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Sneeze Fetish Forum

100 Drabbles challenge


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I've decided to try my hand at drabbles to see if it makes me write more. Let's give it a go

Allergic – Desperation - Cat - Summer - Itch - Light - Hands - Fever - Finally Alone - Worried - Broody - Loud - Grass - Genetics - Control - Dinner for Three - Doctor – Dust - Feather - Anticipation - Bed - Drugs - First Time - Headache - Handkerchief - Dog - Garden - Hoarse - Kink - Scent - Hold Back - Double - Harsh - Smoke - Making Dinner - Impatience - Incense - Horses – Pillow - Suffer - Nervous - Stare - Contagious - Relief - Temperature - Terrible - Wool - Tissues - Tease - Quarrel - Lonely - Snuggle - Asleep - Waiting - Frost - Rest - Flu - Phone Call - Apologize - Sore - Accent - Fur - Haze - Spices - Under the Weather - Stifle - Frustrated - Caught in the Act - Attack - Listless - Pressure - Muffled - Annoy - Humiliated - Disproportionate - Bath - Spring - Message - Headcold - Clinic - Confess - Tears - Dream - Polite - Sniff - Shower - Induce - Jealousy - Pills - Interrupt - Chill - Office - Remedy - Weird - Soft - Purr – Honey - Defeat - Smother – Gratitude

Prompt - Allergies 

The problem with the start of Spring, thought Josh, was that it seemingly got earlier and earlier. It was only just March and this morning he'd woken up with an ominous tickle in the back of his nose. No amount of rubbing and pressing and itching his nose had made a jot of difference. Instead, the tickle just became more and more pronounced. And now his nose was starting to run and his eyes sting. Josh knew it was only a matter of time before he erupted in his first fit of allergy season. 

He dragged a tissue from the box on the kitchen counter and blew his nose harshly into ot, trying to expel whatever was causing the terrible burn in his niostril. The blow was a mistake! The second he pulled the tissue away from his nose he felt the sneeze begin. His head drew back, his eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared and with a series of quick hitching breaths he exploded Hah Hah HAH HASSSHEEWW, HAASSSHHEWW IIIITCHHHOOO HAAASHHHEEEWW IIIIIIIIIISSSCCCCCHHHHEEEEWWWW!! 

"Oh by Got" he mumbled stuffily into yet another tissue pulled from the box, "Welcomb to Springk!"

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Jenny wrinkled and screwed up her nose repeatedly. Here she was, standing in the middle of the school gymnasium, boxes of decorations for Prom in hand and she just had to - had to sneeze. There was going to be no stopping the enormous explosions that were barrelling down her irritated nasal passages like a freight train and this was a problem. Jenny hated to sneeze in front of people - it made her feel naked and exposed. In private, sure, she loved to sneeze more than the average person - tickling her sensitive nostrils and  then sneezing all over herself until the buzzing sensation ran all over and all through her body. In public, when she felt the need to sneeze, she just wanted to die!! And now, here she was with the most enormous sneezing fit capturing her in it's grasp. She was desperate to sneeze, she was deperate not to sneeze- the tickle was going to win. Still she fought valiantly. She looked for somewhere to put down the boxes but there wasn't time, her eyes were closing, her nostrils flaring massively like saucers, her chest heaving up and down as she sucked in the necessary air. "Not godda sdeeze, Not godda sdeeze, Not godd..AH sDEEEZE." she chanted- until she had to and there was no stopping tham. With one last enormous gasp, her face screwed up in the perfect pre-sneeze face she let go. "HHHAAARRRASSCCHHOOO," she began  "HAH HAHHAAAARRRASSCHOO HAAARRAASSSHHOOO. " Sneeze after sneeze flew from her reddened nose, spray and snot flying everywhere, drenching her hands and the box they held, drenching the front of her shirt and dribbling down her chin. She was a mess. When she opened her eyes, she saw that all of the activity in the gym had stopped and a silence had descended. Everyone was staring at her until suddenly someone started clapping and then they all joined in. Jenny smiled. Perhaps her sneezes weren't so bad after all.

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And for my third drabble...


The itching started the minute he stepped into the living room. His nostrils burned intensely and he surreptitiously glanced around looking for what might be causing his ridiculously sensitive nose to react so violently. 

He'd met Susie through a friend at a party a couple of days before and they'd seemed to hit it off. She was gorgeous, if a little shy and he'd chanced his arm by asking her to go on a date with him. She'd agreed, which surprised him, but only on the condition that he pick her up from home. He hadn't minded at all, but now as he stood in her lounge waiting for her to 'finish getting ready' or whatever she was doing, he began to wonder if he'd made the right decision. Because somewhere in this house had to be his biggest nemesis - a cat.

He was allergic to lots of things, dust, pollen, strong perfumes to name but a few, however only cat hair gave him the feeling that his nose was on fire from the inside out and that the only way to put out the flames would be to sneeze and sneeze and sneeze until the spray and air extinguished them.

As he continued to look around, his nose started to run, then drip and then twitch involuntarily. His breath began to hitch and his eyes began to tear and he began to fumble in his pocket for the handkerchief he carried everywhere. Then suddenly the sneezes started and he muffled them in the folds of cloth huhchumph huh chump HAHchumpf chumph chumpf chumpf HAH CHiSHHump. 

The sneezes went on and on and when he finally got a break in betweensneezes, he realised two things. Firstly Susie was standing in the doorway, her face flushed and her eyes glittering with excitement and secondly, there was a big black cat winding it's way around bis legs HAHH CHISHHiump he started again. 

"I see you've met Bert," said Susie with a wicked smile. "Why don't we all get a little more aquainted?" and with that she launched herself at him kissing him for all she was worth

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