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Caretaking in novels


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Hey guys

im really into my reading at the moment (and I suppose more specifically my fetish reading xD) 

and I was wondering what novel's are out there with characters getting sick and caretaking and all that wonderful fluffy stuff <3

i prefer reading series's as opposed to stand alone books (anything 3 volumes or longer) but by all means, recommend anything (I will be so grateful for your reccomendarions I love you guys <3) 


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So tbh there isn't much care taking in novels and I've literally read hundreds of books. So I can think of two at the top of my head.

The series Outlander has massive amounts of illness care taking and vulnerability goodness, mainly surrounding the main male character, Jamie. If you like fantasy and care taking material I really recommend you check it out. I'm currently reading the series right now and it's quite good!

The series Septimus Heap has a suspicious amount of sneezing and illness. Like some of the illness sections literally sounds like someone on here wrote it for original fiction. Anyway this series is YA and I read it a few years ago so I am not sure if it will be your cup of tea. 

But yeah, these two for sure!



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2 hours ago, Melody said:


So tbh there isn't much care taking in novels and I've literally read hundreds of books. So I can think of two at the top of my head.

The series Outlander has massive amounts of illness care taking and vulnerability goodness, mainly surrounding the main male character, Jamie. If you like fantasy and care taking material I really recommend you check it out. I'm currently reading the series right now and it's quite good!

The series Septimus Heap has a suspicious amount of sneezing and illness. Like some of the illness sections literally sounds like someone on here wrote it for original fiction. Anyway this series is YA and I read it a few years ago so I am not sure if it will be your cup of tea. 

But yeah, these two for sure!



Oh my goodness! I remember the Septimus Heap series. I read part of it when I was in elementary school. Yeah, I still remember the illness and sneezing parts and I definitely read those parts way too many times.

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There was a fair amount of illness and caretaking in the old Louisa May Alcott novels, of which there are eight, I think, although the longest actual series is three books (Little Women and following).

The Earth's Children (Clan of the Cave Bear) books feature a healer, so there's a fair bit of caretaking, but only one or two good cold descriptions in six books.


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It was a really long time ago, but I think the first book of the Nightrunner Series by Lynn Flewelling has caretaking in it?  The first book is called Luck in the Shadows.  It's a high fantasy series about a boy named Alec (main character) who runs into a thief and all-around dashing adventure man named Seregil.  Then they go on a lot of adventures, get mixed up in magic and politics, and have an incredibly self-indulgent gay romance (and eventually adopt a kid and stuff).  This series is dear to my heart, although I haven't read all of them, and the first three are the better ones.  For some reason I think Seregil gets sick in the first book, with a cold?  He gets sick with a demonic-magic influence in the beginning but that doesn't involve sneezing, more fevers and paranoia.

Now I really want to read them again.  Hmmm.

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I'm not really a caretaking fan myself, but just to say that almost any Victorian novel has loads of people ill and indeed dying, and hence being  taken care of.   There is a wonderful  book called "The Fairchild Family" were everyone has tribulations and half the people die of prolonged illness.  Of course in "Eric, or little by little", Eric himself dies at the end because of his sin.  I can't remember the authors, but they are complete classics.

Even Dickens has deathbed caretaking.  I happened to catch part of the Daniel Radcliffe "David Copperfield" this week and Dora is caretaken by Peggotty as she predictably dies. It was the Americans who shouted out "Is Little Nell dead?" to every ship arriving in New York.  Still, as wilde put it "Who has the sensibility to read  the death of \little Nell without laughing?"

All for socio-historical reasons, just as in Shakespeare almost everyone dies following revenge attacks, as in real life.

Which reminds me of Ivanhoe, in which oddly to our ears, the hero is wounded for most of the book and caretaken by Rebecca....  The list is endless....

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Also in David Copperfield, David becomes ill is taken care of by his friend Thomas.  I like how male-male non-sexual relationships were "allowed" to be close and affectionate back then.

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