I never approached anyone because of the way they sneeze (although I may have had a wanting to) but hey, you might get lucky one day if you do!

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I imagine it would be very convenient to have this in common with a significant other, and I think a part of me crosses my fingers every time I enter a new relationship.  But I think it is particularly meaningful to be with someone who doesn't feel the same way about sneezing but is accepting and perhaps occasionally indulgent.  I would be pretty uncomfortable discussing this with anyone else in real life, I think, because it's just too intimate for me. 

On a similar note, even through the anonymity and enormity of the Internet, I feel a looming paranoia about discovering or being recognized by a real-life acquaintance on these boards.

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I want one too! I can't talk to anyone about this for fear of their judgement... it's so horrible! It's like when I'm around people I have to crush it into this little ball.

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Man, I would LOVE to have a a girlfriend who also had the fetish so we could chat about it. :D I've never told my best friend IRL and probably never will. Waaaay too terrified. 

I told one serious boyfriend once, and although he was nice enough about it, I kinda didnt like his sneezes all the time and the whole thing ended up freaking/grossing me out. He was super respectful and I don't think he ever told a soul, but I kinda wish I hadn't told him... 

The only other person I've told is my husband and that was the best decision I ever made. <3 He helped me accept it as part of myself (not something to be ashamed of as I had been before meeting him) and even helped me get over my block about sneezing in public! (I'm a photic sneezer, so if it's a sunny day it'll hit me every time I get out of the car, used to drive me crazy when it would just tease me all the time!) I will also say that something cool kinda accidentally happened with my husband. He asked me when I told him about it if it turned me on when I did it myself and I told him I enjoyed it but nowhere near the same degree. But ever since then he's taken it into his head that it really gets to me, and won't let me deny it. So one day when I managed to get past the block and sneezed from the sun in the car  (I think he'd been watching me), he totally made a comment afterwards that he was actually turned on by it because the thought of me getting pleasure from it got to him. Lol Soooo it might actually be possible to accidentally condition the fetish into your SO. I still deny it to him to this day, but I won't lie that one of my dreams would totally be fulfilled if he regularly got turned on by me doing it. :blush: 

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