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Sneeze Fetish Forum

First time sneeze attack in front of my boyfriend embarrassed me to death :(


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Hi everybody :nosad:

I hope you are all fine. I want to share a self obs with you and it would be great if you could reply to my topic, because I feel very bad. 

So let me get started. 

It was the 17 november and this day was the anniversary of the death of my boyfriends father. He died when my boyfriend was just 9 years old.

I felt very bad for him , his brother and two sisters. I expressed my condolences and tried to comfort my boyfriend as much as I could.

We went to the cemetery together. In the early evening I was with my boyfriend alone at our apartment. We stay in his homeland Portugal now.

Let me give you a quick description of him so you can imagine better.  He is 1,84 meter tall, dark brown, short hair and brown eyes and his skin is tanned.

Anyway he told me about his father and some childhood memories. Outside it got darker and there was a warm breeze. 

I tried to comfort, calm  him down, hold his hand but suddenly I felt a bad and very strong urge to sneeze.... I never sneezed in front of him , there was always the popular mental block. I always held my sneezes in. He also does not know about my fetish.


But the sudden tickle was too strong to handle it. I rubbed my nose and tried to hold it back. But it does not worked. I felt a huge sneeze attack to come I could not help it.

My breath hitched deeply , I said 'excuse me, I have to sn...' 'haaaaa-tcheee-hee' The first sneeze in front of him. But I was not done and sneezed again. 'Hhaaa-eeeech-eee',  'huuu-cchh-eeee'. My boyfriend blessed me but I could not answer him. The tickle was there and I had to sneeze so uncontrollably.

I sneezed 13 times in a row, non stop , very wet with build ups and it mostly sounded like 'haaaaa-tcheee-hee'.

I was soooo ashamed , because it was the first time in front of him. After my sneeze attack my boyfriend blessed me again ' bless you my love' and he stroked my spine he gave me a box of tissues and smiled a bit.

I apologized was about to cry ' Excuse me , I didnt want to..... '  but he said it doesnt matter you sneezed. I said ' you know my allergies are bother me a lot and sometimes they lead to sneeze attacks'

My boyfriend just said ' if you have allergies it is normal to sneeze , it is a usual symptom. I dont judge you for it.' and he kissed my cheek *blush*

I am so glad he was not upset but I feel very embarrassed because it was the anniversary of the death of his daddy and he told me some emotional memories was sad also and I just sneezed like crazy in front of him. 

On one hand I feel guilty and on the other hand I would like to tell him what I feel; think about sneezing. I also like it when he coughs :mellow::mellow:

It is just the fact I sneezed in a moment when I should not I know it is human but it was soooo embarrasding.

Please reply , thank you and sleep well , valentina 


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Hhahahahahahahah aww this is so cute <3

Just think, nobody thinks of sneezing as intimately as you do. Also, medication dont help your allergies?

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Thirteen times?  My goodness!  Bless you, Valentina! 

I understand your embarrassment, but your boyfriend's response sounds sweet, and I'm positive he doesn't think any less of you for sneezing.

Just to clarify, he said "Bless you, my love" in German, right?  So it would have been (I'm hoping this is correct) "Gesundheit, mein Liebchen"? 




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6 hours ago, Luisa39 said:

Thirteen times?  My goodness!  Bless you, Valentina! 

I understand your embarrassment, but your boyfriend's response sounds sweet, and I'm positive he doesn't think any less of you for sneezing.

Just to clarify, he said "Bless you, my love" in German, right?  So it would have been (I'm hoping this is correct) "Gesundheit, mein Liebchen"? 




Hi Luisa

Thank you :) oh my gosh it was the most embarrassing sneeze attack in my entire life. I think if I just had to sneeze once or twice it would be okay. But 13 times..... I wanted to disappear. 

My boyfriend is portuguese and doesn't speak german. We talk in english and he said 'bless you my love'. But your translation is correct. In german you can also use 'Schatz' for 'My love'.  Now my boyfriend went to see a doctor his cough went really bad. I just don not know how to handle another sneeze in front of him, his reaction maybe he will make fun of me. 

I hope you are alright. 

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13 of those lovely Isla-style sneezes without stopping? !  a beautiful sneeze repeated just the right number of times to be perfect.  His responses were exactly what I would have said if a girlfriend of mine had suddenly sneezed like that and I had not wanted to reveal myself as one of us......   So it is possible, though unlikely I suppose. that he actually enjoyed your lovely fit., just as I would have done.

But more likely, perhaps, he scarcely noticed them at all [what a waste!".]   Most people who are not interested in sneezing scarcely are at all notice any sneezes, and if so he is simply a very nice and polite and kind gentleman.  By now he will not even remember the incident, let alone associate it with a sad anniversary .   Why on earth would he make fun of you  in the future if he didn't at the time.?

