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On the bus! (Sneeze and Sneeze Talk, M)


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I'm so excited to be here that I thought I would share one of my favorite sneeze memories!

This actually took place back when I was in high school. My marching band was on our way to a regional competition and was taking a bus since we had to travel to a site several towns away. I used to enjoy these rides because I got the chance to hang out with my friends, but this trip has been ingrained in my memory for a totally different reason! About 10 minutes into our journey, the male bus driver sneezed. I actually don't recall having any reaction to it...he was middle aged or older and it just wasn't for me, but it's what happened next that really got me!

The student teacher we had at the time (we'll call him Mr. G - a lanky, 6-foot tall male in his mid-20's with golden brown hair, a thin mustache and goatee, and a black earring in one ear) was sitting in the front row of the bus adjacent to the driver and blessed him! I love when males bless one another! I thought this obs would end there, but little did I know what was in store for me! Mr. G then decided to dive right into a whole conversation about sneezing, talking about his own sneezes, how he sneezes fairly often, and how they're always in doubles! I was simultaneously thrilled and furious at myself for sitting too far away to watch Mr. G's expressions as HE ACTED OUT ONE OF HIS DOUBLES!!! Though I couldn't see his actions, the sound alone was incredible!

This was all too much for me and I was truly glad that I had somehow managed to secure a three-seater all for myself that day! I don't think I spoke to anyone for the remainder of the bus ride as I kept replaying the whole scenario out in my mind. We did really well in the competition, but I think I won the real prize that day. ;)

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On 11/22/2016 at 11:59 PM, Luisa39 said:

Hmmm...I wonder if this Mr. G was, you know, one of us?  By the way, I too like it when guys bless each other.

You know, I never actually thought about that! It seems plausible looking back on the situation. And yay, I'm glad - I think it's adorable :inlove:

On 11/25/2016 at 11:22 AM, BananaXmasTree said:

I wonder what the bus driver thought! :lol: 

From what I can remember, it was a relatively one-sided conversation :laughingsmiley:

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