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A Stellar Immune Defence Failing (female self-obs, cold)


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I'm coming down with a cold, and I can already tell that it's going to be miserable. It started on Monday, when one side of my throat started to feel dry and sore. Then nothing more happened, so I decided this was just my body doing another weird hormonal quirk, it does that sometimes. Today I woke up and it wasn't just one side of my throat that was sore - it feels like it's on fire. I can swallow, but it hurts like a bitch, and yet I keep doing it in some weird belief that swallowing will sooth it somehow. :rolleyes:  I firmly denied this was a cold. Dry air, hormones, not enough fluids, all of that I could go along with. Anything except a cold. Because nope. I'm not gonna have a cold.

Around lunchtime I had added a cough to the mix, and now in the afternoon my sinuses are starting to fill up, my nose is runny - watery runny - and I feel like I need to sneeze almost constantly. So far I've only actually sneezed once, when I stepped outside into the sunlight. Now, I am ridiculously photic, but I wasn't even facing the direction of the sun, plus I was looking down at the wet, dark pavement, so I'm more inclined to think that sneeze was 95 % cold and 5 % photic. Whatever the trigger though, that one sneeze was enough to make the congestion undeniable, and now it feels like there's a needle pricking the inside of my nose in addition to the fire raging in my throat. I really, really need to sneeze, all the time, but it keeps evading me and it's so frustrating!

I have a feeling this hasn't reached its peak yet, and while it's not audible in my voice so far, I think it will be very soon. I have to interrupt myself and clear my throat when speaking, though, but nobody seem to have noticed. I'd like to keep it that way, but alas, if this isn't over within two days (the amount of time I'll have to myself without human interaction), it will be obvious.

I also feel a tad feverish, I'm freezing (which I normally never do), and I'm very tired and rundown. I've probably caught this from my mom, who is basically always sick and never concerned about covering or washing her hands, and the thought repulses me to no end. However, there is a slight chance that I caught it from my neighbour, who has been sneezing and coughing a lot since the weekend, so I'm going to mentally go with that because that option doesn't bother me as much. :lol: 

I am actually angry with my immune defence for failing me here. I mean, I am angry with it. Like; what do you mean, letting me down like this? Why weren't you doing your job?! This is an insult!

Can you tell I'm not used to having colds? :rolleyes::lol: 


Edited by Chanel_no5
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Awww, Bless you pumpkin

Feel better soon! I see what you mean though, thank God I rarely get sick, and I'm so frustrated when I do. I do have allergies , though.....but that's normally controlled with medicine, and still waaaay better than being sick....

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My poor old girl; we all know how horrid most of the symptoms are of a cold; I trust that you have access at least to Paracetamol and some tasty type of throat lozenges..  But there is that one day of extreme sneeziness which can be really enjoyable.  We all know Swedish sneezes are best, and even now you have forsworn this divine pleasure, I am hoping that vocaroo or indeed Bondi's may benefit from your temporary ecstasy.... 

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6 hours ago, Mwsapphire said:

Awww, Bless you pumpkin

Feel better soon! I see what you mean though, thank God I rarely get sick, and I'm so frustrated when I do. I do have allergies , though.....but that's normally controlled with medicine, and still waaaay better than being sick....

Thank you! :) I very rarely get sick either, but once I reach that point of no return I just wait it out. The worst part is the coughing; every cold I get tend to go to the chest and I can cough for weeks afterwards. If it was just a matter of a week or so per cold I would probably not be so much of a germaphobe, but... oh well. Not much to do about it right now but going through it.

3 hours ago, count gracula said:

My poor old girl; we all know how horrid most of the symptoms are of a cold; I trust that you have access at least to Paracetamol and some tasty type of throat lozenges..  But there is that one day of extreme sneeziness which can be really enjoyable.  We all know Swedish sneezes are best, and even now you have forsworn this divine pleasure, I am hoping that vocaroo or indeed Bondi's may benefit from your temporary ecstasy.... 

Thanks. I try to stay away from Paracetamol as they don't do much for me, so not much use to take them. I do have some Black Velvet though. It's one vile drink, but it does serve the purpose of numbing the throat. As for recordings, don't hold your breath, even if this turns out to be a sneezy cold my recording device is not compatible with my new laptop, so I have no means to upload. Sorry. I'll keep a text-based update though. I'm up to five sneezes all evening, which is a lot for me, but... all in singles and pretty uneventful ones. *shrug*

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15 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

I can swallow, but it hurts like a bitch, and yet I keep doing it in some weird belief that swallowing will sooth it somehow.

Ugh I hate when that happens. I also find myself swallowing just to check if it's gone. *Swallow* Ow. Maybe it's gone now? *Swallow* Nope. ... What about now? *Swallow* DAMNIT! I tend to do that even more in the beginning when I'm not sure if I'm getting sick or not and I keep "testing" it :P

I hope you feel better soon! Colds sound so much better in fics than when you actually catch one doesn't it... T_T

Edited by Oolia
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14 hours ago, M214186 said:

Extremely descriptive. Thanks for sharing this. I am sorry you are sick.

