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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Can't believe this happened, my bf is un-real


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First: My boyfriend is like 5'10", brown short hair, green eyes, reallly strong arms, and he honestly has the cutest nose. Kind of like Brad Pitt's maybe? Okay, soo here we go:


So Thursday night, my bf came over and I’m glad he did. The first hour I was stressed registering for classes, and he just sat there, rubbing my back, holding me, and kissing me. And then, things got even better…

We were just kind of chilling and we kinda talked about going to his house to sleep over. I said I didn’t know because I was tired. He said he would change my mind, so I said go for it. Then he said, “go get the tissue box” and I was like o.o. I was nervous but, I did and then I came back. He kept telling me to do it(induce him) but I was soooo self conscious. I’ve done it before, but it just makes me nervous and it had been a while. He kept saying “tell me what you want” like wanting me to give him specifics and i said that I don’t care, but he kept asking and eventually said “i’m begging you” like he wanted to know exactly what I wanted him to do. He could see I was nervous and he said some things like “hey, it’s just you and me. Tell me what you want.” “I won’t judge, it’s cute.” “I don’t know why you’re freaking out.” I want to make you happy.“ “This is about you” and let me tell you I was dyingg. So basically I just kinda hid and was like “ i like being close when you do” (I can’t say sneeze out loud ?) so he asks how close. First, he puts his head in my neck and says “this close?” And then he puts his head on my chest and says “this close?” And then he kisses my cheek and lips and says “this close?”  and he said it in this cute childish voice. IT WAS SO CUTE. Then he tells me to roll up a tissue, and I tell him to, but eventually I do. Let me tell you, he has the most sensitive nose. Like not even 4 seconds after i put the tissue in, his face scrunches up and he sneezes into my neck. It was mostly stifled, but at the end there was a little “choo” which I could tell he was trying to keep quiet because everyone was sleeping, and he knows I like stifles. He usually can stifle really well, so it was kinda hot seeing him not be able to. Then he sneezes in my neck again and looks up at me smiling. The next is my favorite. So, I induce him, and then he stifles into my shoulder-ish area, and then he starts moving away, but then he’s taken off guard by another one. He wasn’t able to stifle it fully, and then he commented on it saying like I got two in one, and a good deal or something like that. So yea, that’s my obs. ☺️

Side note: He’s literally this hard-ass marine, with a deep rich voice, and at the same time he’s insanely adorable which makes it even better.

Also: incase anyone is interested I've posted about him before, and this is when I told him: 


Edited by sneezybabe
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  • 1 month later...

Awe, how adorable. I honestly would never be able to admit this to a future boyfriend, and although i like this i can live without it, but this sounds ideal .. Hahah

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  • 1 month later...

:wubsmiley: That's it. I'm officially dead.

Rhâââ!! Love this! Although i personally wouldn't enjoy any spray *on* me, the contact and the attitude are sooo cute....wish i could be half as open;)

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