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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Queen's Blade (Nanael)


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Does anyone here like Queen's Blade? Anyone? Well, I do. I love it. I've seen it many times, and if I could grind it up and eat it sprinkled on my corn flakes every morning, I would. So I thought that, with my next picture submission, I'd share a fandom I have a lot of love for.

In this image, we have Nanael, the loud-mouthed, self-important angel we all love. She's found herself in the domain of the Swamp Witch, and has been taken prisoner by Melona, one of said witch's loyal minions.

Melona isn't terribly interested in extracting information from her angelic prisoner, nor is she intimidated by the hapless angel's threats. What she does know, however, is that tormenting her new captive with her own wing-feathers and making the uppity-spy sneeze uncontrollably is the most fun thing that's happened to her in days.

Looks like Nanael's nasal passages are going to be spotless pretty soon.

NOTES: This picture is based loosely on a scene from one of Queen's Blade's fabulous OVAs, in which Nanael is caught and interrogated by Melona using the thousand arms of tickling. No sneezing in that scene, although several times she looked like she had a great pre-sneeze face.

As with my Princess Peach picture, I do have an "adults only" version of this image, but I cannot share that with you right now. 

This also isn't the first time I've drawn Queen's Blade, and Nanael in particular, but my previous pictures are a) tickle fetish pictures and b ) for adults only.

AND FINALLY: Please tell me what you think! This isn't my best work, but I'm pleased with some of the expressions, and I had a bit more time to do this than the Peach pic (I did this in two sittings, Peach in one).

I enjoy trying my hand in different fields, so please tell me how you feel! What do you like, what can I improve? What do you look for in a sneezing pic? What types of situations? Fandoms? Expressions? Before/after/or both? I genuinely want your feedback!


Have a nice day, folks. :)


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I honestly have never heard of this show but I like the design of the main angel. I think it's interesting how descriptive you were in the written introduction. Based on what you said I understand more about the characters, and the angel's personality shows in the dialogue you gave her :D . You said you wanted feedback and I'll say what is on my mind when I see this :)

The way you filled in the hair and the branches with different shaded lines and colors looks very nice in my opinion. It creates your own flair to the anime/manga style. I really like the white lines you used for movement/shakiness. The different face expressions are a great addition to me. I like seeing the different phases of a sneeze instead of just a single expression. How her hair moves with the sneeze is nicely drawn too. I like her clothing design as it fits the angelic light clothing I imagine with most angel characters. :) The last thing I'll say is I really like how the feather is drawn and how you drew it bending as it touched her nose in the first panel. ^^ 

Something I noticed you could improve on is consistency on her wings. They disappear as she sneezed and don't reappear again. 

I honestly loved how this turned out overall, even though I know nothing about the show or the characters. Thank you so much for sharing this!

It's rare to see an angel character from a show sneezing and I loved seeing that :D One of my personal favorite things with sneezing is seeing a strong beautiful type of female character having something simple like a feather or a flower or something small go near her nose and she sneezes. Another thing that I like is seeing a close up of a nose being teased or having something enter it like pollen or pepper or a hair. 

I usually like seeing right before a sneeze or the sneeze itself. Having someone apologize after a startling sneeze, like a shy, gentle girl having a oddly strong sounding sneeze is awesome to me too.

What different shows or games or books do you like?

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you know you have enough posts to qualify for poster status and should therefore be able to pm an admin and be granted aces to the adult boards provided you have your age and date of birth in your profile showing that you are over 18

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On 11/29/2016 at 6:12 PM, mysterysneeze said:

I honestly have never heard of this show but I like the design of the main angel. I think it's interesting how descriptive you were in the written introduction. Based on what you said I understand more about the characters, and the angel's personality shows in the dialogue you gave her :D . You said you wanted feedback and I'll say what is on my mind when I see this :)

The way you filled in the hair and the branches with different shaded lines and colors looks very nice in my opinion. It creates your own flair to the anime/manga style. I really like the white lines you used for movement/shakiness. The different face expressions are a great addition to me. I like seeing the different phases of a sneeze instead of just a single expression. How her hair moves with the sneeze is nicely drawn too. I like her clothing design as it fits the angelic light clothing I imagine with most angel characters. :) The last thing I'll say is I really like how the feather is drawn and how you drew it bending as it touched her nose in the first panel. ^^ 

Something I noticed you could improve on is consistency on her wings. They disappear as she sneezed and don't reappear again. 

I honestly loved how this turned out overall, even though I know nothing about the show or the characters. Thank you so much for sharing this!

It's rare to see an angel character from a show sneezing and I loved seeing that :D One of my personal favorite things with sneezing is seeing a strong beautiful type of female character having something simple like a feather or a flower or something small go near her nose and she sneezes. Another thing that I like is seeing a close up of a nose being teased or having something enter it like pollen or pepper or a hair. 

I usually like seeing right before a sneeze or the sneeze itself. Having someone apologize after a startling sneeze, like a shy, gentle girl having a oddly strong sounding sneeze is awesome to me too.

What different shows or games or books do you like?

Thank you for your kind words! :D

As a chronic overexplainer, I love putting lengthy descriptions before my images (I used to add the text TO the image, and still occasionally do, but it ended up being too overbearing). As you've probably guessed, both of these characters are very bratty, full of themselves, and on complete opposite sides of the conflict. Melona is mostly tucked away behind Nanael in this picture, but she's a shape-shifting goo girl with pink bunny ears. Several times in the series she takes pleasure in playfully tormenting her captives, so for her to employ induced sneezing as a form of torture is COMPLETELY believable, in my opinion. x)

Thanks for the honest critique! I did lie down on the wings a little. x) I drew them in panel one, and sort of forgot, and then when I remembered I'd forgotten them in panel 2, I was very far along in the picture and decided to pretend that they were folded behind her or something. xD

I'm really glad you liked the multiple stages of sneezing! As this was only my second sneeze picture, I wasn't sure which stage to focus on, so decided to do both. The additional two faces at the end were mostly to imply that the induced sneeze was intentional, and that Melona continued to induce even after the picture "ended".

Thank you for the feedback! This is a new area for me, so I appreciate it, and am ready to hear all the preferences I can! :)

As for games etc I like, as well as Queen's Blade, I also love Ghost in the Shell, Panty and Stocking, and Darkstalkers, all three of which I'm considering as possibilities for future pics (as soon as my tablet gets replaced in the next month or so). :) I also would love to hear what types of characters are desired! I also love the idea of someone strong and confident being stripped of that power momentarily by an involuntary sneeze. x)

On 11/30/2016 at 9:25 PM, hanahiru said:

you know you have enough posts to qualify for poster status and should therefore be able to pm an admin and be granted aces to the adult boards provided you have your age and date of birth in your profile showing that you are over 18

Thank you! :D At the moment, I am still not validated, so I can't access the PM system or edit my own profile - but hopefully soon! :) As soon as I have access to the adult board, I'll post the adult versions of this image and the Princess Peach one (which are not particularly hardcore, they're just less clothed), as well as any future images!

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