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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Things you've said when you've been caught out


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I remember once my little brother opened my computer at the kitchen table when my mom was nearby and asked out loud what a "sneezefic" was. I know I must have turned beat red cause I totally panicked, but on the outside I played it as cool as I could and was all like, "Oh it's the name for a really short fanfic story. You know, super brief, like a sneeze." :lol: 

Anyone else ever been caught out and made up a ridiculous excuse? 

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11 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

I remember once my little brother opened my computer at the kitchen table when my mom was nearby and asked out loud what a "sneezefic" was. I know I must have turned beat red cause I totally panicked, but on the outside I played it as cool as I could and was all like, "Oh it's the name for a really short fanfic story. You know, super brief, like a sneeze." :lol: 

Anyone else ever been caught out and made up a ridiculous excuse? 

No I haven't had to luckily, but thats a great excuse holy :lol: 

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Thankfully I've never been caught, but in college, when I was listening to wavs one day, I accidentally pulled my headphones out of the audio jack and the sound erupted from my speakers really loudly. My heart stopped for what felt like an eternity. I immediately thought "If any of my roommates ask, I'll say that it's for my theater class, we need to put together a sound effect track for a play we're working on."

Lucky me, I later discovered no one home when it happened :P Needless to say, after this incident, I always muted my speakers before playing wavs...

But man, your excuse was so sharp! I'm impressed :lol:

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5 hours ago, Oolia said:

Thankfully I've never been caught, but in college, when I was listening to wavs one day, I accidentally pulled my headphones out of the audio jack and the sound erupted from my speakers really loudly. My heart stopped for what felt like an eternity. I immediately thought "If any of my roommates ask, I'll say that it's for my theater class, we need to put together a sound effect track for a play we're working on."

Lucky me, I later discovered no one home when it happened :P Needless to say, after this incident, I always muted my speakers before playing wavs...

But man, your excuse was so sharp! I'm impressed :lol:

Ah!! Oh man. Lol Thank God I've never had that happen, but I think your excuse (should you have needed it) was totally plausible. ;D Love it!! 

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Wow, your excuse was pretty spontaneous and you made it sound believable. 

One time, I had the forum open on my laptop and my dad was using it. He asked what the Sneeze Fetish Forum was. I quickly said that I didn't know and it was a website with potential viruses that came up after I watched Pretty Little Liars on my laptop. Thankfully, he bought the excuse.

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The only one who's ever caught me out was my ex-partner, and at a time when I'd already started to prepare him for my disclosure. So his finding the forum only made things easier. 

I like to think that if I did get caught out, I'd just say "Well, yeah, I'm into some unusual stuff. Let's not go down that path further, or I'm going to have to ask YOU about YOUR preferences, wink wink."  

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I got caught looking at my "stash" once by my dad in the basement of my old house. I recall freezing up completely. He never said anything about it. But I feel like he must remember. .///.

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On 11/21/2016 at 11:18 PM, LostGirl2.0 said:

I remember once my little brother opened my computer at the kitchen table when my mom was nearby and asked out loud what a "sneezefic" was. I know I must have turned beat red cause I totally panicked, but on the outside I played it as cool as I could and was all like, "Oh it's the name for a really short fanfic story. You know, super brief, like a sneeze." :lol: 

Anyone else ever been caught out and made up a ridiculous excuse? 

I have to give you props, that is some seriously brilliant on-your-feet thinking. Ever consider auditioning for "Whose Line is it Anyway"? ;)

As for me, when I was living at home, I tried really hard to avoid situations where questions like this would arise. I am a horrible liar, and couldn't bring myself to lie to my parents - so, on the extremely rare occasion that the question arose, I would simply leave them - though not in great detail, of course - that I was indulging, like teenagers do. After one or two uncomfortable silences, if they had any suspicions, they chose not to ask. x)

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I remember back about 15 years ago I was on bondis page (AOL days) and my parents found it and gave me a weird look and never brought it up again...I was horrified. And they forget nothing to this day....

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  • 1 month later...
On 22/11/2016 at 5:18 AM, LostGirl2.0 said:

"Oh it's the name for a really short fanfic story. You know, super brief, like a sneeze."

In my opinion this is the best. Brilliant. :D

Last week my friends came for New Year's Eve dinner and one of my best friends used my computer to put on some music. I had forgotten to remove my favorite on Internet (it appears as "SFF" on the screen and it's the only acronym) and she asked "what is SFF?". I answered "oh, it's a fanfiction web site, it means Science Fiction Forum". I don't know where it came from but as she doesn't like SF, she lost interest in it and didn't clicked on it. Of course I erased the favorite five minutes later... I have been very, very close to panicking... :lol:

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One time at school (three years ago, in grade nine), I was really happy at lunch.  My friends asked me why and I just gave a generic and vague answer: "My crush did something really cute last period!"  My friend then asked me "Oh, did he sneeze?"  I'm sure I turned red in the face, but eventually stuttered, "Well, yes... but that's not exactly the event I'm referencing."

