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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My first obs! (M, Indian, Uncovered)


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Hi everyone, I'm a new member to the forum! I honestly think that my observation of this particular sneezing episode (which is from about 2 weeks ago) has acted as the catalyst for me to gather up enough courage to join the Forum...enough about me (that's what the Intro section is for, right?!). Here's my first obs - I hope you all like it! 

To give some important background info, I'm a University student in a relatively small/selective program at my school, so you get to know the people in all of your classes, especially by the time you're nearing the end of the program, like I am. There's this one guy (we'll call him P) that I've seen around over the years but have never actually spoken to. He's good looking and as I now reflect on this obs and my attitude towards him in general, I think you could classify this as a crush (or at least a prolonged infatuation) - I always have a hard time admitting my crushes. He's Indian, about 22 or 23 years old, with light tan skin, brown eyes, and is about 5'7 or 5'8 with broad shoulders. He often wears black, thick-rimmed glasses (the kind that are trendy right now) and has black hair that’s faded/shaved pretty short on the sides and is really thick and styled nicely on the top (again, one of the styles that seems to be in right now...think stereotypical metrosexual style). He has an average sized nose and tends to have just a hint of stubble that seems to be a little thicker in the mustache area (which is a huge YES for me!). He's not built like a pro weightlifter or anything, but he's toned and you can tell that that he has muscle! Again, I've never spoken to him, but from the few times that I've heard him speak, he has a relatively high pitched voice for a guy (not feminine, but definitely a higher tenor range) - this will be important later! 

Anyway, on to the actual observation! A couple of my friends and I were going to this informational/networking session for a fellowship program that we are interested in, and guess who also happened to be there? Yup, that's right! P was already seated in the relatively empty waiting area outside the conference room and was facing away from the direction we were coming from. He was wearing a teal quarter zip over a dress shirt and gray khakis - I later noticed that both the top/bottom pieces of the outfit were form fitting and accentuated his physique! My friends and I were making our way from the waiting area to the conference room (passing P) when I heard a single, quick sneeze from behind me - " 'Choo!". I stopped where I was standing - the pitch was a bit high, but something about the "choo" part seemed to be distinctly male...P could've totally produced a sneeze of that pitch! I turned around as casually as possible to face him and was greeted by the hottest pre-sneeze expression ever. I watched as he turned his head to the side, scrunched up his eyes and nose, drew in a breath and sneezed again - "Huh-choooo!". This sneeze was longer, louder, and more masculine sounding! What's even better is the fact that he didn't bother to cover the sneeze at all, probably because he had turned to the side and there was no one else in the area. He wasn't finished, however. While I was trying to take in the awesomeness of the first 2 sneezes, I was treated to one final sneeze (also uncovered) - " 'Choooo!". He ended the spectacle by raising a hand to his face for a nose rub. I didn't get to finish watching the nose rub though because by this time P was turning to face my direction again, so I quickly made my way into the conference room feeling warm and happy! (I was also in charge of taking photos showing members of my school attending the session...you can only imagine how shy/nervous I was whenever I had to go near him.)

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Welcome to the forum.  You have done us proud with your first observation - it certainly is worth sharing with us all.

I have read somewhere that Indians tend to value sneezing, and in my very limited experience they seem to enjoy it.  Your man seems to.

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8 hours ago, atchoum said:

Welcome to the forum.  You have done us proud with your first observation - it certainly is worth sharing with us all.

I have read somewhere that Indians tend to value sneezing, and in my very limited experience they seem to enjoy it.  Your man seems to.

Thanks! And yes, I agree - we seem to enjoy sneezing (I know I do)! ^_^

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