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sweet little sneezes (M)

The Kneezle

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So. I spent the weekend with a friend and her friends from college whom I've met a few times before. They are honestly the nicest, sweetest two boys I've ever met and are very concerned about each other's well-being. And one of them was particularly sneezy all weekend. 

The first time I heard him sneeze I wasn't sure it had even happened. We were all sitting on the floor in the living room and I hear this barely audible "chshoo!" and glance at him and he's pulling his face away from his elbow and sniffling. And it just kept happening all night. The sneezes were so soft, almost completely stifled and ending in this whispered 'shoo' because he doesn't like people fussing over him, but the stifles clearly didn't work great because each time he sneezed, he sneezed two or three times.

Me and the boys slept in the living room on the couches and as we were falling asleep I kept hearing these soft half-stifled sneezes, and at one point his friend said sleepily "you okay?" and he said yeah and sneezed again.

So this morning was great, tho. First we were having breakfast and he was walking over to join us when he suddenly stops and turns away and sneezes into his elbow. "xch-shoo!" and then he lifts his head up and I can tell he's going to sneeze again and I'm trying not to be a creeper, but his mouth his hanging open and his head is just barely bobbing and he looks SO desperate before he finally jerks forward again with another 'xch-choo!"

Then we went to see my friend's horse and it's freezing and this boy's from Texas so he's a wimp when it comes to the cold and on top of that it's super dusty in the arena. He was sneezing in doubles almost the whole time we were in there. And sniffling these wet, obviously congested sniffles that went way up into his sinuses you know?

He was taking pictures of me riding our friend's horse (I do not know how they talked me into that, I have never ridden a horse in my life, it was nerve-wracking) and we stopped in front of him and I could tell he was going to sneeze again. He lowered his phone a little and his mouth went slack and he took a hitching breath and another and - "hh-xchshoo!" 

And the horse backed up a step and looked ascance at him and my friend thought it was so funny and was like "Did you see that? When you sneezed -" and I'm sorry, I'm so weird about blessing people or talking about sneezes, but I LOVE it when other people acknowledge it and ugh. 

Then in the car he was still sneezing. He was in the front and I was in the back but I could see the side of his face and the way his eyes would close and his mouth would open a little and he'd go quiet, just waiting for them to come and so itchy. And he was sniffling so much and rubbing his nose and his eyes and his face. 

My friend actually asked if he was allergic to horses and she sounded so concerned. He said no, but that the cold was making his nose run like crazy and his whole face itched from the dust, and then he sneezed and even tho it was so quiet and breathy it doubled him over and then his head reared back with a second one 

It was like that until they dropped me off. It was great. 

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Oh man this obs is amazing!!! You are seriously so lucky, I wish this would happen to me :wub: I also totally understand you with feeling weird about blessing people or talking about sneezes. I usually just ignore it or say "bless you" if I can't get away with not saying it (then immediately change the subject) or I'll bless someone I'm dating, if I feel comfortable with them, but nobody else. I just feel so weird and uncomfortable about it. But anyways thank you so much for this obs! It was wonderful to read and imagine :heart:


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This is one of the obs I've read in ages. I would love for something like this to happen to me, but alas, it never does! 

What makes it even more special is how polite they seemed.


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On 11/20/2016 at 10:51 PM, stifledsneezelover said:

Oh man this obs is amazing!!! You are seriously so lucky, I wish this would happen to me :wub: I also totally understand you with feeling weird about blessing people or talking about sneezes. I usually just ignore it or say "bless you" if I can't get away with not saying it (then immediately change the subject) or I'll bless someone I'm dating, if I feel comfortable with them, but nobody else. I just feel so weird and uncomfortable about it. But anyways thank you so much for this obs! It was wonderful to read and imagine :heart:


I agree totally!

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