I don't know if she was on to me or something. But all my friends at the time have seen my totally normal reaction to being put on the spot about that... great.

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Ironically, just now, my sister walked over and looked at my screen and asked, "What are you on?"

I just closed the laptop lid and said "The internet..."  She didn't see anything really compromising, unless she read the small print...

Ah, I just feel stupid because I was just thinking "I better keep my guard up from now on to avoid these situations" and then I got so distracted by seeing a picture of Shoma Uno... I lead a sad life lol.

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There was one time my friend was looking through my emails (I forget why?) and she found the validation one from the SFF. I was like "uhh..." but she just assumed it was spam and laughed. Never brought it up since...think I'm in the clear ;)

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Oh god, just reading that made me feel embarrassed lol. :ohno: :laugh: I had a partner a few years back go threw my emails without me knowing and found a clips4sale email newsletter or something advertising new videos. She asked me "Whats Gorgeous ladies of the sneeze?". So i just said I didn't know and played it off as some spam that got threw the filter. I put a password on after that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

few months ago i was driving with my sister on the passenger seat and we we're listening to music (on shuffle mode) from my phone with the aux cord. I had downloaded a wav from bondis wav page earlier and forgotten all about it until it started playing...  thankfully the sound was really quiet so she couldnt really make out what it was (neither could i at first). she turned the sound louder and asked what it was, at which point i realized it was definitely someone sneezing and thoroughly freaked out :sweatdrop: i was currently driving so it was a little hard to do anything, but i managed to take my phone from my sister, stop the wav and then drive to the side of the road and deleted it. i pretended like i didn't know what it was and that i was trying to figure out where it had come from and just tried to play dumb... i did not handle the situation well! :laugh: i don't think she realized it was sneezing though, which is great and i'm really thankful it was so quiet that she couldn't hear it properly. I don't mind her knowing i have some strange audio files on my phone, i just don't want her to know about my fetish. (and sorry about my english, i'm really butchering it today, huh?)

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I love this thread and you have come up with some brilliant excuses and explanations.

I nearly had a moment like this, my parents were visiting and I'd minimised all the windows on my laptop but I hadn't closed the window for this forum, While we were talking I heard a beep from the laptop and they asked me what it was. I thought it was probably a pop-up window saying there were new updates available but I didn't want to say that as my dad would have insisted on updating them for me and I don't like my parents messing with my laptop. So I said it was probably a window saying my dropbox was full and after asking if I needed to do anything about it (no) they changed the subject. Later I realised the sound actually came from this forum saying someone had quoted my post. I think I'll exit the site next time they come!

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I recently visited a friend from high school I hadn't seen in a long time.  She had these old videos we made.  One was from her graduation party.  I was running the camera and her boyfriend at the time had a cold.  Like the whole video was me across the room zooming in on him while he blew his nose and coughed.  I kept trying to reminisce while we were watching this particular video so she wouldn't notice that he was the only person I was filming.  But she noticed!  She was like, "Did you have a crush on him or something!"  I confessed that I did even though I didn't have a crush on him at all!  I just didn't want her to know that I was filming his cold!!!

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Oh man, this reminds me of something that happened in HS...totally my fault, btw.

So I had told a few of my girl friends (notice the space :P) about it, because naturally I guess I feel more comfortable talking about stuff like that with them rather than guys.  Anyway, I was in the library and our table was just talking and one of my friends was like, "I wonder if someone could be turned on by X (sorry can't remember haha) like David is with sneezing."  There was a good (guy) friend of mine at the table and we locked eyes and I kind of had a deer in the headlights look.  I just kinda cleared my throat and was like "hey, how about that local sports team" in an overly dramatic fashion (our group's kind of go to way to get out of an awkward conversation), and nothing ever was mentioned really about it after that.  Needless to say that was traumatizing :P

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I THINK a friend ratted me out once, but I can't be SURE.

One day her husband (who was also a good friend of mine) said, "you know what the weirdest, most bizarre fetish in the world is?  I heard SOME people get off on SNEEZING!"

I didn't bat an eye (tho inside I was mortified).  Instead I laughed as though it were a funny notion and said "If that's the WEIRDEST fetish you ever heard of, you should check the INTERNET some time!  I think EVERYTHING in the WORLD is a fetish!  Some people like to be peed or pooed on, some people get off on being covered in bugs, there's a balloon fetish, and a baby fetish, and a tentacle fetish, and a coughing fetish, and an amputee fetish... and those are only the ones I've seen on ACCIDENT while looking for a good taco recepie!"

(Note: I had once found manga tentacle porn in his bedroom by accident, I carefully put it back and never mentioned it.  So I snuck that in a long, random list for revenge)

He didn't follow up and dropped the subject.

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