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Sneeze Fetish Forum

James Roday as Shawn Spencer, fake sneeze


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So any Psychos out there? Or fans of James Roday? (I am! I am!) 

Here's a clip from 7.11 "Office SPACE" in which Shawn ans Gus try to not screw up a crime scene, but you know, they Shawn and Gus things up... Shawn falls down, gets a bloody nose and then sneezes, loudly. It's a comedic fake sneeze, but a fake sneeze nonetheless. Enjoy. (I recorded the clip myself. Sorry for the weird sound/quality.) 

And this is one of a few promises, like I mentioned in my last post, I'll try and write over my winter break...because I think there needs to be more Psych-related sneezefics out there :) 

[my video got deleted bc of copyright. I'll try and upload it again] sorry for any inconveinence

Edited by flowerpower67
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36 minutes ago, Amberlight24 said:

oh thank you, this made my night!

You're quite welcome! I love this show! 

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Gus's reaction.... XD

I was just starting my rewatch of Psych and I see this on the forum! And yessss I agree... More Psych sneezefic ... :doublethumbsup:

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14 hours ago, pirate_wench said:

I LOVE James Roday! He has the best nose ever! Thanks so much for sharing!!

I'm a pslut for psych and a slut for James Roday. You know, I really don't pay attention to nose shape, but ever since someone mentioned it, it's been a thing I've kind of stared at since watching Psych. I can't help it. Curse you guys! It's like those things you don't start noticing until someone says something about it, and this thing happens to be James's nose XD. It's so long and prominent, really quite a spectacle! (what the F am i saying?!) Anyway, James is a good-looking guy! I'd love to get to know him, if only he were a bigger star, ya know, but I respect his privacy and right to live a private, personal life. It's just I'd do just about anything to get my hands on all the interviews and Psych bonus material ever made! 

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14 hours ago, bellows said:

Gus's reaction.... XD

I was just starting my rewatch of Psych and I see this on the forum! And yessss I agree... More Psych sneezefic ... :doublethumbsup:

OMG! I binged the whole series this fall and it's the most amazing show ever! I don't rewatch shows, but this is one I will watch over and over! (maybe it's because I watch a lot of dark TV shows, and going back to watch those isn't very--well--light-spirited) But Psych, and shows likes Bob's Burgers and Parks and Rec, I will absolutely go back and rewatch because whenever I'm feeling sad or anxious, those shows make me feel better! 
What's incredibly interesting is watching the series finale and then immediately starting over with the pilot! The differences are shocking! 

Yes, I agree with my proposal, more Psych sneezefics! Like, there are some out there, but not the kind I'm looking for, and some aren't very well written, and some are so freaking long and drag out. Like, all I want is a little fluffy short drabble about a sneezy James Roday/Shawn Spencer because I'm a whore. (like a whore for James roday and sneezing...not like a sexual whore...or whatever...I'm not degrating myself. It's just something I say....)  

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Psych is such a great show!  Thanks for posting—I've seen that episode. I wasn't a huge fan of the bloody nose thing personally, but it was cute still haha. I agree...his nose is super hot. 


Also...for a real one... Look at 1:51:57


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4 hours ago, Pollen Girl said:

Psych is such a great show!  Thanks for posting—I've seen that episode. I wasn't a huge fan of the bloody nose thing personally, but it was cute still haha. I agree...his nose is super hot. 


Also...for a real one... Look at 1:51:57


Omg! I've been slowly making my way thru that entire blooper reel. Thanks for the heads up!! 

Ok, I went to the spot and I'm at the scene where Shawn and Gus are hand-paddling that boat and I hear a aunt "choo" from James, as he's bringing his elbow from his face, are you sure that's a sneeze? It doesn't look like one and it barely sounds like one. 

Edited by flowerpower67
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10 hours ago, flowerpower67 said:

But Psych, and shows likes Bob's Burgers and Parks and Rec, I will absolutely go back and rewatch because whenever I'm feeling sad or anxious, those shows make me feel better! 

Ahh I feel the same with these shows (along with The Office)!!

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9 hours ago, Pollen Girl said:

Psych is such a great show!  Thanks for posting—I've seen that episode. I wasn't a huge fan of the bloody nose thing personally, but it was cute still haha. I agree...his nose is super hot. 


Also...for a real one... Look at 1:51:57


Aww I got so excited, but that is no sneeze :(

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8 hours ago, pirate_wench said:

Aww I got so excited, but that is no sneeze :(

Yea, sadly that was not a sneeze. I got excited too. Oh well :) 

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  • 1 month later...

My stupid little clip got cockblocked by copyright on YT so it's no longer available. :( Sorry for the inconvenience

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