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I'm sorry to hear that this embarrassed you so much, valentina! I completely understand why. You wanted to be there for him and instead he had to comfort you a bit due to your attack. I'd feel bad if it were me sneezing, too. But you should be encouraged by his response. He seems to care for you quite a lot! I agree with count: I don't think it's at all likely he will make fun of you for your sneeze going forward since he didn't make fun of you for a fit of 13. If he does, don't be shy to tell him that it hurts your feelings. But I believe your boyfriend is a keeper. :)

Bless you x13 and thanks for sharing!

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I agree with the others, usually people who aren't into sneezing don't think anything of it.

He even reacted in such a cute way to your fit, and understands that you have allergies and they make you sneeze. It seems to me like you cared for him well on an emotional day for him, and that's all that matters.

Don't be too embarassed

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Yes, maybe actually he found your sneezing a cute distraction from the emotional stress he was through and therefore you actually helped him a bit! You two are there for each other on the hard moments, in my opinion that counts a lot! Best wishes to you and your BF Valentina!

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I have the same mental block about it.  I've been with my SO for a couple years now, and I still don't think I have in front of him.  A part of me wants to get it over with, though.  I feel like we'd be one step closer, if I could. 

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I totally understand you. The mental block is not  very comfortable. I remebered that I always Held my sneezes in no matter how much it tickles, cause I was just too shy to let my sneezes out. Maybe your boyfriend has not the sf and if he sees or hears you sneezing it is just a normal Thing, everybody does. Maybe I had hold my sneezes back til now, but I couldnt help it and had this sneeze attack in front of him. Thinking about it still makes me a bit uncomfortable. I do not know if we are closer cause he heard me sneeeze. I think there is just some mental block left and maybe it is hard for me to let my sneezes out when I have to sneeze again.

You could try to sneeze and see his reaction, maybe in another room, so that he just hears you?

Good luck for you :)

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Hi thank you for your best wishes. Very Kind, I dont know if he pays any Attention for my sneezing fit, I know he was sad and of Course it was a emotional day for him. Just the fact that I sneezed at not the right Moment embarrassed me.

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It sounds like he was totally cool with it. Always remember that to those without the fetish, sneezing is often very far from being a big deal - that's something that we superimpose over it because of how it makes us feel :) I understand how embarrassed it would have made you feel though, coming from someone who is mortified if I have to sneeze in front of anyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/21/2016 at 4:14 PM, count tiszula said:

13 of those lovely Isla-style sneezes without stopping? !  a beautiful sneeze repeated just the right number of times to be perfect.  His responses were exactly what I would have said if a girlfriend of mine had suddenly sneezed like that and I had not wanted to reveal myself as one of us......   So it is possible, though unlikely I suppose. that he actually enjoyed your lovely fit., just as I would have done.

But more likely, perhaps, he scarcely noticed them at all [what a waste!".]   Most people who are not interested in sneezing scarcely are at all notice any sneezes, and if so he is simply a very nice and polite and kind gentleman.  By now he will not even remember the incident, let alone associate it with a sad anniversary .   Why on earth would he make fun of you  in the future if he didn't at the time.?

Hey :-)

My answer is late I apologize. You are right my sneezes are very similiar to Isla. And maybe he did not enjoyed my sneezes as much as you would. I think inside me is a mental block until now so I am a bit shy and worried about if he will laugh about my sneezes. 


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On 11/23/2016 at 5:16 PM, 3-26 said:

I have the same mental block about it.  I've been with my SO for a couple years now, and I still don't think I have in front of him.  A part of me wants to get it over with, though.  I feel like we'd be one step closer, if I could. 



I totally understand you. The mental block is not  very comfortable. I remebered that I always Held my sneezes in no matter how much it tickles, cause I was just too shy to let my sneezes out. Maybe your boyfriend has not the sf and if he sees or hears you sneezing it is just a normal Thing, everybody does. Maybe I had hold my sneezes back til now, but I couldnt help it and had this sneeze attack in front of him. Thinking about it still makes me a bit uncomfortable. I do not know if we are closer cause he heard me sneeeze. I think there is just some mental block left and maybe it is hard for me to let my sneezes out when I have to sneeze again.


You could try to sneeze and see his reaction, maybe in another room, so that he just hears you?


Good luck for you 



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On 11/23/2016 at 0:05 PM, Steelswarm said:

Yes, maybe actually he found your sneezing a cute distraction from the emotional stress he was through and therefore you actually helped him a bit! You two are there for each other on the hard moments, in my opinion that counts a lot! Best wishes to you and your BF Valentina!

Hi thank you for your best wishes. Very Kind, I dont know if he pays any Attention for my sneezing fit, I know he was sad and of Course it was a emotional day for him. Just the fact that I sneezed at not the right Moment embarrassed me.



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