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Sneeze Fetish Forum

First Induced Sneeze


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I know this isn't much of an observation, I'm sorry, but I just needed to tell someone about this. I've tried inducing in the past with no success. Recently though, I decided to induce with pepper and chili powder since I sometimes sneeze whenever I have to use those spices. I only sprinkled some within the rim of my nose. It burned and made my eyes water. Later, I started feeling a sneeze coming. I stared at a bright light and a few minutes later I finally sneezed. It sounded something like "Hhhchhhhew" it felt pretty strong and wet. I felt like more were coming but none came after that. I usually sneeze like 3-4 times a day but ever since I induced I haven't been able to sneeze for days. Anyway I'm just glad I finally got this off my chest. As much as I enjoyed it, I'm not sure if I'll induce again in the future since my nose is just too stubborn.

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Hope the natural sneezes return soon... It's interesting how some people have a really, really stubborn nose that refuses to be induced, and others seem to be able to start sneezing with almost no effort at all :) 

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Congratters!     bUT THIS  is just the first; once you get used to it it will be a source of endless pleasure! I have a very naughty nose, but I can recommend chhinkni; I thought in the BC days [yes, Before Chhinkni] that I would never find anything that would give me a fit, but it does!  You do not say what you have used before, but a solid inducing iron directed to the sneezy spots  defeats even my nose; first go should be matchsticks.....

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16 hours ago, count gracula said:

Congratters!     bUT THIS  is just the first; once you get used to it it will be a source of endless pleasure! I have a very naughty nose, but I can recommend chhinkni; I thought in the BC days [yes, Before Chhinkni] that I would never find anything that would give me a fit, but it does!  You do not say what you have used before, but a solid inducing iron directed to the sneezy spots  defeats even my nose; first go should be matchsticks.....

Hmm, I've been curious about chhinkni. I have heard quite a couple of things about it through this forum. My question is, does inducing always make your natural sneezes go away for a while? A chhinkni fit sounds exciting :woot0:, but would hate to only sneeze once month (including a fit) as opposed to my daily natural sneezes. I'm already missing my natural sneezes. :/

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I see your point; I used to find that major inducing sessions diminished my natural sneezes for a week or two, but I had or indeed have such a mental block that it was certainly more fun to induce more and sneeze naturally less; I have only taken chhinkni more recently, and not noticed anything.  But honestly, just imagine a fit for the first time ever!  Of course nothing is guaranteed either way, but I've always enjoyed inducing sessions more than those rare natural sneezes anyway.

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