Thank you. :)

13 hours ago, Oolia said:

Ugh I hate when that happens. I also find myself swallowing just to check if it's gone. *Swallow* Ow. Maybe it's gone now? *Swallow* Nope. ... What about now? *Swallow* DAMNIT! I tend to do that even more in the beginning when I'm not sure if I'm getting sick or not and I keep "testing" it :P

I hope you feel better soon! Colds sound so much better in fics than when you actually catch one doesn't it... T_T

Exactly! The repeated "in-denial-swallowing". :lol: Thank you. It certainly does.



So, the update. My throat is much better today, but I was up half the night coughing. I have sneezed four or five times over the course of the day, once right when I got out of bed - a half-stifle that hurt like hell. A couple when I was by the computer. And one RIGHT the moment I got back inside after doing some emergency grocery shopping. I was worried I'd have to sneeze in public because I did NOT trust my left nostril, but thankfully my mental block worked until I had locked the door behind me back home. I was actually feeling better than I expected though, so I thought maybe this wouldn’t take the route I believed at first.

Boy, was I wrong! Now, I can’t breathe through my nose AT ALL, but it’s running constantly, and that burning, tingly sensation that was in my throat yesterday, is now consuming the entire inside of my nose. I can’t keep my hands off it, it itches so much. I don’t sneeze a lot, but if that doesn’t come tomorrow, I will be VERY surprised.

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Okay, so, I’m not sure if this counts as a fit; it certainly felt like one because the itchy sensation didn’t go away between sneezes, but personally I think a fit has shorter time between sneezes. Anyway. Last night I sneezed pretty much once a minute for over ten minutes straight. It was so late at night/early in the morning, I tried to stifle so not to wake the neighbours, and that was… a painful and messy mission. I was so stuffed up, my nose was streaming in between sneezes, and it just kept burning. I can’t even begin to spell out those sneezes, but they were, um… wet stifles. Very wet, and very intense. I wondered if I would ever stop, but of course I did eventually. I still felt like I had to sneeze again, but I didn’t, and at some point I managed to fall asleep. After turning from side to side to switch between which nostril I could breathe through, of course. :rolleyes:

I woke up this morning and my head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton, but I have only sneezed twice and my nose doesn’t feel as irritated. As of now, everything is more… thick and sticky. And the cough is worse, it has turned into the disgusting hollow, barking cough that freaks me out because it sounds so scary, and there’s a pressure over my chest. I really hope this will calm down as quickly as the other symptoms, but the cough usually lingers with me, so… we’ll see.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and lie down and pointlessly whine out loud a little. I am so ready for this to be over, I hate being sick.


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Aww, no, I'm so sorry! :consoling: I get sick on a fairly regular basis, I'd say (about every two to three months?) and I still hate it so much every single time! :lol: And it's probably worse for you simply because you're not used to it. Also, I am all too familiar with the kind of cough you're describing and it definitely isn't fun. So I really hope you'll feel better soon! xx

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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 7:14 AM, Chanel_no5 said:

 ...but the cough usually lingers with me, so… we’ll see.


I definitely feel sorry for you but your descriptions are awesome.  Hope you feel better and thanks for sharing until you do :)

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Excellent!  There's only one thing about having a cold hat makes it atall bearable, and you've done it....  Don't quibble, that was a fit all right and I can scarcely believe that you even tried to stifle them; though I  suppose making them really wet must have been almost as good as letting them out properly.  You are a hero of the sneeze, and the feeling of not being able to stop ever is the ultimate ecstasy.....

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On 11/19/2016 at 7:14 AM, Chanel_no5 said:

Okay, so, I’m not sure if this counts as a fit; it certainly felt like one because the itchy sensation didn’t go away between sneezes, but personally I think a fit has shorter time between sneezes. Anyway. Last night I sneezed pretty much once a minute for over ten minutes straight. It was so late at night/early in the morning, I tried to stifle so not to wake the neighbours, and that was… a painful and messy mission. I was so stuffed up, my nose was streaming in between sneezes, and it just kept burning. I can’t even begin to spell out those sneezes, but they were, um… wet stifles. Very wet, and very intense. I wondered if I would ever stop, but of course I did eventually. I still felt like I had to sneeze again, but I didn’t, and at some point I managed to fall asleep. After turning from side to side to switch between which nostril I could breathe through, of course. :rolleyes:

I woke up this morning and my head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton, but I have only sneezed twice and my nose doesn’t feel as irritated. As of now, everything is more… thick and sticky. And the cough is worse, it has turned into the disgusting hollow, barking cough that freaks me out because it sounds so scary, and there’s a pressure over my chest. I really hope this will calm down as quickly as the other symptoms, but the cough usually lingers with me, so… we’ll see.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and lie down and pointlessly whine out loud a little. I am so ready for this to be over, I hate being sick.


Oh geez, bless you

Hope you arent feverish still D:

That was really cute though....

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