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Sneeze Fetish Forum

New roommate obs (m)


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So, I am doing this temporary job in another area and cost of living is high. Moved into a large house that has several other guy tenants a few days ago.

They are mainly in their 20s years old I would say. None of them has a big nose though which is odd, all very medium-sized noses. The walls are very thin with the construction also.

The guy roommate next me in his late 20s, 5 foot 10 and sort of blondish hair sneezed a very loud "Haaaaaayaaassssccchhhh" sneeze. It sounded sort of wet but not overly so.

I was sleeping and then just before dawn, I am awoken by an extremely loud "Haaaayyyyyyassschhhhh" in the other room followed by the same "Haaaaayaaastttchh" "Haaaattttschhh" about a minute apart. Then several minutes later I again hear the same but slightly louder "Haaaayyyaastttcchch" this time it sounded very intense.

I am sort of hoping this is not a unique observation and that he is one of those big-time sneezers.. Many times it seems like I hear a good sneezing observation from a guy and think that I have hit the sneezing jackpot only to never hear another sneeze again. And then there was one time a few years ago where I lived with a sneezey roommate where the sneezing only seemed to get more frequent, intense and number of sneezes increased.

Also, I had some roommates who were in their 40s and they seemed very set in their sneezing patterns. Interesting how this guy is late 20s and went from a single to four sneezes in a row.

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Aahah lovely! I love starting the day with a few intense sneezes, cute guy rolls out of bed and the first thing they do is sneeze a little.

Bless him!

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